
Hello again Jow Forums, drop by for a minute, would you?
We could have a friendly chat :)

How has your day/night been going?
How are you feeling right now? ...why?
How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Any plans for later?
Maybe drinking?
Or smoking?
Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
Listening to anything?
Feeling comfy?

Don't forget to upload something comfy :)

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Other urls found in this thread:


im too drunk to answer, heres something comfy though

drinking jack daniels

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Hello comfy user, I really enjoy your threads.

>How has your day/night been going?
Came back from community college an hour ago and feeling calm so far
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
I feel relaxed but slightly anxious because I have homework to do.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
I still live with my parents but I feel that I am slowly growing apart from my mother because of the way our views are towards things.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
I'm not satisfied with it because I feel that I could be doing better things with my life.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
I'm thankful to my parents despite what I said above.
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
I would love to move to a cabin like pic related
>Any plans for later?
Not really.
>Maybe drinking?
Probably going to have some vodka today or tomorrow
>Or smoking?
I don't smoke
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
I do but I don't know if I should talk about it.
>Listening to anything?
This might sound very tumblr girl of me but I enjoy Pothole by Modern Baseball
>Feeling comfy?
Not yet

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its cold and raining outside but im in my bed with coffee and a blanket playing minecraft life is good

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Checking in

>How has your day/night been going?
Just falling in love. Slept in. Making coffee and waiting for afternoon meetings.

>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Amazing. Work, relationship, family, friends, good health.

>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Better lately!

>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
Yes, very happy. I'm so grateful to have met the girl I'm falling in love with. She was the last piece of the puzzle for me. Never thought I'd find someone like her.

>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
Thankful for my parents for raising me. Thankful to my friends for saving me.

>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Marry, have kids, live happily ever after.

>Any plans for later?
Hopefully gf coming over. Meetings in the afternoon and evening with business partner and clients.

>Maybe drinking?
Nah. Sober day.

>Or smoking?
Vaping maple syrup juice :O

>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
Nope. Love myself.

>Listening to anything?
Cars rumbling by on the snowy roads.

>Feeling comfy?

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Gonna try and keep the thread alive for as long as I can OP.

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no problem user, glad you joined, im having some cold rum myself :)

welcome back user!
how are your and your mothers views different?
and no worries about the music, ive said it before and ill say it again, no matter what you like i wont judge you, unless youre taking the piss :)

sounds nice, i would have loved that as a kid, raining outside, but me being inside wrapped in blankets with a hot drink playing minecraft... what you doing on there right now?

hello user, mind telling us more about your girlfriend?
maybe even how you met?
maple syrup juice? that sounds kinda disgusting... i mean too sweet as in disgusting, how is it?

cheers friend :)

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>How has your day/night been going?
Not too great... Woke up way too late and missed a class...
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Very anxious, meeting up with gf and her family after a horror story of a brother's vacation turn into kidnapping. Classes aren't going well and might get kicked outta college...
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Love em to death. They are starting a brewery so I help them out every now and then
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
I don't know whether I should be or not. So many things going wrong at the moment
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
Parents and gf for supporting me no matter what I do
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Right now, the only goal I have is to pass this semester. Academic warning is scary
>Any plans for later?
Hopefully just chill with family and gf's family, maybe play some vidya
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
Honestly, I don't really know anymore. I always thought I loved myself, pushed myself toward success but it has been so hard lately and my depression meds don't seem to be helping me, even after upping the dosage.
>Listening to anything?
Not at the moment, I sometimes like silent. But if I had to choose a favorite song, it would be "Break-Thru" by Dirty Projectors
>Feeling comfy?
Yes user, thank you for letting me vent and chill

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I don't mind. She's just perfect for me. The fit is like a dream.

Met online and took it offline :O

Maple syrup juice is amazing. I'm a Canadian, eh? Tastes like you're vaping pancakes.

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>how are you and your mother's views different?
She's very religious, she keeps trying to urge me to read my bible and partake in bible studies. At one time I was actually very much into it but lately I've started to feel like I'm losing faith. Aside from this, she always has an optimistic outlook toward everything in life while I consider myself pessimistic and cynical. She's always trying to persuade me into making friends or finding a girlfriend, but I always give her blackpill tier responses and it pisses her off greatly.

