Reminder you are not a fembot if you take birth control

reminder you are not a fembot if you take birth control

Attached: bigstock-birth-control-pills.jpg (1100x625, 113K)

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it helps with my unbearable period cramps and my acne clears up and i feel like my boobs are slightly bigger so shut up

>it helps with my unbearable period cramps and my acne clears up and i feel like my boobs are slightly bigger so shut up
How dumb do you have to be to take a synthetic hormone which tricks your body into believing that it is pregnant? Why would you think this is healthy? Why wouldn't you question the ramifications of altering your entire physiology?
Protip: they give you cancer and make you insane, dummy.

Do you have literally any scientific studies about this?

>tfw no gf to share estradiol with

Going to need photo evidence of said boobs.

I was born a boy so taking birth control is the only way for me to be a fembot.

>Jow Forums medics

I take birth control to stop my cystic hormonal acne.
Would you prefer an ugly pizzaface girl lmao? It doesn't change the fact that I'm khhv.

i heard semen clears up acne, so just get a guy to cum on your face and rub it in

>Why would you think this is healthy?
It's backed up by decades of medical research and the recommendation of endocrinologists.

>Why wouldn't you question the ramifications of altering your entire physiology?
We're informed of all the ramifications; birth control comes with a side effect sheet.


>Why would you think this is healthy?
I don't. Didn't imply I did. I just enjoy my life more without periods and acne. There are plenty of synthetic hormones in your food and tap water so I don't care about taking some more.

im good

>There are plenty of synthetic hormones in your food and tap water so I don't care about taking some more
don't fucking remind me holy shit how do some people just eat and drink all day without worrying about this shit

ever notice how every girl on birth control is always extremely bitchy. hmmm

That's because the drug literally makes them go insane and turns them into extremely aggressive cunts.

I need it to keep my facial hair in control and to keep male pattern baldness at bay. Is that not fembot enough for you?

>That's because the drug literally makes them go insane and turns them into extremely aggressive cunts.
Yeah i noticed it once when this girl was all impatient that I was driving the speed limit so she blasts in front of me over thedouble yellow lines at a stop sign and I heard her make this manish grunt out the window as she passed. Realized they are becoming hormone addled monsters.

>muh studies
They used to say "nope perfectly healthy, take more"
now they say "oh those OLD pills, hah, yeah those ones gave you breast cancer but these NEW ones, nope, perfectly healthy, and besides isnt it worth breast cancer and insanity not to have children?"
You'd have to be a real dimwit to put that shit into your body, but then again women aren't really known for their logic.

Yeah, like guys on juice. It can also make us infertile. That's why I don't take it.

do femanons realize they're turning the frogs gay if they take this stuff?

>now they say "oh those OLD pills, hah, yeah those ones gave you breast cancer but these NEW ones, nope, perfectly healthy, and besides isnt it worth breast cancer and insanity not to have children?"
Research shows birth control significantly lowers the risk of ovarian cancer.

Where are your claims coming from? Your ass?

I take it because I hate bleeding.

I'm not larping as a woman, never have and never will, but I would take the pill if I was a woman because it seems it would make my periods predictable and more endurable. Also if I was a girl I wouldn't let anybody touch my precious body, not even daddy.

>Where are your claims coming from? Your ass?
Look you can believe what you want, a simple google search will give you all the info you could ever want. If you just want to believe that tricking your body into thinking it is pregnant has no consequences that is foolish, but its your choice. As someone mentioned steroids I think its a good analogy. Steroid get you girls, and an early heart attack. Can't rewire your body without consequences.

>mwah life so hard

>implying this wasn't the goal

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