Is vegan the diet future?
Is vegan the diet future?
In today’s world, women’s bodies are seen as the more attractive of the two genders(yes two). Why is this? I will fuckin tel you why, it’s because men don’t put in the same effort as women.
We need to take this crown from these bitches and show them that we are the gender to be gazed at in awe.
We need to make our skin look smooth, we need to lower our body fat, take care of our skin, not be afraid to show some fucking skin. Wear clothing that is flattering to your body. Make yourself comfortable being nearly naked in public as women are. Be more attractive than any woman around you and the power will cease to be theirs
maybe, if somebody starts making vegan food that is as delicious and as nutritious as the food i'm eating, i'd be up for a switch
Along with state promoted homosexuality and regular mandated hormone level assessments.
Why are men stuck wearing hot overly covering suits in the office while women get to wear tank tops? It’s because they take that right. Start wearing blouses and skirts to the office, start demanding equal treatment and the removal of special privileges from these bitches.
There is not a company in America that can deny your right as a human male to wear a skirt and blouse in an office setting if they allow women to do so.
The dystopian postcyberpunk future of the mentally unwashed masses.
Meat will become even more of a patrician choice as insect protein and onions take over the last shreds of proper nutrition that average normies in "progressive countries" have.
Fuck off.
waman are beautifuller always always
>t. Girl scared of the power being taken
Is say there’s vegan options that are there buddy (though not enough). Give some a try.
Dude you are gay stop fighting it
Lab grown meat will become the dominant source long before we start eating insects en masse.
Real meat will become a luxury/delicacy and subject to strict controls (has to be completely organic/free range, no antibiotics/growth hormone etc...) to be eaten for rare/special occasions.
>it's beause men don't put in the same effort as women
women just don't need to eat much and be hygienic like everyone else
men need to be big, strong, successful and so on
Yes. Soon eating animal products will be seen as a low class activity.
That’s what the Jews want you to think. I said make yourself more attractive, not more muscular. Having good proportions, not neglecting legs and butt, keeping bodyfat low and not bulking, not being too big, and your skin being evenly tan/smooth/shaven will all make you far more attractive than trying to deadlift 900lbs
Great that means it will be cheap
>eat 1kg meat a day
>free growth hormones and antibiotics
>swole and healthy in no time
vegans can't compete
>lab grown meat
That depends on whether the market forces will overcome the overbearing leftist propaganda machine, or the other way around, and will be at least country-specific.
>real meat will become a luxury
They are already trying to make it one, both with "organic" bullshit on one side, and veg propaganda on the other. Between these two, telling people you enjoy real steak is already seen as admitting to a guilty pleasure in some high-income neighbourhoods.
More like it will be for the high class while they feed you tree bark and insects like the undermensch you are.
Pic related is the absolute biggest a man should be to still be able to have an attractive body, anything large and you’re aiming for a niche that consists of mostly vain sluts. You want universal attractiveness.
I agreee with this we all need to be aesthetic as fuck and walk around with togas to show it all off
I 100% support this, but worth loin cloths
>Is vegan the diet future?
Vegetarian > Meat Eater > Suicide > Vegan
> (OP)
>>Is vegan the diet future?
>Vegetarian > Meat Eater > Suicide > Vegan
Almost based, but the correct answer is
Pescetarian > Vegetarian > Meat Eater > Suicide > Vegan
Good question! No!
Vegan is the future diet for all lbtards. Whether or not we can survive the crash and maintain the right to eat healthy foods while vegans are self-destructing is the question...
State enforced homosexuality
hm yeah, his face is definitely not 99.99% of the reason why he is attractive.
Veganism isn’t exclusive to liberals. Look up ecofascism bro
ecofascism isnt veganism you kike
So big, I want to bury my face in that pumpkin so deep
If you refuse to engage with veganism because you’ve been tricked into thinking consuming animal products is right wing then you’re a fucking fool.
im not a vegan because veganism=malnutrition
Are you a hick who thinks drinking half a dozen beers every night is right wing and manly?
Genuinely curious.
nice slogan, still can’t specify exactly how or what vegans are lacking tho can you?
Vitamin a b6 b12 d f k2
amino acids like creatine carnitine carnosine taurine hemeiron
also how much are you paid for each post?
one carrot and half a cucumber
Only essential one that needs supplementation Is B12. Easily solved with a once a week tablet. After that = no malnutrition.
Line up your next hick argument.
The future you claim veganism could be first of all.
vitamin d kike
There are vegan sources of vitamin D tard.
also >implying vegetarian supplement work
enjoy your poison
fuckin wrecked him
asking the important questions
I'm not supporting veganism, but you're a fucking idiot on your own by saying that. People get plenty vitamin D from the sun, even people in winter climates.
vegans dont
100 years from now people will look at us as idiotic savages because we ate meat and aborted babies
That's a big extrapolation from a case study lad. What specifically was the kid deficient in?
citation pls
Yes, and the future is extinction.
cope. what specifically comes from meat that a growing child needs?
proove they work fag you are the one relying on for your perfect vegan diet its so good you need to take pills from kikes
He had a severe meat deficiency. Very common
You're the one making the ridiculous claim. Burden of proof is on you.
What specific part of meat were they deficient in?
> psst incel, did you know most kids aren't fed meat at 18 months anyway
The meaty part
>most kids aren't fed meat at 18 months anyway
They are fed milk, which vegans don't want either
lol, look at the carnie cling to his meat because the (((media))) told him it was manly
go drink your onions
So if the mother refused to breast feed how is that a mark against veganism?
