DNP user here

DNP user here.
Ingested this poison for a month.
>unironically best decision in my life

From obese bloatlord to normie-level fat in a mere month.
>Resting heart rate from 67 to 55 and still dropping
>Regain ability to run and do physical activities
>My veins are popping out in arms, hands and feet, I can't stop staring at them

The worst part? I had to cut holes in my belt to wear my pants, i look ridiculous but no $$$ for new clothes. Oh and also developed temporary PN forcing me to quit DNP. Still no regrets though.

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Alright have fun coming off of it and having 1/4th of the TDEE you had on it and rebounding because you have the discipline of a 10 year old

OP didn't learn anything and is bound regain all weight he lost which will make him likely to continue the cycle of ingesting poison in the future.

>brags about his lack of discipline online

What makes you think I have the discipline of a 10 year old?

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Not the same dude but because you had to take that drug in the first place

before/after pics NOW

The fact that you had to resort to a citric acid chain electron uncoupler drug to artificially force your body to not absord energy from food

You could have just shut your fucking gluttonous mouth and not ate, and your body would adapt naturally, but you're weak, you're mentally pathetic, you are a slave to your cravings so you had to cheat

Why are people so stupid?
You don't even understand "the fox and the grapes"

>someone who willingly ingests poison to take a shortcut in life is too fucking stupid understand a metaphor for 8 year olds
what really?

Only an assuming simpleton would think that i'm bound to regain weight based on the sole premise that i'm using DNP.

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You havent actually learned how to restrict calories though.
If i went on DNP right now with my lifting schedule and cardio i could eat 7000 calories a day and lose weight. How the fuck would i be able to go cold turkey on that and eat 1500 a day if i was an obese fuck like yourself?

>I had to cut holes in my belt to wear my pants

Kek. Same thing OP. Did DNP 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on and lost 34lbs. Truly the GOAT drug.

Mostly enjoying the facial gains. Now it's time to bulk up and do it all over again next spring.

Man if i wanted to fuck up my body i would take tren or at least test not this useless shit

Just fast if u want to lose weight fast, retard

>tfw just dont get fat in the first place

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what's the reason you had to ingest DNP in the first place? Because you were fat.
You haven't learned to eat and have the lifestyle that promotes the physique you want.
That's why you're going to gain back all the weight you've lost.
You haven't changed your mindset, diet or lifestyle.
All you did was ingesting drugs.

>citric acid chain

My biochem lecturer would burst a vein

OP here.
Listen simpletons and fellow plebbitors. I'm going to give you a story that will blow away the narrative you are currently desperate to cling to.

I was already losing weight. I just took a shortcut at the potential risk of ruining my health. It was a calculated decision, one I can make as a grown ass man. I will be continuing the weight loss, albeit at a MUCH slower pace now without the compounding effects of DNP.

If you read my thread and automatically assumed i'm running shit diets or was bound to regain weight then this poison is not for you. Stay away from it and do not venture further. Dragons be ahead.

For the gentlemen: I will save you the specifics of my diet. It is fairly classic one on a caloric deficit of -500 based on BMR and activities I calculate based on my fitbit and the food I ingest. Simple thermodynamics and good macro ratios ideal for fatties looking into a body recomp and noob muscle gains.

I direct translated from my language to english i dont give a fuck what burgers call it, cycle or whatever

didnt read because of all your big reddit words

if youre so smart why were you fat? checkmate retard

you're salty, cringe, rent free, dabbed on, bluepilled, i win, stay mad

Non Anglos get out

how fucking cringe can you get dude..
you don't know shit about thermodynamics, nor drugs, nor diet, nor training

You wanted to brag on the internet about losing weight by using drugs and got super defensive because people didn't praise you for it.


Don't overcomplicate things for them. They get scared.

Here is a pic of me right now btw. Sub 73kg.

Attached: IMG_20190530_170301.jpg (2448x3264, 1.4M)

>from obese bloeatlord to normie-level fat in a merem onth
>what makes you think i have the discipline of a 10 year old
ye makes you think

nice nipples.
How much weight did you drop from the DNP?

Where to buy? Don't be a "no source talk" pussy.

>From obese bloatlord to normie-level fat in a mere month.


fitbit heart rate sensors are absolute garbage btw

I lost 14kg in a month. About 25kg since january.

I had to calibrate diet, learn how to count calories and other fundamental things before I jumped on the DNP.

There is no point in taking health risks using DNP if i'd just bounce back due to shitty habits. I needed assurance that I was "doing it right".

With this shit, you are going to step into the dark side against warning of the entire flock and try to step out of it alive as a better man.It is why I strongly condemn usage of DNP. It's not meant for frail, assuming normies. You need to be fucked in the head anyway to consider it.

How expensive? Where did you cop it? How did you feel? Did you consider othet methods like ECA stack?

ok cool story bro now where can I buy some?

heart is literally dying and cant beat as fast
>woah its working im so healthy now

>There is no point in taking health risks using DNP if i'd just bounce back due to shitty habits. I needed assurance that I was "doing it right".

This guy is retarded.

I had this bought 3 years ago. But couldn't use it since I didn't finish my research on it yet and hadn't developed a resilient mentality and proper nutrient habits yet.

The source got arrested though. He was a great man that helped me out understand what I was getting into. Too bad he got arrested due to some retard that died because of disrespecting the compound and partying with it.

Before taking DNP you can literally use anything else more safely.

I considered ECA. But its like comparing a nerf toy with a intercontinental ballistic missile.

DNP gets real results. ECA is for 10% better results. I considered ephedrine due to ravenous carb cravings with DNP. But eventually i just shifted diet to more carb ratio to reduce craving.

OP here.
I strongly advise you to look into other alternatives. Don't ruin your health bro.

What's the purpose of this thread?

Are u saying a Nerf toy can do 10% damage of an ICBM?
Must be using the bow. That thing was rad

I lost a lot of weight in my feet and arms. But my feet look ridiculous now.

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Does anyone know how badly it tanks your TDEE after you get off? And for how long?

I wanted to present myself as N=1 that didn't fucking die on the stuff and had results with it unfathomable by any other means other than straightout starvation.

Your TDEE will tank during prolonged DNP use as well. The last week I actually felt better using DNP than without.

Your body normalizes after a week and a half. There is no rebound effect.

So you are larping/don't know then.

You're so fucking stupid.
You should really feel terrible about the person you are.

On the contrary. But I'm not going to have your death on my conscience. As I said repeatedly, it's not for normies and angsty teenagers.

So the body is able to adapt and negate the effects a little after some period? By lowering thyroxine production perhaps

It's an interesting drug but I'd rather just diet kek

Larp harder faggot

Too late, you've already convinced me. I'll just ask the bros on SST. Thanks.

Dieting is much easier and less stressful.

DNP makes you feel like shit. I had a shitton of supplements to mitigate some of the oxidative damage of using the stuff. The red/yellow pill is DNP.

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This was beginning this year

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And then we neared the 80kg mark.

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OP good for you. These faggots are he same dudes that don’t approve of steriods because >muh honor

Thanks brother. All my life I plotted my own course. I don't intend to stop now.

To the other fatbro's here: you wouldnt believe what losing some fat does to your face. I thought a second chin was a genetic thing. Turns out I was wrong.