
Has anyone here taken the steps to battling their depression? Do you have any stories? Preferably positive about being put on antidepressants and/or CBT?

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>>I'm planning on killing myself s>>oon50986329

Have been on cipralex and aripiprazole for almost two years, started therapy a year ago
It definitely helped me, I continued college (had taken a year off) and made two good friends during that time yet I still feel sad pretty often and have breakdowns from time to time

>>>I'm planning on killing myself s>>oon50986329
Are you drunk, user?

Go to a psychiatrist you retard, it's literally that easy, took anti depressants for year and a half and haven't cracked since, nothing brings me down.

Probably trying to avoid the word filter. Pretty fucked up that wanting to kill yourself isn't very original

Been depressed for the last 5 years with no treatment. therapy and meds are a meme, you can learn to handle the suicidal thoughts and moods.

Attached: I_have_given_up.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Not everyone gets better like that. Some people really need the meds to do ANYTHING in the first place.

Please tell me how you felt when first starting anti-depressants.And how long did it take to affect you?

i was put on escitalopram for a month, but i stopped using it.
no idea why that happened but one day i woke up extremely angry and i said, fuck it, i'm going to stop taking this shit.
i replaced the escitalopram with 2 caps of 100% multivitamin a day and increased my vitamin d dose for 5000 ui. now i'm taking 10000 ui a day and the multivitamins.

And are you feeling relatively better than before?

I'm trying to take the steps but they require money so I have 3 months of sitting on my ass saving up neetbux while being depressed ahead of me.

Doctors in the ward had a pretty hard time finding the pills that worked for me. Most of them either didn't work, made me a zombie or gave me panic attacks
The ones I ended up taking for the next 2 years weren't affecting my mood at all at first, instead they were making me able to get out of bed and actually do things
It took me about a year of taking them before I started feeling fine

>It took me about a year of taking them before I started feeling fine
Fuck, that's a long wait.

Attached: 1545377309724.png (1360x768, 824K)

It might take you less depending on your condition
Are you able to at least get out of the house to buy food? It posed a difficulty to me before starting the pills

didn't noticed any changes besides an increase in libido

the only way i know how to beat depression is drink coffee and smoke weed tbqh

That's not healthily beating it

CBT? as in cock and ball torture?
Cleary the only true cure for depression is to be assigned a mistress to completely dedicate yourself to, you can derive purpose from being completely submissive and devoted to her.

I have type 1 bipolar. The highs are disturbing and violent and the lows put me in a vegetative pit of hell.

I was initially put on SSRIs and SNRIs, which for me were a nightmare since they made the manic episodes worse. The first three days I vomited constantly, and had to stop by the end of the week for each one.

After that they tried me on Prazosin, a beta blocker, which is also used for PTSD and as an aid for nightmares and anxiety. It helped enormously, but the depression persisted.

Much later, I was put on wellbutrin. This shit
let me tell you
Wellbutrin is godly. Helps with smoking cessation, weight loss, and gives you more physical energy.

Wellbutrin and lithium got me stable. It took a couple months of tweaking the doses and letting my body adjust to get it right, but thanks to that my life changed dramatically for the better. Last year I went off the Wellbutrin entirely, after making major lifestyle changes. Still take a few meds, but not needing any meds for depression is huge progress.

tl;dr Wellbutrin is a godsend, SSRIs should be used with caution, you don't need meds forever either.

Okay, now how do I get a mistress?

Paxil 20mg for 3 months 40 mg for 3 months.
6 months total.

I feel nothing. I want to die. But I feel nothing.

Tried anti-depressants (ALL OF THEM), tried CBT, tried drinking it away...
Failed on all 3 fronts miserably.
I think the only thing to do is to deal with it, or change the things in your life that make you depressed... but with the lack of motivation that latter part is really fucking difficult.

few months ago started having panic attacks over things that i normally wouldn't, had terrible suicidal thoughts to the point where i even made a plan to do it.

went to my doctor and got put on paxil which was shit, got switched to cymbalta which is much better. i don't feel any anxiety anymore, but the depression and wanting to die is still there. only difference is now i don't care about what happens to me


Try it.

>Tried anti-depressants (ALL OF THEM), tried CBT, tried drinking it away...
>Failed on all 3 fronts miserably.
I highly doubt that.