Taller than me ( 182cm)

> Taller than me ( 182cm)
> Slightly chubby
> Asian or White
> Will run a comfy cafe with me after marriage

Is this too much to ask for in a guy?

Attached: jy6r4.webm (610x720, 196K)

anythings to much to ask for us.

if youre 182 cm dont expect any guy ever being into you

are you a homosexual or a girl (male)

>Is this too much to ask for in a guy?
>taller than 182cm
you are definitely a tranny being that height so yes

1 genetic
2 retarded
3 genetic
4 retarded

That's a life I crave.Maybe having kids help set the tables if they aren't at school.

If you have to ask here, yes.

>Taller than me (1.75)
>Small chest and healthy weight
>Will run a restaurant in Japan whit me when we grow old
>Non insane
Is this too much to ask from a female?

idk im 194 and I'd date a 182 chick

is this brooke?
nice trips too

Gtfo Brooke, remember that you ignored me

Ewwww gross

Attached: 4c120ae994e37487d65bbab39cacb048.jpg (595x893, 40K)

I'm 195cm, white, a tiny bit fat, and worked as a waiter before. Deal?

I can give you all of that. I wish I could find a gf in real life that would bake with me and run a cafe.

> Taller than me ( 182cm)
> Slightly chubby
> Asian or White
> Will run a comfy cafe with me after marriage
would definitely

Sorry I'm not taller or chubbier but is this acceptable?

Attached: theseus_131.jpg (236x352, 18K)

> Taller than me ( 182cm)
For everyone else's reference, this is 6 feet tall.
Yes, that's quite a tall order to ask unless you live some place where giants are common, like Denmark.
> Slightly chubby

>>>>>>>you will never help run a comfy cafe with your loving "wife"

>Female Ogre height
>Slightly chubby
I can already tell youre at least 200 lbs

Im 6ft 3 mein nigger and I constantly see people taller than me

tfw 182cm and male
I've only dated short girls 5'4/5'6 but I'd like one around the same height. I think it would feel much more intimate and cuddling would be even better. I'm probably not tall enough for a femboy bf either

Attached: 1550216491581.jpg (447x686, 62K)

Selection bias, or your not as tall as u think you are. >1% of the population is taller than 6'3

>> Taller than me ( 182cm)
There goes 77.6% of the male population. Down to 1/4.
>> Slightly chubby
There goes more, although probably fairly common
>>asian or white
More still.
>> Will run a comfy cafe with me after marriage
Is it already established? You want both partners in a marriage to run a small business that's basically doomed to fail from the start (failing restaurants are extremely common). So you're going to wager a large asset for a loan, to make "i cant believe it's not unemployment" wages and then fail. Do you have any idea what that level of stress will do to your marriage?
>Is this too much to ask for in a guy?

Judging by the above, you're going to be the single wine aunt.

Attached: ok.jpg (431x450, 40K)

>182 cm
You're a trap aren't you

Unless you life in western europe or scandinavia, yes.

>Taller than me (1.75)
>Small chest and healthy weight
>Will run a restaurant in Japan whit me when we grow old
>Non insane

>Non insane
Heh, almost.

I'm taller than you but I'd pass just on principle. Girls who are tall but still autistic about height are literally without redeeming qualities.

I'm equal to your height and not chubby at all, but I'd happily run a cafe with you after marriage? Hows about it femanon?

Attached: angry lain.png (469x480, 117K)

> Be
> Give me attention when i need it
> not be totally fat
> can be insane and fucked up
yes, it's too much to ask for