Now that I've lost my beauty I have nothing left to offer

>now that I've lost my beauty I have nothing left to offer

How do fellow older fembots deal with this?

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they kill themselves before that, silly!

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I never had beauty. Life hasn't changed for me.

i fear for the day this happens to me
just another reminder that i have to find someone i can get to love me unconditionally as soon as possible

you still have boobs and holes and thats all we realy want. stop being silly, just lower your standards, you never had a chance with chad besides casual sex anyway.

tick tock tick tock tick tock...
protip: fucking chad on tinder wont help you with your quest, you brought this upon yourself roastie

that's why i've only dated robots

By intelligently investing in anti-aging activities and beauty treatments beforehand, working on my personality, and waiting until marriage so i don't have to rely on my looks for the rest of my life.

But truthfully it's probably not as bad as you think and there are always things you can do even at advanced age to retain beauty.

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thats not much better, robots usually have too many issues for a healthy enduring relationship, why not a normal guy

women all compete in beauty so of course we will just take the more attractive one if they are otherwise equally vapid whores, building character as a women can go a long way if you want a lasting relationship

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Keep your ugly ass in the kitchen. Unless you were to busy being a whore to find a man that will let you in his kitchen. In that case lol to you

>doesn't use her beauty to secure stable loving man
>instead uses it for attention and validation
>it goes away
>no stable loving man

big ouch for you fembots.

t. stable loving single man

I don't have a lot of opportunities to interact with normal guys and I don't think something like tinder would be very helpful for an actual relationship

I have low standards. No worries there.

>tfw no low standards gf

you know what builds character? hobbies. hiking, climbing, golfing, tennis whatever. you know what kind of people have these hobbies? normal guys. it's no secret that happy couples either meet on the workplace/school or during shared interests. online dating is a meme and statistics prove this despite online dating sites trying to convince you otherwise with anecdotal success stories

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The inner beauty is tremendously powerful, the outer beauty is very weak. The inner is eternal, the outer is very temporary. How many years do you remain young? And as youth fades away you start feeling that you are becoming ugly, unless your inner being is also growing with your age. Then even in your old age you will have a beauty that the youth may feel jealous of.

You should read this, holy fuck.

>be me
>go out on hikes
>meet qt girl walking alone in the woods
>"hey i haven't seen you on tinder, wanna get coffee later? lemme get them digits"


there some fugly women i would fuck becauae they interesting

good job fallling for the jew, secretly nothing turns off guys more than women who are into esoteric bullshit. enjoy being pump and dumped and becoming the wine aunt or crazy cat lady when you grow older

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You say all that while posting a pic of a genetic masterpiece. That's not a normal guy retard. Girls in public already have bfs or don't want to be approached unless you look like that guy.

that's no genetic masterpiece, it's a normal (okay a little handsome) looking guy who put effort into his physique. Not something beyond the reach of a large portion of people.

What the fuck is wrong with nazis?
Are you mildly schizophrenic? You are going down a dark path. You are just as insufferable and barbabic as the extreme left.

Wow you're dumb yes it is. You must be a roastie

Women don't like men who look like that. Men think women like men who look like that. I guarantee that post was made by someone with a penis.

dude has a receding hairline, only thing about him is his strong jaw and his muscular form. You can't even see his eyes in that picture. If he was fat instead you would say he was a genetic loser.

>What the fuck is wrong with nazis?
Who said anything about Nazis. Age and appearance is everything. Your personality can also fade with age so you're wrong about that too

theres nothing wrong with a little chit chat when something like happens unironically. you go for a coffee and if there is no spark then just move on. couples usually spend time together in their free time, so when you meet a lonely girl on the tennis court she usually does not have a bf.

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>physical outdoor hobbies
Gross. I only like vidya, anime and D&D

>Women don't like men who look like that.
He's a fucking male model on a tv show aimed for women, just stop talking my brain can't handle it

desu i'm gonna pick up some normie hobbies, but not to meet girls. I want to be my own body improvement club. This year is hiking and next year is probably going to be hiking + tennis (if i can find a good court around here that isn't at the country club)

well good luck with that champ.

