An adult male should weigh AT LEAST 200 pounds

>An adult male should weigh AT LEAST 200 pounds
As a 6 foot tall male man, is rippletits right?

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depends. do you want to look good to girls or other men?

both pls

Thanos is one of the most based comic characters of Marvel.

Yeah he’s pretty based

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Yeah I know BMI is basically useless, but population wise the average adult male doesn't have that much muscle. Height is a variable that is probably the most useful to look at

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Unless u are dyel or bodybuilding faggot


>weighed 190 at 6'0" a few years ago and deluded myself into thinking i was just an endomorph
>realize i was flabby and eventually cut down to 168
>still have love handles

i dont wanna be a 165 pound twink bros

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I’m 6’4” and couldn’t imagine weighing less than 210 with my current lifts. I was 205 at my peak cardiovascular health when I was a runner and swimmer and calisthenics, but once I got into training I never saw below 215 again.

Try working out
>have sex
>post body

I'm 6'0, I'm up to ~192. I used to be 160. I could probably gain much more if I did squats, but I am already hourglass mode, thinner frame and have a big butt, so I avoid them. I do diddlies and the Leg extension machine, but refuse to build up my fat as any more. Inb4 post pic. Anyway, I think rippletits is correct.

i'm guessing ur fat

I hate BMI so much. I haven't been a "healthy" weight since I was running track in high school and was literally nick named "skin n' bones"

5'10" and i fluctuate between 190 and 220, wth 200 being the average

people describe me as "sturdy"

Yes, i am 6'0, 230lbs with a flat stomach and some visible abs when i flex

6'0 sub 200lbs is twink mode

KEK pls bost body

Obviously, you won't be 100% muscle. At 10% bf, for 185cm male, you can weigh 96kg. Anything more than that, at 10% or lower are steroids.

I'm 183 cm and weigh 103 or 105kg and look like a dyel, not even fat. I ave no idea where it went.

Steve Reeves said the same, but only for guys 6 foot and above.

Yeh if ur fat lol

That was right after taking blackbolt screamed right in his face too.
Fuck you I know they're imaginary, but it was still uncool moment

My man! As a 5'10 halfling, I've heard similar comments.

It's a good feeling when longshanks ask for lifts and piggybacks.

Indeed, 5'10" is truly the best height. We tower above weaker manlets and yet still squeeze in the respect of goliaths.

And if we're ever in a bind, suddenly we become 6' hee hee

Ironic considering he was shorter then 6 feet.
Just like all of the height frauds.

Arnie was barely 5'10.
Lou "The hulk" Ferigno was barely 6'2"
Dwayne "the rock" Johnson isn't even 6'.

I'm taller then all of the heroes I grew up watching in stories and stronger.

I was fat at 200lb and 6' as an eli te lifter.
the on ly way you can be over 200lb at 6' and look good is if you have elite genetics and are on steroids.
Most of rippletit's lifting idols were steroid aubsing freaks who barely even trained and just ate and shot up roids like nobody's business.

wow, what a loser you must be. 6' at 200 lbs is easy to achieve without spilling over 20 percent bf.

how strong are Thanos' forearms if he could hold onto the Gauntlet whilst being pulled by the Avengers?

you're saying that like it's an achievement kek

huh? you're literally not a man if you dont meet those requirements.

you're either a manlet or a twink (male woman) so fuck off. men are talking.

Have sex and post body pls

user. Thanos allowing the avengers to rven breathe or thimk they could put up a fight was Thanos subconsciously hoping hoping that they could stop him. that they could prove him wrong and that they deserve to live


Depends on whether taking the advice of a guy who's a fatass and who's routine is a common joke of creating fat fucks who don't even look as if they lift is your goal. If you want max aesthetics/health without roiding as a 6ft male, you'd probably be best in the 185-190 lbs range. Also the vast majority of people here tend to underestimate the shit out their bf%

Unless you're a manlet, you should weigh over 200. No man who lifts should have a "Healthy" BMI, they should be solidly overweight and have low bf%.

big oof, yikes, have sex incel

I'm one of those lanklets that started skinny and has been trying to gain.

At 6'2" I started at 140 lbs, the heaviest I've got was recently at 180. It's hard as fuck to maintain a healthy weight for me personally at that size; it's definitely not lean mass. If I cut down to a reasonable amount of bf% I hover around 170. For me, 200 lbs would be fat as fuck, OR a goal far in the future. Adding enough lean mass to make 200 lbs be healthy for me would be pretty fucking insane.

Post body while having sex

Post sex while having body

Post sex with a body.


Body sex while you post.

I'm 5'7. When I weigh over 185, and have a giant neck/more fat/ bigger legs etc/ I can't fucking breathe at night and will probably eventually die unless I get real health insurance at some point and get a cpap. When I get below 175, I feel limber, loose, flexible, way more athletically capable, etc.

Conversely, I can't leave the fucking house unless I am neckpilled enough to look like a haus. The thing that makes me feel secure looking other people in the eye/having a life is the very same thing that never allows me to feel rested and will eventually kill me. Sleep apnea is the fucking cancer. Makes me want to give it up all desu.

I only started looking muscular at 200lb, even then I think I can only start calling myself relatively big at 220lb


5'11" is superior.

t. 5'11" manlet

o plz. u r just 5'10" 's cousin who acts superior with his nose up in the air but everyone just thinks is annoying and prefers the two other cousins (5'10" and 6')

children, please

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Sure, and an adult male should have at least one million in their brokerage by age 28.

or the thanos' origin one where before he learnt his true love for Death he gets bored of having all the knowledge and power and goes around the universe fucking and impregnating the best females of whatever race he comes across

Absolutely undoubtedly correct

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Lol wut

Eurotard, the thread’s units were pounds and feet. No one here in burgerland knows Cms. Get with the program

wait were we not talking stone

yes he is, but I'll do you one better

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6'1 185lbs 11% bf
I'm still skinny

Lel Lou is definitely bigger than 6'2. I stood next to him with someone I've seen measured at 6'3 and Lou was taller

Sounds like my life