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nope poor stay poor, rich get richer :)

You have to give more details on your circumstances in order to give advice. Some people it is their own fault they are poor and it can be fixed. Some people are just cucked.

1) where are you from?
2) if you're from USA just stay poor

NEETs stay classy

One advantage poor, unskilled workers have is the ability to move wherever. There are McDonalds and Wal-Marts everywhere. Tons of areas where you can get a shitty retail job. If I were you, I'd look for an area where the cost of living is so low where you can live decently off of $10+/hr, 40hr/wk. It gets better if you're able to find a roommate or a gf. The biggest hurdles are 1. Being able to save enough to move and 2. Moving to an area you're unfamiliar with, away from your safety net (like family, if they care about you lol).

This may sound stupid but cut back expenses and save money, get a better job, or work more hours. Once you have more money, start to invest it. Talk to someone who knows money, like a financial advisor. You will make slow profits, but eventually they will grow.
Good luck user

>Once you have more money, start to invest it. Talk to someone who knows money, like a financial advisor. You will make slow profits, but eventually they will grow.
How much money we talking here? Usually when I think of investing I think of people having like at least $10k they're able to play with. That's on top of having a safety net. $10k is a lot for a wagecuck and doesn't seem like it would be much for a financial advisor.

Gamble (invest) everything you have on the stock market.
Specifically put it all in SN. .30 cents. It will raise to 2 dollars. Invest everything you can. Take a loan if you can.
Pay back the loan after you sell SN. Then invest in APL and make passive income forever. Easy.

I barely know my shit, but some financial advisers will let you talk to them for free. the more you invest, the more money you make of course, and the more risk, the more you make.
I don't really know, but it might help supplement your income eventually.
You could also try government assistance if you aren't white

Get a trade qualification in something that pays, move to a state/country that pays good money to trades.
Either that or buy and sell drugs online

join the military save your money and start investing in property, use the VA loan to buy a multifamily property and live in one of the apartments, then get tenants and let them pay for your mortgage while you basically live for free

All of these overcomplicated unrealistic responses
I just started 3 months ago as a dishwasher at a fancy restaurant. Told them I was overqualified and wanted to learn more, trained as a buzzer within my first month.
But I just kept bothering them saying I want to learn more, I start training as a line cook on Sunday.
But in the mean time I found the general manager and asked him two extremely important questions.
"How many steps does it take to get to your position? And what can I do to tale the next one?"

He asked what I wanted to do. I said I want to be a manager, he said we just need to find time to sit down and discuss it
3 months from dishwasher to potential manager.

I'm not bragging in trying to show you that if you busy your ass, commit yourself to your job, and never stop asking for more, then you can be successful very very easily.
The managers at my job make 45K a year bro.
Its not rich but yo it isnt poor.
Shit aint hard.

Inb4 fucking phone poster

idk man what user here is proposing seems a lot more simple

How do you go from restaurant manager to Fortune 500 CEO though? Same process?

i know that life. I just want my own house and car. even college isnt reliable

This, that other bloke is a dumb cunt

>poor, unskilled workers have is the ability to move wherever.

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Not everyone is cut out for the military or willing to change their entire life for a little money.
Smart people know that our military is worse than the Nazis and is a plague on the world. I instantly lose all respect for a person when they tell me they are one of the bad guys and they are all proud and "patriotic" fighting for "muh freedoms"
Fucking retards I hope they all die.

Yeah pretty much
Once you are a manager you will probably have a chance to talk to the district manager at some point. All you have to do is ask them questions about themselves and how they got where they are, everyone likes talking about their accomplishments and give advice. It will make him see himself in you and feel obligated to help you make it

Bircoin in 2012

My dad always told me i should set aside 10 percent of my monthly income for investments. I'm still bad at money, so I've been doing five percent.

You don't have to be rich to grow your investment by making smart decisions.

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not everyone has such low standards that they would want to slave away in some meaningless service industry job, OP asked for the easiest way to obtain wealth and i gave it to him what you told OP is to kiss ass and be happy to work as a low class employee brown nose, you will you be paying out the ass for rent, utilities, and other expenses thus basically leaving nothing for your savings, after 4 short years in the military you can leave with enough money to start investing, plus if you're not retarded you can get good marketable skills and easily find employment plus you can gain additional skills by using the GI bill, but in the scenario i described user wont need to work a day in his life by becoming a land lord

>entire life for a little money
Enjoy that 45k a year you clown

Muh capitalism
Muh big house
Muh net worth
Muh muh muh

In the end nothing matters. Matter just disintegrates...

so if nothing matters why the fuck would you waste your life in a shitty job making miserable pay when you can easily become a mercenary make the money you need to start investing in a short period of time and live comfortably off property investments? i mean nothing matters right?

Just stop being poor.

But seriously I don't know user. I wish you best though.

Nothing matters, but i can ride it out. Does that idea hurt your little brain?