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He Iooks ugly.

>Your personality
Society wants you to have personalities, not individualities because your individualities will create conflict. The society hides your individuality and gives a personality. Personality is a learned thing. The word personality comes from a Greek root which means mask, persona. In Greek drama the actors used to wear masks to hide their real face and to show some other face. From persona comes the word personality; it is a face that you wear, it is not your original face.

Personality is false, it is the greatest lie. And because the whole society depends on personality - the state, the church, organizations, the establishment - they are all lies. The western psychology goes on thinking too much about the personality, that's why the whole western psychology is a psychology based on the basic lie.

Personality is a farce, personality is pseudo, personality is that which is given to you by the society. Personality is imposed on you from the outside; it is a mask. Individuality is your very being. Individuality is that which you bring into the world, individuality is a gift from existence.

Personality is ugly because it is pseudo. And the more personality you have, the less is the possibility for individuality to grow. The personality starts occupying the whole of your space. It is like a cancerous growth. It goes on growing, it possesses you totally. It leaves no space for individuality to have even its own corner. The personality has to be dropped, so that the individuality can be.

Individuality is a non-egoistic phenomenon; it is pure am-ness, it has no "I" in it. Personality is nothing but "I": it has no am-ness in it. Personality is aggressive, violent, dominating, political. Individuality is silent, loving, compassionate; it is religious.

thats the spirit, the more you ignore women and work on yourself the more they will fall for you. girls love a guy with goals and a vision, its an important quality when you plan on having a family one day.

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Why can girls never be honest? I'm straight and I would fuck him. If he's ugly then 99.9 of men are ugly

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Personality is important but only if you have looks. Looks always trumpth personality

He has too much muscle and his aesthetic is very unattractive. I guess if you like meatheads who look like they are brainless more power to you.

You must be on birth control or are a tranny. Or just a dumb hole lieing as usual

>he has "too much muscle"
No retard, that's his frame. You prefer muscular guys with thinner frames.

>Who said anything about Nazis
>good job falling for the jew
You haven't even read anything. You don't know anything about personality

I think maybe you are projecting what you think is attractive onto other people.

you are talking to fembots, they unironically dont like chad because sour grapes. stacy gets an orgasm just by seeing such a hunk
if you just want sex, yeah, but for a relationship personality is a key factor, average looks will be enough

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So jews are Nazis now?

"falling for the jew" was a figure of speech retard, jews are unironically the most redpilled people on earth literally "riding the tiger"
can you shut the fuck up now please

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damage control?
Nazis hate jews

No there's plenty of studies proving women are attracted to exactly this kind of man.

>jews are unironically the most redpilled people on earth

>nazis are unironically the most redpilled people on earth

Yeah....hatred keeps going round and round

just like not all men are attracted to the same kind of women, not all women are attracted to the same kind of men. just accept that this roastie has different tastes for whatever reason and move on user.
get the fuck out of our thread you low effort troll

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You just assumed anyone who dislikes jews is a Nazi. Categorizing people like a Nazi while calling them Nazis good job

Most women don't have inner beauty. They are egotistical whores.

is that enough (you)s? now fuck off please
dont feed the troll user.

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febots dont exist, get out out whore

Stop whitekknighting men will fuck anything that moves, women don't

Nazi ideology is anti semitism.
I don't care about (you)s

well yes user, but the same is true when you look at most men. its not that easy, for either side.

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im not sure what you mean. getting sex for free is easy for women yes, but finding love for a lasting relationship is not.

Yes, the question arises. What is ego?

I sure hope this is bait. Do you really think that you have nothing to offer yourself besides your body? This is the kind of attitude I would expect from a slutty stacy. Hate to break it to you, but you're a human being. Just because you have a hole in between your legs instead of a stick doesn't mean you don't have a decent personality. Sure, it'll be harder to find a nice man now that you're older, but think of it this way- now that you have to rely on your personality more, you'll be able to tell which men really love you for who you are, since the ones looking for a quick pump and dump won't mess with someone older, probably. You can wear makeup as well if you feel like it. Now, get the hell of my board and go get that man you've been waiting your whole life for, user.