I'm just jesting you, hombre
I have no horse in this race
There is over 15 nooootrients you cant get on a vegan diet, hehe.
At least you'd have an excuse, right, fag?
based sv3rige show them
Go eat your (((manly))) meat that you've tied into your identity. Strange how it also makes your sicker (cancer, heart disease,stroke, etc...) and lethargic. Just what (((someone))) wants.
Do you knock back shitty beer and smoke a pack every day because you have been tricked into think thats (((manly))) as well?
>They are fed milk, which vegans don't want either
Vegans don't want them to be fed animal milk, of course they aren't against breastfeeding
As society de industrializes due to resource depletion, you can guarantee that the emerging social order will be made up of meat eaters and soi boi serfs.
>inb4 someone brings up some magical technology that saves us from an energy crisis
nice strawman and projecting mossad has to do a better job
when has the media ever pushed meat, all the push is onionlent
No, its being pushed by ((())) hard these past months as people are waking up to the good prospects of a high fat carni diet. Saw that the golden one recently pushed out a video saying that CrossFit got bannished from Facebook for researching a low carb and suger diet..
fart in my mouth
not a single human population has ever been vegan from birth to death, not one.
your diet is a modern experiment constructed by 7th day adventists and other religious nuts
There is currently not one piece of evidence that actually proves that a population can survive let alone thrive on a vegan diet from birth to old age, zero, only assumptions based on correlations and associations.
All the blue zones eat animal products, none of them consume supplements.
Dairy has the best most bioavailable protein for the human body, only a tiny addition of it makes a huge impact in the nutritional composition of a plant based diet for the better.
People who consume the mos t plant foods and the least animal foods have worse teeth, skin condition and less lean body mass.
This book is btfo’d by Mike Mew, man.
I mean there’s probably good info, but the central hypothesis is largely incorrect. It’s lack of jaw use during the developing years that causes degeneration. Price probably hits the nail on the head though that our modern diets cause tooth problems. But I think he’s wrong about facial development, that’s where Mew offers a better alternative hypothesis
what discord are you trannys from?
Keto has received a backlash because the zealots to push it seem to think it is something more than a decent rapid weightloss diet for fatfucks who don't understand portion control.
They now believe all carbs are evil and think anything that isn't a carb is fine, they believe fiber is bad and tubs of lard are okay. ketards are a fucking menace.
>People get plenty vitamin D from the sun
and how do you think this happens nigger? cholesterol
i think schlomo gave up
Me eating her ass for 3 hours is the future
If you can't sustain a diet indefinitely without effort, then it's not a diet designed for a normal human.
is it the future? yes, absolutely. the elites are clearly pushing everyone towards "plant-based" as part of mass degeneration.
what we are seeing right now are first steps to push people toward it via outright health lies and "moral" incentives - i'm guessing they will simultaneously cripple meat supply by spreading bullshit diseases like swine flu etc. that will """require""" us to cull millions of infected animals.
(((they))) clearly want us meatless, chronically sick and degenerated, so i guess it will happen eventually.
They want us to eat bugs too
> being held back by the past
The next 200 years will look more like 200 years ago. Your vegan diet is a product of excess and highly sophisticated farming. Enjoy it while you can. Your descendants will be scrapping for calories by eating squirrels
I am not going to start shaving my body hair like some faggot.
>is the NWO diet the future?
By definition they are at least trying to make it so. Some people will remain on a healthy diet though. Ever see a child raised vegan? Poor little guys, all fucked up for no reason when they held so much potential
> Eat dairy
> Get cancer
No thanks
would you put a tiger on a plant based non vegan diet? Technically it's doable as long as they supplement a lot, the same is true in humans, the problem though is that this simply hasn't been seen on a large scale as such it's just theory, just like vegan diets are mere experiments in humans.
Currently you can't even find consensus in vegan doctors in what diet is healthy even in the plant food spectrum, some say low fat(really low fat like 5-10% of calories coming from fat) is optimal for humans, others say a balanced macro ratio is much better and that low fat diets are unhealthy even if vegan.
There is no certainty or consensus because no one knows what actually is healthy.
Look at Dr. Fuhrman and his beef with Dr. Campbell
tbf vegetarian children grow taller than kids who eat meat
No studies on vegan kids tho
it's all part of transhumanism. animal fats such as DHA are literally essential (as in: cannot possibly be replaced) for the human body - mental health in particular - which is why there is a scientifically proven correlation between veganism and an increase in mental disorders.
on a larger scale it seems to be about more though: they are essentially starting to limit food to things that are literally inedible and inadequate for humans in order to necessitate the transhumanist cyborg shit that is about to come soon.
chronic diseases will skyrocket with more and more people suffering in their unnaturally upkept bodies (plant toxins are THE major factor in virtually all autoimmune diseases) and will gladly accept merging with machines - artificial organs and "enhancements" wouldn't be necessary if living in your natural body wasn't hell to begin with.
>breastmilk gives babies cancer
no thanks, give me the s O y milk instead
anything that is really nourishing promotes cancer cell growth, including eating carbs/fats/proteins of all kinds, proteins that are of higher quality have a bigger carcinogenic potential.
>be vegan
>teeth fall off
>hair falls off
>be looking like a auschwitz jew
>be infertile
>age faster than a normal person
Have you ever met a vegan? They are not the future of anything.
>Some people will remain on a healthy diet though
they will literally kill the animals or make them ridiculously expensive via animal-specific viruses etc.
if you think you will still have the choice in like 30 years you are beyond naive