I'm stuck being on disability making $14,000 annually, barely enough to survive on but looking for a part time job that allows me to make an additional $6,000 a year before they deduct my disability income, honestly I'd rather work once or twice a week then have to be a wagecuck again like the rest of you fags

i understand that low IQ individuals such as yourself can live very content lives doing worthless menial work, enjoy living off bread crumbs but hey maybe you'll die sooner rather than later but who really cares right? im mean it doesn't really matter

Fair points
I guess it just comes down to whether you are morally bankrupt enough to join the military and serve the force of evil.

But I didnt say anything about kissing ass.
Working as hard as you can =/= asskissing

I happen to be very passionate about cooking and being in a kitchen and protecting the guests by serving them clean food

Regardless I'm only doing it in the meantime while I work on my music.

>dubs and trips

Alright it might sound like I'm shitting you, but I'm serious
>Step one, lower your living standards. I don't care if that means two 1 dollar meals a day
>Step 2, save everything you have extra after step 1. Minimum I'd go with 20% of your income but the more the better.
>Step 3, invest half of what you save, even if it's not that much, and keep the rest in the bank. There are online brokers for poorfags like you
>Step 4, Make a choice between climbing the corporate ladder or getting a better job.
>Step 5, if you chose to stay where you are, start putting your all into your work and try spending free time buttering up your boss, you're trying to get promoted.
>Also step 5, if you chose to get a better job, keep working where you are, but make a resume and start looking at other places. Try not to be too open about it so you don't get fired. Even if you get rejected a thousand times, you already have a job so it's not that bad.

Also I forgot to say it but if you want a better job elsewhere, you should make a LinkedIn(businesspeople normiebook) and add everyone you possibly can. Most good jobs come from connections.

It's true: you can find unskilled jobs everywhere, while high profile jobs are usually bound to medium-big companies.
For example
>gf graduated in fashon and luxury management
>live in the core region of Italy for shoes firms
>still had to move to Milan to find a decent job in the fashon industry.

>iq is life
Oh yes it is.....

T. 150 iq neet

I dunno where you live, but here it's more like "set aside 50% of what you earn", it's just common sense i guess.
10% sounds like a joke honestly.

i didn't say that IQ is life, as i said low IQ people lead very content lives, but its a fact that high IQ individuals could never stand the monotony of working service industry job as a career, i could understand construction or creating things but serving people and washing dishes isn't what high IQ people do

You haven't actually done it yet, retard.

Also, if food is an issue, don't believe the lie that manufactured crap is the only cheap stuff. I don't know about the cost of living where you are but where I'm at there's a Hispanic food market that sells 2 pound bags of rice for a dollar.

Go to college and study a field with good prospects. US Gov gives poor people 8 grand a year to go to school. More than enough for community college tuition. States also have grants and so do universities

Low iq people don't live content lives. Low iq people are barbaric.

Low iq people don't think before they act
High iq people think before they act, high iq people are schizophrenic, look at terry a davis.
I don't think at all sometimes. No mind, i feel content with meaninglessness.

Don't brush this off and call me a brainlet, egoist.

100 IQ and work as a senior software developer.
IQ can never truly measure intelligence, soft skills are just as critical if not more important than your technical

Yeah but if everyone chose the NEET life nothing would get done. Tendies don't cook themselves, y'know.

I earn $600 a month and rent/utilities is $500.

don't get me wrong, i don't have such high regard for society myself, even though i succeed in academics and have the skills required to work in a high income position i decided to live off of my property investments, i want to live a life with as little effort as possible, im giving OP my advice because this is the easiest and fastest way to live a guaranteed and cumfy NEET lifestyle, just buy a duplex/ multi apartment property in a cheap but not too shitty neighborhood and have your tenants pay for your mortgage, when the mortgage is payed off the second apartments turns into 100% profit plus you wont need to pay for rent

How did the disability app go for you? Are you in the U.S.?
I used to think I was okay. But my mind is getting worse all the time.

>because this is the easiest and fastest way to live a guaranteed and cumfy NEET lifestyle,

Death is certain. So if you want to live in an untrue society, comfortably - live comfortably; but that comfort is not leading you anywhere except death. Whatsoever you call a comfortable and convenient life, I call only a comfortable way to die. It is a slow suicide. But the choice is yours. I am not forcing any goal, any structure on you. I am simply stating bare facts: that if you want to be comfortably, conveniently dying, compromise with the lies that surround you. But you will never feel, deep down, comfortable. An unease will remain inside your heart.

i understand where you're coming from, sure my goal is to live a quite and comfortable life but this gives me the opportunity do things i really enjoy like week long camping trips and waking up whenever i please and generally being free to do what ever i like, i know the feeling you talking about its a feeling of longing to do more like to explore or to find something truly new and underscored but in the society we are born into its not possible or its really hard to truly live free from society, my only rebellion to the system is choosing to abstain from the rat race

>my goal is to live a quite and comfortable life

There is nothing outside life that you have to achieve. All achievement is the projection of the ego. The very idea of achievement is ambition. What you achieve does not matter -- money, power, knowledge; these are not in any way going to give you life. In fact, in achieving power, in achieving money, in achieving prestige, in achieving any other ambition, you are losing your life, you are sacrificing your life.