>finding love

At the lowest, love is a kind of politics, power politics. Wherever love is contaminated by the idea of domination, it is politics. Whether you call it politics or not is not the question, it is political. And millions of people never know anything about love except this politics - the politics that exists between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. It is politics, the whole thing is political: you want to dominate the other, you enjoy domination.

And love is nothing but politics sugar-coated, a bitter pill sugar-coated. You talk about love but the deep desire is to exploit the other. And I am not saying that you are doing it deliberately or consciously - you are not that conscious yet. You cannot do it deliberately; it is an unconscious mechanism.

Hence so much possessiveness and so much jealousy become a part, an intrinsic part, of your love. That's why love creates more misery than joy. Ninety-nine percent of it is bitter; there is only that one percent of sugar that you have coated on top of it. And sooner or later that sugar disappears.

When you are in the beginning of a love affair, those honeymoon days, you taste something sweet. Soon that sugar wears off, and the realities start appearing in stark nakedness and the whole thing becomes ugly.

Millions of people have decided not to love human beings any more. It is better to love a dog, a cat, a parrot; it is better to love a car - because you can dominate them well, and the other never tires to dominate you. It is simple; it is not as complex as it is going to be with human beings.

People are falling in love with horses, dogs, animals, machines, things. Why? Because to be in love with human beings has become an utter hell, a continuous conflict - nagging, always at each other's throats.

people dont care no more about your "decent personality" than they care about your "decent looks", its both boring and wont get anyone interested in you. you need to be exciting, different, interesting, thats what people want. and to find someone who feels like that for you is not easy unless you are truly an outstanding person.
i will leave that question to you user. for me its just a fancy survival strategy

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Stop complaining you have everything easier. If your not a bitch most men will fall in love with you. If your a guy there's a list 100 things long before a girl will even consider you.

The most retarded shit I've ever heard

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This faggot trying to justify the fact nobody will love him

You are retarded.
The idea you have about love, about personality are false. I am not going to leave your thread.

Your reading comprehension sucks ass.
Why is this?

theres a difference between asexual affection and desire user. whenever people say "love" they usually mean desire, which is sexual exploitation, but there is also the kind of love you feel for your relatives and for your partner that you want to create a new family with and be together until you die. just because you have not met someone like that yet does not mean they do not exist user.

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> you need to be exciting, different, interesting, thats what people want. and to find someone who feels like that for you is not easy unless you are truly an outstanding person.
Yeah, but the thing is, everyone is different in their own ways, and those differences are part of what people find attractive about each other. If you needed to be the most interesting person in the world to find a relationship, then almost no one would be dating. Try finding people with common interests. You can bond over them.

I'm not sure if you're OP or not, but regardless, you need to value yourself more. Not even to find a significant other, but for your own sake. The only person that you can count on one hundred percent of the time is YOU, you you need to be more supportive of yourself.

I understood it there's just no evidence for anything you say it's just philosophical trash. If you fall in love with a machine you're mentally ill

Yeah that should change.
Love should be unconditional, it should be like breathing.

Love isn't lust. Lust is different. Love is everything.

Don't call me mentally ill while browsing a board that falls in love with 2 dimensonal images.


its true because otherwise it would be easy to find a partner since everyone is "different". it takes a lot of tries and a lot of time until you find someone that clicks with you because you both feel excitment from each other. being different is not enough, you need to be the right kind of different for someone to make them fall in love with you. i am not OP btw but it looks like i pretty much took over this thread, but since the captchas are getting more and more annoying with every reply i guess ill call it quits for today, have a good one anons, and good luck with finding the right boy/girl

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>i pretty much took over this thread,
No i have

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Thanks user. Good luck to you too, friend, and godspeed.

do you really want to pretend like 25yo+ females post on this board, n i g g a?

>femanons what do you..
>femanons please..
>femanons do you..
this place has been occupied by ugly autistic females who now enjoy attention from even sadder robots
I am not angry with you fembots
I am angry with these Jow Forums cucks who have no spine and bend backwards so hard they break their spines

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