I keep humiliating myself and allowing people on the internet to degrade me and use me as their slave...

I keep humiliating myself and allowing people on the internet to degrade me and use me as their slave, then regretting it later only to do it all again.
How do I stop this?

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Don't use the internet then? I doubt you know how to do that at this point though. Reading is fun if you want to try reality without the internet.

>How do I stop this?

embrace your inner cock slut

Did you use the name Mellow at some point?

>Don't use the internet then?
I can't. My family doesn't talk to me anymore and I have no friends irl so my entire life revolves around the internet. Plus my job requires it.
I've let people do anything they want to me. I've let them spread images of me around (and even send them to my family members), let them take most of my money, injured myself for their entertainment, etc. I always deeply regret it afterwards. I hate this pattern I fall into

No. Why?

I do but I cry afterward when I realize what I've done

Weird. I cried from many different reasons but never that.

I tried being friends with some guy and he basically insisted on being a subby faggot so I went along with it. then he'd block me when I showed any leniency because I don't really have it in me to treat people like that
But it happened two days in a row with him pretending to be different people

Shut up and give me your butt

>Shut up and give me your butt

no desu

>degrade me and use me as their slave
u fukin w0t m8?

a slave in what way? you need to be more descriptive, so i can figure out if you even have a real problem or not.

Even crying you're going to give it now do it

no, I'm a changed person user, a new leaf

Sure okay, I'll be waiting haha

ugh fine, just give me your contact already you pig

originally give discord user!

nope he's mine hun ;)

I don't know. I just become overwhelmed with guilt and regret after it's all over.

...What? Explain further. He catfished you twice?
I usually prefer people who are ruthless and cruel to me, teetering on abusive.

This person isn't me.

>This person isn't me.

no one cares, people are here to shitpost not to hear from you

cant we share user?
I want someone.

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People tell me to do things and I do it. Tell me to send you vulnerable images of myself, I do it. Tell me to do something embarrassing and record myself doing it, I'll do it. Tell me to do something I might even lose my job over, I'll still do it. I get dominant people who blackmail me and punish me whenever I don't do exactly what they want or just if they're bored and want to see me suffer. Basically they go out of their way to make me feel less than human.
It's hot in the moment but after it feels awful, I feel like a degraded whore.

>People tell me to do things and I do it.

post asshole pics

fucking unoriginal homos

I'm not in the mood right now. I'm just sad and regretting everything.

post those a-hole pics you slut ;)

Same guy that asked that question.
Why don't you just pick a man to date? Too ugly?

>Why don't you just pick a man to date?

I'm a straight 31 year old larper

>Why don't you just pick a man to date? Too ugly?
I can't do relationships. They're too mushy, cheesy. I prefer either casual encounters or nothing.
Also, yeah I am pretty ugly.

>tfw no masochistic slave to bully

Right. So you don't want a relationship, yet you trust guys right away with things that end up being silly, at least in your own words. You're too ugly to go outside and do it, so you have to find people online.

The answer is clear. This is what you want to do. Would you like me to explain?

>The answer is clear. This is what you want to do. Would you like me to explain?

listen up SLAVE, i now declare myself you're master and i declare that you are my PATHETIC BETA SLAVE!

now you better spin in a circle 10 times while rubbing your tummy and say out loud "master user is greatest person to ever live and im a pathetic baka!" for the entire duration of the 10 spins!

and if you dont ill bully you harder than your previous slave owners so start spinning you stupid slave!!!

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user, do you have any other friends to talk to online or any ways to make new ones? im pretty ignorant but it sorta sounds to me like you're in/have been in an abusive relationship and want to retain it even though you know its bad for you.

if that's the case i think there's a lot of stuff online about how to get out of abusive relationships that might help you out. they helped me, at least.

wanna talk about it?

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You're all so fucking gay so I'm not going to talk about your gayness but I want to cosplay guts from beserk so fucking bad and I'm almost there in my physique but I can't seem to gain that 30% extra muscle while still maintaining low body fat %.

God graciously gifted me with 6"3' height and dark hair. But now I'm having a slight panic attack because my progress is stalling and this is what got me into gym 2 years ago.

Not sure why I'm posting here but anyone here have experience with this? I was thinking of doing light roids to push me over this hump. Something like test and dnp.

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>how stop

Just stop.

Simple just find someone who while dominant isn't uncaring or whatever.
Just find someone who won't leave you after.

Try high protein low cals, worked for me but takes fucking ages.

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You can fix it by becoming my bf/gf

This isn't to do with anything but do you like having your tummy played with? For research purposes

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Sorry, I don't know if you're still here but I went to eat dinner. First, tell me what you actually want out of these people you talk to. Talking to them because you're bored?

>First, tell me what you actually want out of these people you talk to.
I don't know. Sometimes I just get an insatiable urge to be used and thrown away like garbage. Sometimes I feel like I want an extreme version of that; like I want to be tied up in someone's basement and used whenever my owner gets bored or angry and wants to take out his rage on me. I want someone to use me, but then I immediately regret my decisions and want to run away after I cum.

>do you have any other friends to talk to online or any ways to make new ones?
No, not really. Outside of the whole submissive thing I tend to be kind of antisocial. I hate people but I also want them to abuse me.
>im pretty ignorant but it sorta sounds to me like you're in/have been in an abusive relationship and want to retain it even though you know its bad for you.
I've actually never been in any committed romantic relationship. My dad was pretty abusive growing up but I don't think the two are connected all that much.
>if that's the case i think there's a lot of stuff online about how to get out of abusive relationships that might help you out. they helped me, at least.
>wanna talk about it?
Can you tell me more about the relationships you were in?

