I thought I'd just leave this here.
I thought I'd just leave this here
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>all those words
wow okay cunt
who's the pissed off roast that created this garbage essay lmao
every beta on r9k should read this and learn the true nature of women. they just want to get plowed by chads. they really dont care about nice guys.
Id rather read a book. Dont know if this is an incel or roastie propaganda and dont care.
For fuck's sake jump off a building
"Chad" is literally just a man with more testosterone than you who is more successful, attractive, and probably more intelligent (although you'd never admit that last one). He has a clear purpose and goals, he makes friends easily and can tough it the fuck out when things get rough. Remind me again why a self-described "beta" should win over someone like that? What good reason do you have?
The answer is that betas don't have any secret qualities that make them great. They don't have anything that Chad doesn't have except maybe a better vocabulary from countless hours of useless consumption. Everything else is a masquerade. You're not smarter, you're not more moral or more courageous. You're just a pussy, and every woman knows it (probably including you're own mother which is why she never really loved you).
This image is bait, right? I get that wahmen want to date men who actually go out and do things instead of playing vidya and watching moon rune cartoons, and I can respect that, but whoever made that could have said it in a much better way.
>I like it when I fight with my boyfriends
The hell? I can understand getting enjoyment out of debates or discussions or conversations, but who the hell enjoys fighting?
That's not a meme though. It's a comic. Nor does it really have a political bend. Have you spoken to a neurologist recently?
yeah sure, except that the divorce rate is through the roof, and almost always initiated by the women. looks like that essay she wrote really helped those guys get a keeper too huh? lmao
Holy shit I admit i skimmed the whole thing but the grill sounds like a right cunt lol
meaning it's not original at all
I love this image. You would hope that the comments are as fake as the article.
tell me something i don't know.
I may not like being around people all that much, but I go outside. I hunt and fish and all that shit. I know what it's like to be exited.
There is nothing wrong with me, it's just that the rest of society is fucked up.
same dif.
Pig reladed :D :D :D :D :D :D
Expressing your emotion to a femoid like this makes you a massive beta cuck. Only a faggot would admit to loving women.
Beat me to it. I was scrambling looking for that pic , i know I have it around somewhere
>Only a faggot would admit to loving women.
this is it people
wherever we were headed, we arrived
I have never and will never read all of these retarded words.
it's not how you make comics
Allow me to place this edit here, originally.
Obviously a guy wrote it. Can't believe people on this board can't tell the difference between a guy's writing and a girls'. Oh wait I can because it happens every day here.
This comic was made at the height of whiny nice guy stuff before there was a huge normalfag/woman backlash against it (which unsurprisingly co-sided with the backlash against internet/new atheism, which is why the fedora meme encompassed both).
>t. incel
Stop writing these sycophantic, self-hating essays about "Chad" and nut up.
She's projecting hard, she doesn't like uncivilized impulsive sex driven men who care not for knowledge, it's just that she, like all (110%) women are impulsive, uncivilized, and can't comprehend knowledge let alone attain it. So she goes after the guy who looks better, is taller, like that instinctual animal she is not even realizing that the tall and handsome guy in the background doesn't really care for sex, or for her, and would rather talk to the guy in this panel about history and other things, and ends up cheating on her and leaving her. She isn't doing good for the human race, knowledge, science, and advancement do good for the human race, and soon with artificial wombs and androids replacing women chads and incels will rejoice as this unevolved unequal fades into history like the neanderthals.
a few girls can reach that amount of thought like in OP pic
sex robots are a tool to tranquilize you,artifical wombs and genetic engineering will make us weaker while separating the elites and us into different species,androids will cost your liver/whole life btw
Yeah, I love it as well. The comments sounds like something my parents would say, which makes me love it even more. Have another funny image. Made in abyss was a good show, by the way.
I dont get that meme
does he bondage her up and rape her?
> few girls can reach that amount of thought like in OP pic
All girls can because it's gaslighting bullshit with no real substance beyond manipulation. If you found any truth in what she said you're need to try an up that double digit IQ of yours.
>sex robots are a tool to tranquilize you,artifical wombs
Things to replace the objectively bad for society female species is a good thing.
