nothing good will come from isolating yourself from others. you need to stop being paranoid and start being outgoing!!!!
You didnt avoid interacting with people today, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw have to work today 12 hour night shift
>tfw also have to exercise before
Double blech
sorry but i did. it's not like exercising or eating healthier or being productive. all of those things are a little easier every day, and i feel better when i do them. but interacting with others seems to work in reverse
i'll try again for you avatarfriend but it will be a halfhearted effort
Didn't avoid it, just didn't have any reason to leave the house as of yet.
Might go shop or see if a mate fancies doing something tonight though... starting to get cabin fever.
Stop impersonating Eye-chan.
I have to go to the UPS store later.
>Dread intensifies
it's okay guys. i believe in you!!! everyone has the potential to be a good person!!!
but i don;t understand what you mean friend? it's me!!!
I thought about it for a brief moment. But there isnt any fun to be had. I'd rather stay at home, work out and play vidya. The one friend whose company I enjoy I might visit on the weekend, the rest can blow themselves.
I met new people today.
I'm not an outgoing person, I'm an introvert.
I don't want to go to parties or whatever stupid thing normalfags do.
but normalfags are just like you and me. you just need to befriend them!!
Read "mindfulness in plain english" then read "how to win friends and influence people"
i read the latter in high school, i will read the former if only because i need more to read
why do you think reading a book will radically change my preferences and desires? there's no procedural difficulty here beyond the buildup of boring conversations and self-contradictions of others, and to focus purely on the present means i'd have to compartmentalize the parts of my life that are enhanced by successive positive experiences
Nigger stop impersonating the dead sperg I already told you, I don't wanna see that ugly bitch, time to report you for avatarfagging and unlike you you don't have 100 VPNs
*unliek him
>it's me!!!
The filename alone disproves this.
w-what do you mean user-kun? it's me, your friend!! w-why would you think i'm dead??? that's not very nice!
Everyone apart from my immediate family either dislikes or just tolerates my company. I tend to avoid most ppl because I don't want to ruin my life even more.
>it's me, your friend
i hated him and he was a pos massive sperg and you're on too git fucked this is not only annoying but straight up disrespectful since his corpse is barely cold (probably being eaten by stray dogs as we speak) for fuck's sake
user, what are you talking about??? you are delirious. heres a picture i just took on my nightwalk just now!!
Bitch make me, I'm at the end of my third week inside my apartment and I ain't planning to break the streak in a long while. Fuck the world and fuck people.
I can become interesting to myself and other people only by doing stuff by myself (listening to music, playing an instrument, reading)
I want to do stuff with other people, but I can't say "Let's make a band!" if I can't play an instrument
So yeah I'm not really doing anything socially exciting. I'm going to a birthday tho
I went to the supermarket but didn't interact with anyone.
my high school math teacher was taking a field trip to the exhibit next to my office and i walked past him without saying hi because i was only 80% sure it was him.
>Bitch make me, I'm at the end of my third week inside my apartment and I ain't planning to break the streak in a long while. Fuck the world and fuck people.
im trapped in a situation where i live with an old lady and i have to creep around to avoid her, I have to be extremely quiet making food because if she hears me she will come down and try to talk to me.
And if im successful at avoiding her ill start getting... the notes...
Get an electric stove, stock up on canned food and change the lock on your door. To be extra safe you could seal the door with a rubber strip so she can't stick in any notes under your door,
>"how to win friends and influence people"
most useless book of all time
I'm not paranoid
I just like being isolated and hate everyone who isn't me with a passion
I don't know how to.I've tried god I've tried but I'm fucking stuck.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or on the verge of insanty, this is totally wrong.
>Get an electric stove, stock up on canned food and change the lock on your door. To be extra safe you could seal the door with a rubber strip so she can't stick in any notes under your door,
All good ideas but I still have to go to the bathroom, theres been times she will wait in the kitchen prolonging her ruminating just to catch me coming out of the toilet. Ive sat in there for up to 45 minutes to wait for her to go back upstairs, she even checked the lock once to see if i was still in the bathroom. Man what a life!
If going out wasnt so boring. Darn its like sitting there people are talking and u think wtf am i doing here... Every time
That truly sounds like hell. You could do your thing in buckets, as long as you separate poop and urin in different ones it doesn't smell that bad. But even I have to admit it gets pretty uncomfy after a week or so. How old is the lady? Perhaps the problem will solve itself pretty soon?
Whenever I interact with people they treat me like shit at worst, and ignore my existence at best.
Was actually considering going to a grad school event at a club downtown tonight. I never do since I have no friends and will inevitably end up paying $12 for a shitty drink, then sit around awkwardly for a half-hour or so before ordering another Uber home, bringing the total to $25ish for a night of nothing. Thankfully I'm still sick, so I can easily justify missing this one too.
>How old is the lady? Perhaps the problem will solve itself pretty soon?
if it solved itself i would have to move since she owns the house.
CUrrently holding in an uncomfortable shit because i hear her moving around.