Tfw face when finishing a tub of whey

>tfw face when finishing a tub of whey

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we're going home so soon bros

It just means you have to buy another one

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>finish tub of whey
>next one doesn’t arrive for three more days

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>tfw face when

You need better resource management, faggot.

how are you going to cope with the fact you won't be content being a noob anymore and the excitement of leveling is gone, so you'll rush to 60 and remember how awful most of the raids were, then start bitching about content, forgetting why you enjoyed vanilla in the first place.

kys faggot

we're coming home bros, prepare your anus

fuckin retard people like classic because its based around communities and socializing

>rush to 60
Did you even play vanilla? Thottbot and quest trackers did nothing to speed up the process
>awful raids

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And people always say gamers are socially awkward.
I feel like gaming is more social than most other hobbies/activities.

I played on a private server and got 2 toons to 30 and then realized I am now an adult and should not go down that path. WoW is a lot of fun.

Thats gone. All the normies have moved on from MMOs and the socially anxious, autists and mentally ill have remained. It wont be the same as it was.

>being adult means you need to spend your time as society wants you to
Ultra cuck. It’s a hobby, all other hobbies people are perusing are equally as “stupid“ or useless

That makes no sense.

yea well its a little gay

Gay is to be insecure about how others think of you because of the way you choose to spend your free time

>implying vanilla wasn't filled to the brim with autists
Totally authentic. There are still going to be noobs, meta cucks, chads, russian gopniks, etc. On a lesser scale, with less novelty, but still.

Doesn't matter. Same thing with private servers.. it just gives you something to No-Life for a couple months unless you commit to being a full time raider. However this time there's almost no chance your character and work will be destroyed because another private server bit the dust. This time it's, we hope, permanent. Might even be able to transition that character into another expansion too one day.

Unironically kys.

Half the game is the experience of getting to 60.

Reminder that ret paladins are the true chads of classic

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Great experience. Doing quests. Wow.
Vanilla is an extremely shit mmorpg compared to current standards. The only reason people play it is nostalgia.
It’s combat is shit because it’s extremely dumbed down and easy.
It’s pve content mechanics are boring and easy.
It’s PvP is utter trash.
It’s character development is trash.
Itemization is trash.

>Doing quests is BORING
what else are you expected to do in MMORPGs?
>everything is trash
you don't have to force yourself and play the game, if you don't want to and if you never played it before

I don’t have any problems whatsoever with people enjoying the game. I actually find it joyful to watch all those streamers having fun.
I have a problem when retards start claiming all over the place that this is how MMORPGs should be and that current ones are dead because they aren’t this way.
It’s not. They shouldn’t be.

>rush to 60

why would finishing a tub of whey make you happy

I knew you'd be a retail faggot.
The game hasn't been good since early wrath before QOL changes went out of control.
From what I've read BFA is the worst yet.

The fun of Vanilla lies in the challenge of the game. Levelling is tough and punishing - pull more than one mob and you're likely dead.
The fact that you aren't the hero of the story like in later expansions make the character development way better

Sure it isn't as balanced, that came later in TBC , but the game is still miles better in spite of that which says it all really

Keep your shitty zoomer opinions to yourself

I’m not going to play it. It’s going to be great a ton of fun and a huge time sink. I’m happy for you bros but for me I simply don’t have the time to devote to it.

certainly it's not a landmark for MMO's, but WoW did something right, that's why it's treasured still. if it was just a 15-year old overhyped game, no one would truly want it back. nostalgia isn't everything here, even if it plays an important part
>it isn't as balanced
and that's really good. imbalanced > homogeneous. personally I dislike TBC for introducing bad practices like flying mounts but I guess it was just inevitable at this point.

>retail faggot
I am not, WoW retail is shit as well. But it’s still better than classic.
>classic is challenging because it takes time
That’s not what challenging is. Having to put a shit tons of hours in doing brainless shit is not a fun challenge. There is how flow involved.
>pull more than 2 mobs and you are dead
Lmao, what a great challenge. Fucking hell are you fucking serious? You think it’s challenging because you need to be careful not to pull everything? Holy shit dude.
>character development is better because of story
You have no clue what I mean by character development. It has nothing to do with story.
Good MMORPGs have multiple sources of increasing the power of your character, not just boring gear with boring stats.

i think you miss the good parts of vanilla timesink: everything you have at your disposal is valuable and thus worth investing your time. first aid, food, enchants, guns/wands are vital to your progress as soon as they become available to you. it's not only about gearing up, that's actually how it is on retail. gear is the easiest way to track your progress, it feels most rewarding, this is why the game eventually was dumbed down to only progressing through gear.
on retail you don't need to prep consumables for the next leveling zone, keep some niche items or spec some passives/spend gold on pvp skills just because the zone may be contested by enemy faction. there's a loot of room to min-max, and this is why levelling in vanilla is much more engaging than retail, where you gear enchanted heirlooms and wear them until levelcap.

