Went from not running my entire life to running 3x a week

>went from not running my entire life to running 3x a week
>fucked my right knee up
>still hurts, but has gotten slightly better over the past week
I cant do any lower body lifts and I have to get my cardio up for Navy BMT! If my knee doesn't get better, or if it gets hurt again, I won't be able to ship. What do?

Attached: 1559267802302.jpg (720x720, 79K)

Fix your knee? Seems pretty obvious what you should do.

Stay off it until it's better, any physio will tell you this. If it's injured, stop.
>yeah but

It’s called you have shit form. Use this time to learn proper form.

Run in-place kicking your legs up behind you at 90 degree angles and land on your mid foot. Only difference between this and actual running is you just lean forward.

Your most likely heel striking and the impact is being sent to your knee, your feet might also be rolled inward or outward and you might need insoles. When your learning how to properly land with your foot if you start getting pain in shins your most likely landing to forward on your foot. Make sure to also activate your ass to help you push off and land. Running should feel super comfortable.

>t airmen who got fucked up in basic and didn’t know all this and got sent home

The absolute unit

Haha faggot

T. Vet

I think it was going from no cardio to overtraining so rapidly that really did me in. My form isn't that bad, I do practice it, but I will take your advice because you're probably right.
Fuck you, but BASED

That stride tho

stretch your hamstrings more afterwards, doing so completely alleviated my knee issues. split legged hamstring stretch in particular

Ride a bike or use a rowing machine instead of running while your knee heals.
It's not that hard to figure out user.

Is he small or is the cat huge

I would pet the shit outta that cat.

Attached: 1288240053374.png (187x147, 2K)

Now you know why swimming wasn't a meme ppl made up. Better workout than running like so e Ethiopian. Don't even entertain retards telling you your form is shit, as if our knees can handle running miles on man made rock.

Start swimming.

same except shin splints for me

you have to stop moving and rest. i know it feels like shit. I know it sounds counter intuitive but it will never get better unless you give it time to rest

Learn to stretch your shit.

I had terrible shin splints in basic and AIT and thought I would have to be chaptered. I figured out a way to stretch the tendon that runs parallel to the shin. It was the best feeling pain in my life.

That's one fucking nice kitty right there

i want a giga kot

hehe thats a chunky cade :3

Stretch up with dynamic stretches and jumping jacks (star jumps) to warm up, remember to go up and down onto your tiptoes and to spin your foot a bit so it wont fuck up there.


Looks tasty

What tendon would that be that you think caused shin splints?

This is an average sized Chinese male holding an average sized house cat