How to stay Jow Forums after 30

Ok guys, I hit 30 this year. What do I need to do to stay generally healthy in my 30s? Already feeling random soreness and aches here and there, and stuff muscles/joints creeping in. Is the saying true, that once you hit 30 your body just starts falling apart?

What are your general health post-30 Jow Forums pro-tips?

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I just started lifting and I am
30. I don’t feel like anything’s over for me yet.

>staying fit in 30s
Just play and train your kids in a sport. Even if they're girls

Look into "Mcgill's big 3" to save your back
Warm up every workout
make sure to always maintain perfect form
never lift for ego or numbers, be modest and know that progress takes time
sleep well, eat well, don't drink too much
work on the lesser used muscles by doing glute bridges, side planks, hamstring curls etc.
basically in order to do the big lifts safely there's a lot of accessory work that's necessary
t. injured 30 year old who didn't follow this advice

it's not true, your body falls apart once you let it. You can keep lifting into your 70s and up and be healthier than others for it.

do stretching as gay as that sounds, and just do normal lifting.

>Is the saying true, that once you hit 30 your body just starts falling apart?
>What are your general health post-30 Jow Forums pro-tips?
lmao no.

> Already feeling random soreness and aches here and there, and stuff muscles/joints creeping in.
No you don't, well maybe you do because that is what you expect is gonna happen and you are not very active.

>Ok guys, I hit 30 this year. What do I need to do to stay generally healthy in my 30s?
The same shit to stay healthy in any other point in your life.

>What are your general health post-30 Jow Forums pro-tips?
To train and eat like any other human being.


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Lifting and stretching more regularly are two things I really need to get my ass into gear and start doing more of. I don't want to be a muscle bro, but I could definitely use more muscle work. As far as warm ups and stretching goes, are yoga classes worth it?

>>What are your general health post-30 Jow Forums pro-tips?
> To train and eat like any other human being.
But how?

Lift weights 3-4 times a week and do cardio 1-2 times a week.

nah yoga classes are a waste of time unless you get them for free, but you can do yoga by yourself and do it way better

You won't defeat time, but you can give em hell in the process.

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What about supplements? Aside from protein and whatever for lifting, anything else worth taking for like, muscle and joint smoothness or mental fitness etc?

Take the 30 day yoga pill with Adriene on youtube. It costs nothing.

I just turned 30 too. Real feels bro. I started lifting at 29 and it's going well so far. I also have aches and pains but I've had those since my early 20's just from injuries. Keep your mind sharp and never stop learning. Learning languages is actually great to pass time. I'm learning Spanish. Just don't fall into a rut of nothingness. Now's the time to really invest in healthy eating and taking care of your skin though.

pretty much just drink your milk and eat your vitamins, the reason so many people get dumpy after 30 is because they get families, get careers and let themselves go, not because the body turns into a dumpster fire.

injecting liquid cancer into your body will give you good results for about 2-5 years until it catches up with you and you melt

That reminds me, last night I checked a video with stretching because I feel like I lost a ton if flexibility in my legs. So i looked up ballerina stretches or what ever and found a video with some decent leg stretches. After that I realized how inflexible my legs and back are. I can't get a straight leg raised up to be prependicular to my body, and I have trouble leaning forward with my back.

Otherwise just exercise and eat right and you should be good. I am 32 and I rarely get aches, and if I do get them Iknow what caused them.

Supplements are snake oil. Eat a well balanced diet of various foods and you should be able to intake what you need. If you buy into supplements eventually you will be that person with a pill cabinet or pill tray popping various supplements ro remain "healthy/regular".

Yikes, Mom, when did you start posting on /fit ?

>What are your general health post-30 Jow Forums pro-tips?

Same shit as before 30. Nothing special about it.

some yoga teachers can even injure you with their instruction
it's easy to over-do stretching, seriously
be easy on yourself when stretching; dynamic stretches after your warm up and before your lift, slow easy stretches after your workout

I don't get it OP. I've been lifting since I was 27. I'm 32 now and other than getting tired at night earlier on days I lift, I don't feel that different at all.