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farming in minecraft is the most fun thing in the entire game so thats what im doing :D

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Bumping this thread. friendo

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kidnapping? what happened user?
that brewery sounds nice though :)
whats going wrong for you friend? :(
im glad you joined us, dont ever be afraid to pop in and vent, thats why these are for :)

haha, vaping pancakes, never thought of it that way, id say i would like cinnamon or vanilla better if id vape :)

dont look so down on yourself, you can def find a gf, it just takes time for some of us, and i understand you losing faith, i went through something similar as a kid, i started seeing how little sense god made and just started to lose faith, grandparents tried to stop me but i never stopped...

really? i havent felt enjoyment from games in years...
what are you farming? mind sending us a picture of your farm? :)

cheers for the bumps mate :)
ill be going to sleep in about 2 hours so i need people like you :D

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>dont look so down on yourself, you can def find a gf, it just takes time for some of us,
I appreciate the kind words user but I don't think I ever will. Real life social interaction makes me feel exhausted and anxious, so I tend to avoid them unless they are really necessary.

>and i understand you losing faith, i went through something similar as a kid, i started seeing how little sense god made and just started to lose faith, grandparents tried to stop me but i never stopped...
Did you ever try getting back into it ? I know I tried but I constantly keep finding myself straying further away.

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He went on a trip to Costa Rica and stayed in a place where you can stay for free if you work on a farm, he got drugged and had to threaten the family with a machete to get away from them. Scary shit.
It's gonna be amazing! They bought a building in this run-down area of town that used to be main street and is getting a ton of help from the city with the restoration of it! Family is planning on having it serve sliders with different kinds of biscuits for the buns. My mom is an amazing brewer and did a collaboration with a large local company for her first public beer and everyone loved it far more than the collaborator's best beers. They said she has a pallet for hops! :)
>Whats going wrong?
I don't fully know with myself. I was confident and sure of myself before going to college and since getting here, life changed. I became more sad, less active (physically and socially). Talking to an on-campus therapist and am taking many meds for depression and anxiety. My gf helps so much and if it weren't for her, I don't know where I would be...

I've looked at myself in the mirror tonight. Maybe I don't look that bad.

>Vaping maple syrup juice :O
>Love myself.
A narcissist and a faggot

Not sure if anyone considers this comfy but I think it definitely is. Also BUMP

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i actually havent, ive been researching satanism though, its not as bad as fiction would make you think it is, not that i want to join them, its just that i like researching different religions now, i just cant get into believeing there is some great being out there... no offense user :)

dude what?
id really love to visit that brewery but we all know ill never even get close to it :)
im glad you have someone to help you through it :)
how long have you known your girlfriend? how did you meet?

i aint gonna say that cliche "everyone is beautiful bullshit" ill just say that the very fact you dont think yourself some saint chad makes you a great person, people like that are cunts, people who think "meh" of themselves are some of the best people i know :)
no matter your looks you should never think yourself a freak ;)

lets not get agressive user :)
lets just /comfy/ through this

>i think it definitely is
its comfy user :)
the point of these is to upload what you think is comfy

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Fuck. Of course after typing responses to all of this, my fucking browser would crash.

God hates me.

Is there like a general Discord for this kind of thread?

>How long have you known your girlfriend?
Knew her since freshman year of high school, took interest in her in junior year, started dating senior year. Almost a full year together now! Love her to death and already know how I am gonna marry her. It will be a while but I know how :)

i farm wheat potatoes and everything underground the water and the stone are aesthetically pleasing to me :D

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we do user :)

i have all day :)
so if youre still up for it i can wait

ooh? she know of you planning on marrying her?

haha, looks nice, my farms used to look like that when i played, at least used to look similar to that... do you have your whole home underground?

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She knows that I have my plan on how I am going to do it :)

a tiny bump to keep the thread going while i go and go pass out for the night :)

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>How has your day/night been going?
Eh, it could be better. Sleep schedules fucked.
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
A bit down but better. Felt really depressed for the past week or so but today has been a bit better I think.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Good with complications.
I see both of my parents about once a week.
Mom is a mess more or less, I don't like her life choices at all and her behaviour hurt me during my childhood. But I still help her with all kinds of stuff.
Dad is pretty great overall, but he doesn't know how much of a failure I am.
Love them both still I guess.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
Nah. It's so fucked up. I'm a neet and all.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
My friends and my family. Both have supported me despite me being a fuck up.
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Get a gf and possibly have a family. I wanna feel loved and give my love out to someone else.
>Any plans for later?
Gonna drink coffee and watch something. Maybe Twitch, Youtube or Anime.
>Maybe drinking?
I kinda want to, but no. I don't drink often and considering this country and my family history it's better that I only drink once every few months.
>Or smoking?
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
It's kinda iffy. My feelings towards myself are network of unsolved emotions from the past in a void.
I don't know really.
>Listening to anything?
Something made listen to Burzum again. Glemselens Elv is such an amazing track.
>Feeling comfy?
Kinda so.

