How much does someone need to be able to lift before they're allowed to say that they lift?

How much does someone need to be able to lift before they're allowed to say that they lift?

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looks matter everywhere
weight numbers only matter inside the gym with your gay gymbros
NOBODY gives a fuck how MUCH you lift only if you look good or not

Calluses. Calluses proove that someone lift. No calluses, no lifting. Its easy.


anytime you say you lift dudes will think you're a dudebro and girls will get turned off

just say you play a sport, if you have to tell people you lift obviously you don't look like you lift

10 pullups
100kg bench one rep max
60kg ohp one rep max

People actually do care. People are impressed if you can lift stuff. But also being able to lift is important for health and every day reasons.


anyone who goes to the gym with any regularity can say they "lift" but if the genuine reaction to the person hearing that is 'really??' then know that you are a failure and completely wasting your time there.

If you're ever asked "Do you lift?" just answer honestly and people will genuinely be either impressed or something else positive.

Just don't bring it up yourself, believe me, if you lift, at some point people will notice enough for them to ask.

only been lifting a month and i have callouses.

isnt 100kg like two plate bench? i can do that but kinda high for a minimum.

Sure, but anyone outside the gym has an incredibly low standard of what is considered strong. So while they might care, the threshold to impress them is extremely easy to surpass.

i have calluses in both of my hands and i'm a 6'0 127lb dyel hungry skeleton.
i do lift, but i'm not even close to being fit, so i really don't think that calluses are what makes you "fit".

>tfw I can OHP 65 kg but I have poor functional strength

Lmao this

Following needs to happen before you open your mouth:
1.When random strangers call you "big guy".
2. When your chest, upper traps, and shoulders all pop out on reg shirt.
( not skin tight, something casual)
3. When you have a six pack. it's what most males want to achieve. It's what every girl lusts for. Skinny guy with abs is ez mode, that's like a fat girl with Tits, when your weight is over 200lbs (180 if you're a manlet), and you have visiable abs. That takes work, that's something only a small percentage of guys will achieve

To put this, in simple terms. until you've "made it". It's better to just keep your mouth shut bc you're still a dyel

this is the redpill

you can get callouses from basic yard work bro

>I lift

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100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running every single day!!!

You can talk about your hobbies whenever you want, just dont brag if you're not huge. Don't listen to dude bro gatekeepers.

Anyone who re racks weights.

I've been more of a cardio guy in the past (played some soccer as a kid, high school cross country, etc.) but during college I slacked and my body can't handle too much running due to shin splints, ankles feeling the strain, so I just do upper body stuff on the machines at the university gym. Is lifting worth it for me if I'm interested in improving my core and getting rid of stomach fat?

Lmao these responses. Real answer:

>Not being fat or just having abs for most people and women
>1/2/3/4 for lifters
>2/3/4/5 for actual lifters

If they have to ask, you don't lift. If you think it's about callouses, you've never had a physical job. If you mention it, you're a completely self-absorbed twat

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>If they have to ask, you don't lift

As if the opinion of other people remotely mattered.

Joe Rogan looks like a bald and funny manley to me, Do I have to ask if he is a seasoned BJJ fighter? because he doesnt look like one to me.

This is how stupid you sound, Idiot.

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i'd say its more of a time thing, 6 months on a routine and you can start saying it

I say I lift.

In practice, I only lift a few 5kg dumbbells once a week, but who cares. Saying that I lift makes me more popular with the Tinder ladies, and it works.

Why would you want to tell people you lift? There is literally nothing more embarrassing.


Oh look, another pseudo-stoic "no one else's opinion but mine matters" fedora poster. If you're fine with looking like a balding, fat, autistic piece of shit then go for it. Just dont expect anyone to care about you, because they don't. I can practically smell your sweaty powerlifting sweatshirt and lack of social interaction from here you utterly contrived fucking faggot

How does "I lift" ever come up in conversation?

Usually people just ask if you workout and you say "yeah" and move on

post a pic of yourself (inb4 he disappears)

>2pl8 1 rm

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>t. baby skin
have you ever used your hands on something rougher than glass?
alternatively, learn to grip the bar properly

What a fucking waste of the best genetic legacy currently in existence on this planet. Guy deserves heavy shaming. How does one even get this bad?


If people can't tell you lift just by looking at you, you have no business telling people you lift; if they can, you have no need to.

i would not get attached to the term they lift eg
i have been lifting for a few weeks
i have been lifting for 2 months
i have been lifting for 3 years
why define yourself to they lift ? makes you seem 1 dimensional with no sense of timeframe

I mean he's literally wearing a t-shirt that says "Jiu-Jitsu" on it.

Bro that’s a fucking epic routine!!!! I love Saitama >.

Reach 1/2/3/4 that’s when you can officially say you’re stronk

1/2/3/4 is only strong to normies

I call people "big man" all the time, dudes literally grin ear to ear hearing that as a a compliment.

Even if its not true.

>kinda high

for normies

fuck some girl said I obviously work out. I just went on some autistic rant about hating running

even less than that is strong for normies ya spergs

I'd say 135 bench, 35lbs curl and *nothing* else is "lifting" for normies

fat niggas be like

as a woman or high schooler


Never admit that you lift.

and the autist finally arrived to the thread.

Nigger also nice dubs

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2345 for reps without bloatmaxing

dw bro its not like you looked like it anyways

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