Spinach steroids

If you eat a can of spinach (or 500g fresh or forzen) every day you will get 0.4g of the steroid Ecdysterone.

In one study weightlifters who consumed only 0.048g of Ecdysterone were found to put on 2kg extra in a 12 week period than weightlifters not taking it.


A can of spinach contains 10 times the amount of ecdysteroids as the spinach supplements used in the study. Therefore according to my advanced calculations you should put on 20kg more muscle over the 12 week period.

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>A can

Lol enjoy your bpa gyno

Seriously, why do Americans buy canned/frozen vegetables?

I said a can of spinach so its easier to visualise. And some people are poor.

Frozen spinach is very cheap too. Canned is £1/kg and frozen is £1.6/kg. And frozen doesn't have the super high salt. So get frozen.

Some people only eat fresh and that is good too but costs more and takes up lots of fridge space.

I also think BPA risk is overblown. People measure BPA by how much is urinated out. But the urine is exactly where you want the BPA to be. When measured in e.g. blood it was not found or was in such trace amounts to be effectively zero.

Some things are superior canned .Like beans and pulses usually.

Canned is also very cheap. Frozen is pretty cheap too. It stores for much longer. It actually can have more vitamins than fresh too.

>500g fresh or forzen
500g fresh is not the same as 500g frozen. frozen spinach is cooked. 500g fresh spinach is about 50g of cooked. are you talking about cooked spinach?

Where do you think it was before it landed in urine you brainlet

they are common in EU as well. Convenient and nutritious.

Also where I live we are only allowed a tiny 30cm x 30cm x 30cm compost bin for food waste every week. Which is fucking ridiculous for a household. Frozen food minimises food waste.

I like to buy frozen base mix (carrots onions celery already diced). Pour it into a pot and it cooks in minutes. Zero waste, chopping, eye watering from cutting onions. And like £1.6/kg. Tastes as good as fresh

Frozen is incredibly based. It's cheaper and usually preserves nutrients far better since everything is frozen at peak ripeness. And since it's frozen it's fine for months.

Imagine being a cucked europoor and going to the store almost every day

Your body doesnt absorb or store the BPA anywhere. It just flushes it out. Its like how if you consume inorganic zinc you can get a zinc deficiency. You pee it all out.

The advice is still to avoid BPA wherever you can. But the risks are overblown. The salt content of canned food is a bigger health risk to most people.

All the comments are about canned food. I really wanted to hear anecdotes about new gains from spinach that people experienced.

The problem would be high amounts of oxalate leading to potential kidney stones

>Pee comes from your blood!

Jow Forums is really out here giving medical advice

I will try this
Thank you op

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Why not just eat a bunch of bugs, Ecdysterones are used when insects and crabs moult

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There are supplemets too that are perfectly legal, which makes me think they are bogus. If it works, they'll outlaw it.

Pee does come from your blood, spastic

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2kg extra as in what? More than they were expecting to gain? how do you know that they wouldn't have gained that weight anyway?

Xeno-estrogens like BPA are directly affecting puberty in both girls and boys by being an estrogen receptor modulator

the average weight gained of the test group was 2kg higher than the average weight gained by a control group I presume.

500g of spinach is a FUCKLOAD, 400g bags are fucking huge.

> ecdysteroids exert numerous effects in vertebrates that are similar to those of vertebrate hormonal steroids, and they may serve as effective anabolic, hepatoprotective, immunoprotective, antioxidant and hypoglycemic agents

> One of the most cited aspects of phytoecdysteroid application (on the Internet) is the increase of muscle size. However in this field too stringent research is needed as an adequate cytological explanation is not yet available for the anabolic. This paper reports on the most important structural differences between androgenic hormones, their synthetic analogs and ecdysteroids.


They gained 2kg of muscle mass more than weightlifters following the same routine. Click the ergolog link.

Thats why I recommended frozen. 1kg frozen is not much space.

This would work if I make spinach soup everyday, right?

Wouldn't this rape your liver like taking oral steroids?

I wrote a risk analysis on BPA and other bisphenol analogues as a term project for a biochem class. I've read probably 2 dozen peer reviewed papers on the subject, and the risk is way overblown. Bisphenols are not very bioavailable, and their binding strength at receptor cites is around a thousand times weaker than estradiol. The amounts you would have to consume to have a noticeable effect on an adult are ridiculous. The real risk, which needs to be studied more thoroughly, is in utero and neonatal exposure. Unless you're a pregnant or nursing woman, or a Chinese factory worker in a BPA plant, you probably don't need to worry about BPA.

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Its supposed to be good for liver.

source: Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 15, 75-91 75
0929-8673/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Phytoecdysteroids and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids – Structure and Effects on

And how often do you hear of someone getting liver problems from eating too much spinach!

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part 2

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Based and popeye pilled

>buys frozen instead of fresh local produce
>calls anyone else poor

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did you say CANS?
man did you know bpa is in them cans?
fucking europoor canlet

>(or 500g fresh or forzen
say goodbye to your kidneys
yeah they do damage pretty slowly but eating high protein is gonna speed up the process since demaged kidneys can't handle high protein

Holy shit you actually know what you're talking about, I'm a pharm student and one of my profs did tons of research on BPA. I agree its overblown but there is biological activity

I eat spinach because I like it, not because it might contain some phytochemical Jow Forumstards think will make you roided.

I'm european and I buy frozen vegetables regularly because they're convenient and they don't lose any nutritious value through rapid freezing.

Do you account for shitty transport conditions?
Often high temps and sunlight means a lot more BPA and plasticizers leach into food than calculated by food authorities as acceptable.

>only allowed 1 square foot for compost
What fucking communist hellhole do you live in? What happens if your leaves start rotting in the ground, or you throw some spoiled fruit in the yard for birds?

Temperatures of around 45 C or higher are needed to rapidly degrade the epoxy. Some foods are briefly raised above that during pasteurization, and highly acidic foods also have higher than average BPA levels. If you’re really worried about it, the worst offenders are canned tomato products and evaporated/condensed milk.

That being said, the levels in most food products are measured in micrograms. The dose needed for adverse effects in an adult is measured in milligrams per kilogram.


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>"Ja' think I'm a meme?"
>"I'm strong to the finish, 'cause I eats me Spinach, I'm Popeye the sailor man! (toot, toot)"

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I already eat some spinach but I go through maybe a 200g bag a week, I just use it to make iceberg lettuce salads more nutritious. Maybe I should eat more.

>what is a kidney

lmao dropped from the get go

>I have no idea how kidneys function