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>How has your day/night been going?
Good and bad, hit new PR's on almost all my lifts which was a pretty good feeling.
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Very shit and depressed, my only friend blew me off tonight and I don't think I can forgive him because I'm retarded and I like to isolate myself. This whole week has been horrible.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Fuck my dad, main cause of most of my problems. Love my mother though, alot.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
No, trying to improve day by day though through lifting and learning new things. My teeth are unbelievably fucked up and it's the root of all my insecurities.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
My mom, she love's me no matter what even if she is a little harsh sometimes.
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Not sure, I guess to be financially stable so I can fix my teeth.
>Any plans for later?
Nope, it's already late.
>Maybe drinking?
Quit drinking.
>Or smoking?
Also quit smoking (currently vaping)
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
Not really, I don't really feel much as gay as it sounds. I regret a lot of my past decisions but I try not to dwell on them.
>Listening to anything?
>Feeling comfy?
I feel a little better after this blogpost, thanks user.

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Fuck, I forgot how /comfy/ minecraft singleplayer was. I haven't played it in years, I'd probably get bored of it after an hour or less though.

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most of the home is underground in a catacombs the top half is a church to the sun

Laying on the bed and listening to plaza, feeling comfy

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>How has your day/night been going?
It's been alright I guess. Got a package I've been waiting for, but had an autistic moment when I walked into the wrong classroom and panicked.
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Feeling a little bored, and pretty ready to go home for spring break already.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
It's okay. My mom is pretty controlling, and my dad is a little too limp-wristed, but we get along well enough.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
No. I'm an anxious, depressed mess but no way of getting the medication I need.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
My internet friends. Without them, I'd be having much lonelier nights than I would have otherwise.
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Live a normal life, eventually get a wife and have some kids.
>Any plans for later?
Watch some anime throughout the weekend. I have the day off Monday, so I want to try to finish a couple series.
>Maybe drinking?
I wish, only 18
>Or smoking?
Might take a walk later and have a smoke
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
Yea, but I've tried talking about it before and it's gone nowehere
>Listening to anything?
Not right now, but earlier I was listening to "King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard". Really good stuff
>Feeling comfy?
Eh, could be better, but I've had worse nights

>My internet friends
How do I into internet friends user?
>Watch some anime throughout the weekend
What you watching?

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What are you missing in your life? Answer yourself what are your human needs, all of them, and solutions. And if you're willing to take the risks to fix it? If you have nothing to do and if nobody will bother you, take some paper and write every problem that is at the back of your head down, and possible solutions. Not even for the sake of completing them, but to truly understand everything you lack. I know this is anonymous board, but sometimes people still struggle to write down everything to others, so if you do, write it down only for yourself and be honest. Let part of your mind that you normally silence talk too

>How has your day/night been going?
Pretty meh.Slept all day.
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Depressed and anxious. I'm afraid i'm too dumb to get a good career and become the person i want to be.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
It's pretty good, I live with them and love them
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
No. Being uncertain about my future and having depression doesn't really help with being happy.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
My family. They always helped and supported me when i needed it
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Are we talking realistic dreams or fantastic dreams? For realistic dreams, i'd like to find a job that i like and that pays well. As for unrealistic dreams i'd like to contact a higher power and be granted a special ability of my choosing, no monkey's paw bullshit attached.
>Any plans for later?
Browsing Jow Forums
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
I don't hate myself, but i feel inadequate in certain areas.
>Listening to anything?
Nico touches the Walls
>Feeling comfy?
Very comfy desu

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>How has your day/night been going?
Started off really good but then started to go to shit when I tried to get to where I needed to be and all the trains leaving the station were held because someone got hit by a train further down the line. Then I tried texting this girl who is really friendly with me in real life but she just gave kind of eh replies which she usually doesn't do so that made me feel like she'll never be my gf.
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
A bit down because of the thing with the girl but otherwise doing ok.
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Really good I couldn't ask for more really.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
Kind of. I love my small friend group but the people I see daily make me want to blow my head off. I just want to meet new people I think.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
Parents for giving me a great childhood. Old music and maths teachers for planting the seeds for my hobbies and possibly career.
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Live a comfortable life in the country with a qt wife with nothing to worry about, which is probably impossible.
>Any plans for later?
Going to sleep
>Maybe drinking?
>Or smoking?
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
I hate my lack of commitment to work and getting fit. I'm sick of being a skeleton but I also hate the gym and try to come up with excuses not to go.
>Listening to anything?
Deserter by Matthew Dear
>Feeling comfy?
A bit yeah but it's more of a melancholy comfy

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Honestly tonight is going good, been playing the new Far Cry and the snow is coming down pretty hard. Honestly it's looking to be a comfy night.

