How do you cope with your thinning hairline?

How do you cope with your thinning hairline?

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Other urls found in this thread:

minoxidil, finasteride, dermarolling and nizoral

By having mature emotions.

I know that Ill shave my head when it gets bad. Dudes who fight the inevitable just prove how insecure they are.

None of that shit will prevent time from eventually balding you.

but it will extend it to a reasonable age. I started balding at 17 and have been able to regrow and retain my hair for the last 5 years.

>How do you cope with your thinning hairline?

idgaf t b h

I dont care about my hair I'm not a girl

Where'd you get it, and how big of an expense is it?

I had to ship it in because I live in europe but in the US you can get it in your local drug store I guess. A year's supply of minox and fin cost me ~120 EUR (I had to pay ridiculous shipping fees too so I can't remember the exact price). Dermaroller was 20 bucks.

Please do you research beforehand though.
Check out r/tressless. It's reddit but it's a great resource

I try not to think about it. It is out of my control

complete and utter shit

i fuck older women

By just maturing through it. Can't lie it fucking hurt when I realised I was starting to go bald (wasn't even 20) Fought it maybe till I was 23. This just had my headshaved, realised my bald head could absorb extra sunlight and became more powerful than before.

By publically criticizing shitty Apple products.

Can you explain to me what the nizoral is for?

by having real problems

i just buzz it and remind myself it makes no difference. i wasn't going to get a gf anyway

>castrating yourself
Didn't do shit for me and reports are meh too.
Well, what the fuck do I know? But it shows that this issue is not understood at all.

how is finasteride castrating yourself brainsewered vermin

It blocks dht.
Dht is the chad version of testo.

Shaving your head daily or you will like a pedo if you don't. Protip: Don't wear hats everyday to cover your baldness, it will only make you feel more insecure when you don't have a hat around. Own it.

t. balding snice 18 now 27

How do you cope with your macbook?
I'm seriously fucking scared this fucker will break on me like Rossman told me

read all of these, homo

it's permanent BTW

>post finasteride syndrome

uh..... a decrease in libido and less intense erections is normal with finasteride.
It literally lowers your T.
>it's permanent BTW
the studies say it's persistent not permanent, and the increase in ED is very little

Do you even read the garbage you're posting or are you just coping bc u didn't take fin in time to avoid baldness

>Finasteride Causes Physical Damage To Nerves, Depression, ED, Steroid Imbalance

>5-AR Inhibitor Drugs Like Finasteride Cause Persistent ED And Lower Testosterone

enjoy poisoning yourself, faggot -- while still not getting a gf!

I read those links, the author of the blog (is it you?) uses hyperbole (persistent as in permanent, just like you do) and finds rare shitty "studies" (16 men, what a joke) just to sperg and hypothesize stuff about finasteride.

You can find tons of these garbage forums for minox too, where people blame literally anything on it and cite dubious studies.

>enjoy poisoning yourself, faggot -- while still not getting a gf!
I've been taking finasteride for close to 16 years now and the only side effect has been lowering of libido, and yes have had many gfs

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>lowering of libido

this is a deleterious effect and, in the long term, will cause you serious issues

enjoy cucking yourself, buddy

try my best to deal with it, try to keep the haircuts short so it's not as dominant when you look at my face. other than that don't think about it when it's bugging you and learn to accept it. ain't nobody perfect

This guy must have health problems look at his eyes. Take a break from fixing zoomer laptops ffs.

>this is a deleterious effect and, in the long term, will cause you serious issues
it's not bad actually lower sex drive means being less frustrated and prone to cucking to roasties actually..
The problem would be if you literally got ED from it, but so far it's been more than a fair tradeoff
The doc whom first prescribed me it literally told me I WOULD get lowered libido so..

