Pray tell, why are you all alone on a Friday night? What do you wish you could be doing? What are you doing instead?
It's going to be ok. We have each other for company.
Pray tell, why are you all alone on a Friday night? What do you wish you could be doing? What are you doing instead?
it's not friday night it's 5 on a saturday morning
i got 2 more hours of work then i'm gonna hit my workout at the gym and go visit some friends for a quick round of vidya and smoking weed, then i'm gonna head home and talk on discord with some other dudes before bed.
>why are you all alone
No friends in the area, too anxious/awkward to make them
>What do you wish you could be doing?
I don't want to be out partying or anything but do wish I was part of group to hang out with and not feel inferior or like an outsider
>What are you doing instead?
Same as all Fridays, posting here and browsing other random shit to distract from intrusive thoughts. I may just take cough syrup to end the night early. I like sleeping.
Jokes on you - I've turned 2 invitations down to hang out.
Instead I'm eating a whole pack of ice cream (easy calories for bulking) and reading an extremely interesting E-book. Tomorrow I will give 100% in the gym and then continue reading.
Cocoon mode is the ultimate red pill. Forget partying. That shit is temporary. But grinding in the library and gym for those sweet EXP and becoming every day better than yesterday is really what matters. Improve yourself and people will AUTOMATICALLY want to be your friends. First improvement then friends, not vice versa.
>never hang out with anyone
>people stop inviting you
If you want to be valuable make yourself scarce.
How does cocoon mode work if you need to develop your confidence and social skills through practice and experience?
>getting shitfaced in some shitty bar and doing smalltalk with losers or fucking some THOT, is somehow going to give me more confidence than being in my cozy bed and reading an e-book about how to actually be charismatic or developing an aesthetic body
t. degenerate
i get that, but at the same time you don't address my point
>people keep inviting you
>you keep turning them down
>"oh he doesn't want to hang with us"
>people stop inviting you
you have to socialize a little bit or your network disconnects from you
>reading an e-book about how to be charismatic
And you should realize that practice is everything unless you have crib notes on your arm during conversation.
My friend is working all day. I'm going to ask her out on a date later though.
The other day we spent the day hanging out and sledding. Later she came back to my apartment and laid on my lap. It was the single greatest day of my life. If I died now, I'd die a happy man.
>why are you all alone on a Friday night
because I don't have a life outside of school
>What do you wish you could be doing?
Dying painlessly
>What are you doing instead?
Same as , trying to keep the unpleasant thoughts away. I've lost interest in my hobbies, so now I just waste time on Jow Forums
Hey, it's still only 3 PM here!
Maybe I'm not available every weekend, but my friends know WHEN I'm available it's gonna be memorable and fun as fuck. I always deliver.
so you're counting on your friends thinking to invite you out every weekend even if you only go out one in ten times?
>all he does is read books and works out
you're not actually unavailable though, and wouldn't anyone who bothers to learn about you know it? so you're expecting your friends to continue to invite you out weekend after weekend, knowing full well that most of the time, you're blowing them off to stay at home and read books on how to be charismatic?
Having dinner with gf. After we will have sex and go to bed.
I agree. If you were reading books that you could discuss with people, or even actively participating in a book club, that would stimulate valuable conversation. If you're charming people with a ripped body and smooth talking you better have something of substance underneath all that. Or at least not pretending you are better than the normies if all you can do is flex and charm.
>because I don't have a life outside of school
I'm the same way user. How much school do you have left? It may not be too late for you.
Shut up retard we all know this is a lie. Nice try though.
calm your tits
this is the first time in like 3 months that I turned down an offer. BTW some of them are also sometimes unavailable.. I don't know what the big fucking deal is. You are just salty because I'm actively improving myself. And no I'm not only reading ebooks about charisma. I read books about all different subjects and topics. I'm a fountain of never-ending knowledge and can talk pretty much about anything. Stay mad.
I'm in my junior year of college, but there's an increasing chance that I'll end up dropping out.
>It may not be too late for you
It was too late for me years ago
>this is the first time in like 3 months that I turned down an offer.
>If you want to be valuable make yourself scarce.
so which is it my dude? it sounds like you're really trying to hype yourself up.
hey woah hey calm your own tits. Nothing is wrong with reading or limiting your social life according to your own comfort. It's just not a great method of making friends, and seeing how many robots are lonely for friends at all.. they're in "cocoon mode" all the time without wanting to be. And autistic.
god are you dumb
it should be a fucking crime to be this dumb
don't reply
Well if you do want to drop out, don't waffle around until senior year. Either suck it up long enough to graduate or stop spending any more time, effort and money into a lost cause.
>playing vidya and watching chinese cartoons 24/7
>cocoon mode
pick one
fair enough, although discussing media with other autists can fill the void a bit.
I'm all alone on a Friday night because I don't have any friends
>what do I wish I could be doing
Going out drinking with my friends
>what am I doing
Browsing Jow Forums, obviously
its only 1:30 PM and being alone on a friday night isn't so bad if you don't like the people out there anyway
you're talking about being in cocoon mode, and making yourself scarce, but you're not really making yourself scarce. You're talking yourself up here, and walking it back because what you're doing sounds ridiculous. It's okay to take your own time to enjoy your own company or a book or improve yourself or whatever, but you sound silly trying to aggrandize yourself for it.
>pray tell