>genetic engineering will make us weaker
If that's your goal? Pic related, a dog that was genetically engineered to be the stronger. You can do this for intelligence, lifespan, metabolism, the immune system, height, hair, eyesight, everything. Genetic engineering is the next step in evolution. By the way, the elites are already working towards this for themselves in their underground labs that you can't locate on maps while telling you it's morally wrong. Enjoy being late to the party, again, by believing in propaganda that trickles down from the top.
In the anime, they actually did a makeshift surgery on her arm to keep her from dying, but if you put the two images together, it looks like he just fucked her, which I thought was funny.
this guy killed and ate two lions. he is literally drowning in pussy. incels why don't you just kill and eat two lions unironically
That looks a lot like the NCR guard dogs from new vegas. Also, I can understand disliking women, but they're obviously the same species as men. You're probably just memeing, though.
Not memeing, arguing my thoughts providing reasoning in those arguments. If you don't want to participate, that's ok. Many more minds out there to interact with.
Actually that's a bully whippet and it's a fully natural mutation caused by selective breeding. Genetic engineering is directly modifying the DNA with CRISPR or other methods.
>Not memeing, arguing my thoughts providing reasoning in those arguments
Aright. I was pretty sure that you were serious, but not 100%. But why do you think women are a separate species?
I guess you could argue that selective breeding is a form of genetic engineering, since you're choosing which genes you want the offspring to have by breeding two adults with those genes.
You're right, that specific god was just bred that way, my mistake. Though still, eugenics by breeding will still be outpaced by eugenics by science. This article is relevant: technologyreview.com
They are not technically a different species, but they are not equals to men. Their brains are useless, they are weak and can't survive without us, they cause more problems in the world due to their pathology than they could ever provide. Their very nature is like a synthetic sociopathy. Their only value is their wombs, and we can get an alternative while alleviating all of the other problems they cause for society and the advancement of the human race. As an alternative, we can start genetically engineering women, uplifting so to say, to become our equals, and re-wiring their instincts to not be naturally such shit. Either way, there is a problem, we have the tools to fix it, I would not be human, I would not be man if I did not use tools to make life better. Any push in the other direction is degeneracy to the very core of the word.
dog ...not god.
>They are not technically a different species
Makes sense. I thought you were trying to say that they were a separate species at first.
> that specific god was just bred that way, my mistake
I realize that you meant to say dog, but they idea of creating and enslaving godlike beings via gene editing is really cool. Reminds me of evangelion.
No exaggeration, I could see us becoming so different through genetic engineering in the far future that our future selves would be indistinguishable from our current views of gods. Not just gene editing, but all science in general. If only people strive for it. We're at the first time in human history where we can look at what's beneficial and what's not and decide how we evolve, rather than fall victim to random mutation. It's like we've discovered fire but 90% of people are saying "put it out, it can burn you, don't ever make that again".
lmao, fucking based
This comic is from 2004 or something, isn't it? This was the first time I ever heard of the 'Nice Guy' concept. Sadly, it was very very far from the last - the whole thing is just as dumb now as it was 15 years ago.
Unfortunately she's pretty much right
We must seek for happiness in the company if real human beings even though its really really hard
> I could see us becoming so different through genetic engineering in the far future that our future selves would be indistinguishable from our current views of gods
I don't think there's any sort of gene that would allow people to create universes at will.
Once we understand how the universe was created, we could try to replicate it. But that's far off. And I personally don't think humans as they are can get to that point. We need space travel, and bigger brains, we need more information. All of this is unlocked with gene editing. Also, gene editing doesn't end at turning on and off genes, or splicing genes from different creatures together. That's just copy and paste. We will one day code our own original genes, for original purposes that we might not even know exist in the universe yet. Of course a lot of this is speculation but it's just the clearest path we have. Let's race against the universe and learn the truth, let's extend our survival beyond all our pessimistic timelines, and lets never fear the tools that will take us to that destination. We have fire, don't fear it.
It's strange how I'm chad on the internet in voicechats and even get girls wanting to e-date me, good looking normie girls, but irl it's different. I wonder if there's more to being good at socializing and your personality. Hmmm....
if someone told me this i would just call them a cunt and walk away
>5 years ago everyone recognized this as old stale bait
>now people earnestpost like it's the first time they are seeing it