I've tried but I always end up getting back into it. Like smoking.

So... yeah I don't know what I need do explain. You pretty much are just enjoying a degenerate fetish. Even the hatred of yourself after is part of what you're seeking. Women are really good at concealing truths, even from themselves, so it's no wonder you don't think you can explain it. You'll just have to take my word for it. That said, you don't actually want those things to happen IRL. Girls exactly like you think they do and then change their mind pretty quick.

You'll just have to take my word for it. Girls like you typically don't want help either, you like to wallow and whine in your pity. My advice is to either keep doing it, or try becoming a normal person, which would represent an extreme reversal. It will be interesting for awhile at the very least, and you will learn a lot from it, mostly about yourself. After you figure out who you are via experiencing different things, you will more understand why you want what you want, including this fetish.

That could be tough. Most people that actually give a shit about who they're fucking don't want some used up fag. So unless he's just been online or hasn't been fucked, etc. he's going to be used in real life as well.

I know I don't want my sissy to be a gaping STD filled hole.

>I keep humiliating myself and allowing people on the internet to degrade me and use me as their slave, then regretting it later only to do it all again

You sound just like me user

Wait, this is a woman? Shit, I replied to a LARP. God damnit. I was just getting used to the faggots.

I'm just assuming, might not be.

I'm actually not a woman...I mean I used an anime girl for the OP but that's only because she's tired and miserable.

Oh. Nah bruh, there aren't any women on here. The entire culture, way of talking, method of communication, style and format, not to mention the people are pretty much the antithesis of any woman but the most damaged or most attention/money seeking.

None would actually post a question on here. They'd probably lurk though.

ha girls like you are fun to know. you can either help them greatly and they ditch you after or they submit to you without much effort and you get to make moral choices about it.

Op drop your discord so I can talk to you. Curious how deep your rabbit hole goes with this.

>Can you tell me more about the relationships you were in?
well, it was with a guy that knew that i was into him and subtly manipulated me into staying around with him. he'd start arguments with me and blame me for it, talk about leaving me, ignored me from time to time etc. just to keep my on my toes. he knew that i didn't have anyone else to turn to so he knew he could manipulate me into staying around. it took me a while to understand that he was abusing me and keeping me around to validate him and dominate me. after building up my fortitude, and convincing myself that i could find better people that might genuinely love me, i left him and didn't turn back.

other than that i can't really say i've been in an abusive relationship myself. it was really tough getting out. took me months to build up the courage to walk away and even then i had a lot of thoughts about going back to him and thinking that maybe things might change between he and i, but i read that stockholm syndrome is really common among victims of abuse, so i tried to keep those thoughts in check.

at the moment i found a small group of peeps at my college to hang out with and am thinking about learning ASL to befriend some deaf people.

when it comes to your particular case i don't actually really know what exactly you could do, but i'm sure there are other people with your same issue that you might be able to find with a google search.

the hardest part is leaving because its scarier to be alone than it is to be in an abusive relationship. finding other people to validate your existence and befriend you would help, but that is some really hard shit because being social aint easy.

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There will never not be some cuck trying to take advantage of a damaged person. Predictable.

you like it too much to stop it, either accept that or get some self-control
you know this is the answer why make a thread for it

Oh, sure ok. So because you're not a woman, you're instead probably mentally ill instead of just being a woman. The rest of it still applies in almost the same way. Not sure, there might be a few other variables. I don't know what you do in life or anything but, if you can change it up a lot, I'd do that. Most of life is about learning about yourself. Until you know yourself, it's normal to be confused about what you want and why. The short answer though, in case you want it, is genetics. Genetics dictate pretty much everything you think at any given moment.

Go do something lewd that doesn't make you cry like a bitch, obviously


(You) Not sure what that has to do with my post? I was commenting on why women aren't here. This place isn't female friendly unless they have something wrong with them.

And yes, OP has something wrong with them. Maybe not mental illness level, but above and beyond normal fucked up baggage. Sorry I'm not progressive/liberal enough to not point that out. I understand that it's counter culture at the moment and I'm supposed to accept him and say he's perfectly normal.

'dominant' autists are some of the most cringeworthy people I've ever had the displeasure of fucking speaking to

There will never not be some cuck white knight virgin trying to white knight a m'lady no matter what.

It's always the shit tier guys as well. Like they figure out that no normal woman would ever be interested in them so decide that they are "dominant", which just means that they think submissive women are easy to pick up because they're submissive. Not even realizing the amount of effort and work an actual dom/sub relationship takes. They just want their dick sucked on demand, regardless of the cost to the other person or actually meeting their needs. Main reason I was on fetlife and such for a week before I saw how much of a sausage fest every girl's inbox was.

It's a dude you fucking retard. Go be desperate somewhere else. Maybe you'll finally get that dating profile pic that hides your double chin and fat tire if you work on it some more.

And the white knight explodes typing up a verbal insult barrage hoping to maybe potentially get something right in his claims against me!
No double chin and not fat user. Unlike others I take my health serious.
now be bitter you got called out white knighting a guy..fag white knighting guess that's a thing now.
oh well i'll still abuse or help them if I want and you playing fake hero and pretend main charactor isnt going to change that. you dont even get a background part in life

Interesting fantasy you got there bud. Hope it keeps you warm at night. You TOTALLY don't fit the typical fake-dom mold at all. *wink

Do you by any chance post in the censored porn threads that pop up here?

interesting fantasy you got there bud. hope it keeps you warm at night. you TOTALLY don't fit the typical hero white knight mold at all. *wink