Okay, that is actually a very valid point then. What you said in this post is exactly what I would say is vital to MMORPGs. I’ll have to admit that I was wrong about “character development” then.
So I agree with you that retail wow is worse than classic in the character development regards. That’s actually the main reason why I never enjoyed it as mmorpg.
It’s fun as pure PvP game because of the extremely high skill cap. In its sense it’s almost a moba.

Not the same dude but when vanilla came out it was the most casualized shit on the market. I don't play retail and don't really have any faith in blizzard anymore, but I don't really have much nostalgia for vanilla.

This guy knows what I mean.

lol wow is perpetually mogged by xiv. shadowbringers will put the final nail in your coffin. enjoy the rehash

>forced to do pve in order to get good gear
i always hated pve and loved world pvp, bc/wrath was the shit but i never experienced vanilla, looks like i never will

I agree with the flying mounts point. My ultimate dream for the game would that they release the re-designed TBC and Wrath expansions eventually.
The redesigns wouldn't have flying mounts (and subsequently have re-imagined zones with the same aesthetic) and Wrath wouldn't introduce the QOL changes.

Brainless shit is what Cata onwards is.
Facerolling through levelling and instances. You try that shit in vanilla you die/wipe.
That's what I mean by challenge you autistic fuck.

In vanilla you get to engage with everyone and the world. You talk to everyone because you have to work together to complete a lot of the content, even killing elite mobs and you see the world, not just fly over it going from point a to b - they might as well just introduce fast travelling

Pic related, it's you

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fuck off transmorg tranny

vanilla's pvp is slower at the beginning, but at the end it should be at the same pace as retail. probably has a higher skillcap also due to spell batching and different layers of preparation, but I didn't play retail after WoD so can't really compare. maybe it is harder to pvp now.
>when vanilla came out it was the most casualized shit on the market
that's 100% true and this is why I don't understand the hate around vanilla being "too hard". it's not rocket science.

Why are you always referencing back to retail wow? I already told you I find retail wow shit as well, it doesn’t phase me when you keep insulting it. Stop doing that, it makes your posts longer while adding zero value and it also makes you appear really stupid.

Having to find people in order to slay a mob can be fun, sure. Buts it’s not challenging.
Doing dozens of hours of questing is not fun either. Leveling instances are not challenging. Combat is not challenging, it’s slow, easy and has a very low skill ceiling.
All the shit you mention about “seeing the world”, “no quick travel” etc is not what is going to make a game survive.
Having challenging end content and a permanent sense of character progression in a very high skill ceiling environment is what keeps people engaged with MMORPGs. Not running through maps and taking weeks of questing to reach max level. Even if it does add value.

Doing dozens of hours of questing is not ***challenging*** is what I meant to write.

I'm going to name my warrior "Rippetoe"

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city






also vanilla leveling and world pvp is something else.

Based. Sadly dwarf can't roll mage so I'll have to settle on a gnome.

>tfw notice I only have like 1,5 shake left
>order more within the hour
>site says delivery times may vary between 3-10 days
>finish workout a few days later and make shake with remaining whey
>likely gonna have to go 1 day without shake after workout, sigh.jpg
>mfw new whey arrives on chest day, 3 days after the order

gonna play dwarf warr btw, f u u a a a r k

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At least fix the background Alex

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tfw you open a brand new tub of whey and you have to dig your arm down into it to find the scoop and then you pull your arm out and it's covered in whey and so you lick it all off and feel like you are getting gainz from your own body

this is the goat

blizzard will find a way to ruin it

>tfw opening a 5lbs bag of myprotein whey of some random flavor you bought out of a sweet craving and the chemical smell reach you

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>classic threads on Jow Forums now

>shit mmorpg compared to current standards

name a SINGLE good modern mmo. i'll wait.

>it's instead of its
Learn your grammar before posting, idiot

>not wind fury shamans

>rush to 60
Only streamers and people who never played retail vanilla will try this and most of them will give up when they realize how clunky the game was and how they aren't able to delay gratification.

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underrated post lol

still gonna roll female orc for that thicc ass buns

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am I going to make it if I play classic wow?

Yes, very much so. Retail is a major gains goblin, however.

"Nice day for a memorial. Would be a shame..."

I still don't trust actiblizzard to go a good job, but Warmane and Nostra feel like free to play chink clones. I just want to DND style play through dungeons with bros from thunderbluff.

You’re not just making it. You’re making it home.

>rush to 60

Ahahaha good luck
At best it takes you 4 days to get to 60.For the average player is goes up to a month.
Also you can always create some alts

Sharing for info: in Dec 04 it took me 12 days in game playtime (~300hours, over the course of about a month) to reach 60 with a shadow priest grinding pretty hard. I remember because I sold my account for $300 (1$/hr) once it was established that raiding was broken dogshit

This is such an obvious shill

>Activision has active viral marketing on biz

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