Quit alcohol

>quit alcohol
>quit smoking
>finally quit porn and fapping
>dress better
>success after success.
>started to mess around with girls

I think I'm gonna make it guys

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hanging around here, thinks he is about to make it, up eis depression

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>never started alcohol
>never smoked
>don't watch porn
>dress well
>still no gf

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Are you shy perhaps?

>Are you shy perhaps?
I'm reserved.

That's no good. You have to be cheeky with girls

congrats your a normie now

I can't change my personality. Surely not all women like this "cheeky" meme, otherwise those with my genetic disposition wouldn't exist.

>I think I'm gonna make it guys
Considering the fact that you visit this place I wouldn't bet on it.

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How would one go about being cheeky with girls while also being true to ones own feelings?

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Nope. There's two rules as far as I'm concerned.
>be extremely cheeky.
>talk only normie stuff meaning no movies, history or whatever ( you can mention you like those but you stop at that)

You're not true. You act like a horn dog. Women expect it from men. Then she has to think of ways to make you interested in her personality. That is their challenge as far as they are concerned

I stated an empirical fact.

Not really. This is my last thread. It is a farewell kind of

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Being shy is not genetic

All personality traits are genetic.

What do I care. You're the one who won't be getting laid

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See you in the women hate thread next week user.

>make false statment
>"What do I care."

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Kek. Perhaps you're right

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Is this a boy?
Of course that was unoriginal.

I'm not shy and I do not have a problem "getting laid", I'm just not interested in fornication. Note that my post says
>still no gf

Patently false claim

Dunno. I think you're more obsessed with making excuses for yourself than overcoming the issue. I used to be extremely shy and I overcame it. If you want to continue not getting laid bcs Muh genetics made you shy or reserved or whatever then fine go ahead

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>Dunno. All I'm saying is I used to be shy and I overcame it. If you think you can't laid bcs Muh genetics then fine
>Dunno. I think you're more obsessed with making excuses for yourself than overcoming the issue. I used to be extremely shy and I overcame it. If you want to continue not getting laid bcs Muh genetics made you shy or reserved or whatever then fine go ahead

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The captcha mislead me

>I think you're more obsessed with making excuses for yourself than overcoming the issue
Why is my personality an issue? I think it's perfectly fine. As I said, there must be women interested in my genes if they have existed this long.

Let me ask you a question then. You and a girl you like sit across from each other. You are reserved and sit there for an hour and she sits there bcs shes a girl and she's even shyer than you. How do you get tot the point where you have sex?

Youre bottom ofthe barrel bragging in r9k kys failed normie RGTOW

Being reserved doesn't mean I don't speak to people. Why do you put "have sex" as the ultimate goal?

It's not the ultimate goal. I was just asking you a question. Soo has your reserved personality attracted many women?

In that case I imagine it will go like this
>take interest in female
>talk to her
>if she reciprocates, discuss interests
>if personalities and interests conflict, stop talking to her
>if we get along, keep talking
>ask her out on a date
>if she refuses, stop talking to her
>if she accepts, go on a date
>if we enjoy spending time together in an official capacity, keep doing it
>if we don't, stop
>ask her to marry me at some point
>if she declines, stop talking to her
>if she accepts, marry her
>have sex

>if personalities and interests conflict, stop talking to her


Because we don't get along, obviously. She'd stop talking to me as well. This is what it means to not be interested in someone.

Also you have too many filters.
>hurr dur.
>stop talking to her

Yeah but are you searching for a gf or a friend? You can't have both

I didn't even list my redflags for females, what filters?
>>stop talking to her
Yes. What is your issue here?
The person you love is as close to you, if not closer than your best friend. How do you think people who have conflicting personalities and interests could have a relationship?

>The person you love is as close to you, if not closer than your best friend

Dude where do I even begin. Your gf is for sex, intimacy, perhaps support and you can share intimate stuff or whatever. Friends are for interests and hobbies. You don't talk with your gf about let us say video games or movies or cars or whatever. You do that with your guy friennds. Sounds to me you're searching for a 2D waifu.
Also, you have too many points at which it is a deal breaker for you. You can't find a gf by breaking contact with her bcs of the smallest issue you have with her. You're searching for a non existent person basically

>Your gf is for sex
Sex is a single aspect of love.
>Also, you have too many points at which it is a deal breaker for you. You can't find a gf by breaking contact with her bcs of the smallest issue you have with her
I only break contact when there are fundamental differences though. It's not like I'd cut contact because she likes miracle whip and I like mayonnaise or something.

Our personalities conflicting would be something like her being an extroverted and "cheeky" party girl and me being an introverted and reserved person. An interest conflict would be something like me liking to go hiking or train martial arts and her liking to go to bars or watch television.

>Sex is a single aspect of love.
I mentioned other things as well. Don't know why you only saw that one.

Add at least 30 minutes of exercise to the mix and you'll be golden. Keep up the good work and don't stop even when you find a gf.

Ok. How do you practice "intimacy" with someone you share nothing with?

Yeah I do excersise. Thanks for the support

Why do you think you'll have problems being intimate with someone you have nothing in common with? Let us say she studies psychology and let us say you know nothing about it. If she tells you her professor is an ass, would you have difficulty relating? Even though you know shit about the subject?

Why are you answering a question with a question?
>complaining about a professor is "intimacy"
The fact that she is attending university in the first place would be a deal breaker for me.

>everything is a deal breaker for me

user when you find a gf, please show her to me. It surely would eb a sight to behold. Right there with Bigfoot and Aliens

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I been messing with girls but the porn is hard to quit because once I feel even a little bit alone I fucking fap.

It's got to the point where I'm taking viagra now.

>>everything is a deal breaker for me
I never said that. You're a very combative person and clearly uninterested in honest discourse. I will leave your thread since I'm clearly unwanted.

>I never said that. You're a very combative person and clearly uninterested in honest discourse. I will leave your thread since I'm clearly unwanted.


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>I can't change my personality.
personalities are very malleable in fact some experiments have shown if someone changes their belief system then simple embraces it after a couple of months it become hard to revert back, excluding mental illness you can pretty much pick your interests and personality as long as you're willing to exposure yourself to it for prolonged periods of time

>The fact that she is attending university in the first place would be a deal breaker for me.
for what possible reason? also are you unemployed?