>it's not bad actually lower sex drive means being less frustrated and prone to cucking to roasties actually..
by itself, indeed. there's nothing inherently wrong with a lowered sex drive

the problem is: why has the sex drive been lowered?

analogously: there is nothing inherently bad about losing 10 lbs.... but if you achieve this by amputating your left hand, rather than burning fat... yes, that is bad

ask yourself: what chemical changes in your body are happening that are resulting in this reduced sex drive?

ultimately, they are not good

i'll just shave it all off and grow a beard if it gets too bad

I have no sex drive for two years now (dont take any drugs for anything) but no health problems. Are you saying I'm going to develop them. How the fuck do you get it back if it's not a result of substances.

>Can you explain to me what the nizoral is for?
A very mild antiandrogen that won't break your cock in half or turn your face into a catcher's mitt. You can have good or you can have safe, but you can't have both.

>I have no sex drive for two years now

so you are doing NOFAP?

>A very mild antiandrogen
Isn't nizoral just for scalp dandruff and dryness?

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Buzzed it off: embrace the baldness and stop giving a fuck

I'm so lucky I have a good head shape and burly boi build, because as soon as i worried about it I shaved that bitch bald

No I just have no interest for some reason.

finasteride is an anti-andro used in hrt for trannies

>finasteride is an anti-andro used in hrt for trannies
finasteride is a drug for prostate enlargement used at 1/5th the concentration to lower your DMT levels.. it's a t-suppressant but in such a low dose it doesn't have adverse effects

>it's a t-suppressant
i'd rather be bald than a low[er] t cuckboi

>i'd rather be bald than a low[er] t cuckboi
Have fun bucko.
What you're missing is it all depends on your starting Total T level, which might be already be low BUT ALSO you're balding

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most of you disgusting faggot considers a receding hairline balding. No fucking body, women too consider a norwood2/3 a bald head, i'm a nw2.5 at my 23 and i don't even hide it, i usually wear a bun so my temple are completely visible by everyone and i've never hear somebody saying that i'm balding. Stop being a bitch, A friend of mine is bald since his 17 and he never had problem with women. You are basically putting the resposabiliy of your failure in your hairloss but the problem is about your weak mind,

>having low T, but deliberately taking drugs which will lower it even further

haha, what insanity is this?

>haha, what insanity is this?
Brainlet baldy,
my point was some men have higher than you T even on T-suppressants such as myself for instance with MONSTROUS T levels.

In the case of a basedfilled boi Fin will probably make no difference since he's already pure onions.

So the only ones having to worry are average-to-slightly-low T guys

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the cope is unreal

it's clear you're low T as fuck, and also an incel desperately and pathetically trying to salvage your hair as if you think it will get you a gf

just shave it off, faggot

i don't.
balding is optional

Attached: fake hair.webm (480x480, 1.84M)

Wish I could afford the upkeep on this or else I would totally go for it.

let's check if you were right about anything you just said...

>it's clear you're low T as fuck
As I literally just said I have abnormal T, monstrous levels, my brother actually has to go on full blown T-suppressants because he has dangerous levels. Have massive muscles even without exercising, strong af etc.
>also an incel
Had plently of w*men and currently engaged
>trying to salvage your hair
I've been on fin for 16y
>just shave it off, faggot
Nope I'll go on as long as it looks good then either get a transplant or somthing like So all in all you're a lousy shitposter

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Seems like something like that would be incredibly uncomfortable to wear. Being mildly sweaty woupd hecome hell.

>As I literally just said I have abnormal T, monstrous levels
prove it

>Had plently of w*men and currently engaged
prove it

>Nope I'll go on as long as it looks good then either get a transplant or somthing like
it's quite readily apparent that you're low T. you have the mentality of a woman

a real man simply doesn't care that much, and just shaves it off

If I couldn't stop it I'd embrace it. Shaving looks like you're trying to cope.

>prove it
i ain't gonna post personal shit or timestamp you can believe what you want

>it's quite readily apparent that you're low T. you have the mentality of a woman
>a real man simply doesn't care that much, and just shaves it off

Oh I see. So in your low IQ childish mind high T=stoic stereotype of a brute
Well that's very misguided son, a Man should care about his appearance, want to look good and exhude an aura of respectability and feel good about himself, which includes beautiful hair.
Not to mention women love playing with your hair and will emasculate baldies
Sounds like the one coping is you son

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t. morbidly obese neckbeard