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Having a rum/coke and a padron at my neighborhood bar. After being unemployed for over a year my new job is enjoyable and happy to finish another week. Feeling comfy.

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3am and i just did some 'yoga' and stretching in general, to the limits of my body and whatever muscle i felt i want to feel with vaporwave in the background and then danced to it. i don't know how i danced to vaporwave but it felt good in dark closed room

>How has your day/night been going?
Pretty darn excellent
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Extremely cosy, just watched Drive for the first time with a friend and loved it
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
Not very good at all, I try to avoid them because they make me feel bad for various reasons
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
Naw, am pretty lonely in real life
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
My friends, they help me get through tough times and keep me company
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Probably falling in love and getting married
>Any plans for later?
Sleeping, I hope I have some cool dreams
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
A little bit, [/spoiler]maybe
>Listening to anything?
Comfy or nah?
>Feeling comfy?
Darn right I am, I love these threads

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Shit, I fucked up guise, I forgot how to spoiler.
This what I'm listening to:
Another comfy image as an apology.

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Its been okay, had to sleep longer than I wanted to before due to sleep deprivation from the previous day coming around to hit me pretty hard that night. Doing well now, going to get about 4~ hours sleep, perhaps less. Furthermore going to read more on Pulgia as well as the urban economy of Tanzania, should be interesting. I'm feeling pressure in reading those before work later - got a 10-12 hour shift so it might be pretty harsh.

Always message my parents and aunt every day or make an effort to more at least, we're on great terms. Happy w/ current life, could have gone far worse though there's a lot I need to build on and development required. Don't want to kill too much time answering these.

Are you quite well these days?

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>How has your day/night been going?
I just woke up and I have yet to have any caffeine
>How are you feeling right now? ...why?
Fuzzy. Confused. I also have some stuff I have to get done and I'm really just procrastinating atm
>How is your relationship with your parents? ...see them a lot?
My father died and my relationship with him was strained. My mother is a 10 minute drive from me and I hardly see her because I hate going to my old family house because she's a stupid hoarder and I get angry seeing that shit.
>Are you happy with your current life? ...why?
No. no gf.
>Who are you most thankful to? ...why?
>If you could fulfill one of your dreams, which one would it be and why?
Do be able to invent the biological equivalent of robo-waifus. Genetically engineered women that have a perfect temperament and ability to pairbond with men so that society runs as it should where men actually get work done and have a reason to keep working and living. And the bio-waifus are ultimately fulfilled by supporting their husbandos.
>Any plans for later?
>Maybe drinking?
>Or smoking?
Going to a friend's birthday party bbq.
>Do you hate yourself? ...want to talk about it?
I stopped hating myself ages ago. I hate society. I hate women.
>Listening to anything?
Coaltar of the Deepers - Hard Reality
>Feeling comfy?
Yeah. I'm typing this from my reclining armchair on a wireless keyboard using my TV as a monitor and the temperature is perfect and my black-out curtains are doing their job.
>Don't forget to upload something comfy :)

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it ws okay i guess. My classes only last til 11 am but i think im doing alright in them
>Right now
I feel crappy because I am getting a cold
>Relationship w/ Parents
Good. I just talked to my dad over the phone for a few minutes about school
>Am I happy?
Too early to tell, I have a clear goal and I am working towards it but I still feel like a fucking loser, KHHV, no matter who I hang out with I just feel more detached from them the more I'm around them.
>Who are you most thankful to and why?
My parents, because they love me and no matter how I can't relate to my peers, I can always talk to and relate to them. It's a blessing and a curse.
I want to work in a NSA type Operations Center with tons of huge displays and info feeds because it looks cool.
>any plans?
I've been DJ'ing my r9k comfy radio station for the past hour if you guys would like to listen.
Lime Tea out of my favorite mug for my cold
nope, that's gross
>Do you hate yourself?
yes. I have an irrational fear of relationships. I'm not even unattractive but I push everyone away or act extremely passive to the point that it appears like i'm pushing women away. Even if someone was interested in me, my uncompromisingly high standards would fuck it up anyways. >tfw no wholesome traditional GF
>Feeling Comfy?

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