Do an MRI

>Do an MRI
>this comes up
>the doc says I'm fine and it's nothing to worry about
Should I trust him?

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He was fucking your brain during the x-ray. Looks like he even got his balls in there. Find another doctor asap.

>this comes up
What comes up? I can't read MRI scans, can you? Can anyone here?
I would just trust the doctor on this one, bro.

LOL those are your eyes and nasal cavity dude, nothing to worry about

Talking about this, dude.

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Looks like a fluid build up...possibly some past trauma due to the shape. Hit your head at any point?

>Looks like a fluid build up...possibly some past trauma due to the shape. Hit your head at any point?
No. But I had come close to fainting due to some strange cardiac troubles I've had lately that I got under control now. I had experienced chest pain and dizziness a day before I did the MRI.

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tumorThe bright side is it doesn't look like a tumor, it could just be an abornmiality or past trauma. The important question is here have you been have any eye pains or headaches? And it also never hurts to get a second opinion. Your health and peace of mind come first of course. But unless you're experiencing any noticble explainable symtoms I'd say its fine.

I'm pretty sure it can't be the gadolinium because this is also visible without it.

FUCK. What did I do to my brain?

Sorry dude ignore my previous post. just saw your response. total fucking lurker and normie on these boards most of the time. Anyway simple question how's your overall health, do you know if you have blood salt levels issues, blood pressure, you overweight?

No eye problems but very strong, persistent headaches for a month I had during August. But when I did this MRI I had no pain.

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Very high blood pressure. The doc told me it was the blood vessel but this just doesn't look right. No blood vessel is this big. It doesn't look like brain damage but as you said, some fluid buildup or something so maybe it has to do with that. He told me that, since the MRI results of the radiologist came fine, I shouldn't worry, and when I showed him the image he just dismissed it as a blood vessel.

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Well that's good at least. My end opionion is again if you want a second opinion go for it. And if those headaches come back get that checked. But as far as the MRI abnormality, I think thats all it is abnormaility. It makes perfect sense you be concerned about it though.

It could be the fluid is just a build up around the blood vessel. Since your brain has a layer of fluid to protect your brain. Plus the fluid may in some way refract the scan so it makes it look a lot worse than it is.

Thanks a lot, man. I'll see another neurologist.

Oh, thank God.

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Np at all dude, best wishes :)

I can read MRIs.

Those are your venous sinuses, it's just the normal spaces where the blood is drained out of your brain. You did it with intravenous contrast, it's why it's white. Doesn't seem to have thrombosis, brain parenchyma seems alright, no tumours or weird stuff going on there.

Out of curiosity, why did you get this MRI?

>I can read MRIs.
>Those are your venous sinuses, it's just the normal spaces where the blood is drained out of your brain. You did it with intravenous contrast, it's why it's white. Doesn't seem to have thrombosis, brain parenchyma seems alright, no tumours or weird stuff going on there.
Oh, thank God! Thank the Lord!

>Out of curiosity, why did you get this MRI?
Extremely strong, persistent headaches after I've abused psychiatric drugs. I also fainted and had tingling and numbness in the head.

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>have a constant headache for 17 months
>do an MRI
>the doc says I'm fine and it's nothing to worry about
>headache persists
Should I trust him?

Everyone is a neurologist now huh.

Holy shit I hate the internet.

Radiologist have no future.

AIs can read these scans way better and have a real databank they can use to make a way more better judgement.