How do I unlock pic related related mode?

how do I unlock pic related related mode?

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>he thinks you need roids for this
holy fuck just hang yourself

Wait, he was that small? Fuck.

Sell sum dags m8

Do pushups and run for about a year.

Cardio + Abs + push-ups + don't eat too much.

Starting from average build:
>Lift heavy
>Eat at mild calorie deficit with lots of protein
>Keep going until you’re lean but still have muscle
>Carb re-feed on some based Tuc biscuits to fill your muscles out after being on a cut
>Fine tune size and leanness as per your preference

lol, that physique can be aquired natty with just a few calisthenics a week.

If you're fat or even skinny fat. Go on a fast first until you're low bf%.

After that eat at a mild caloric surplus, whole foods, not processed, and lift at least 3 times a week for about a year. You might have gained some bf% so you might have to go on a fast again.

Ah fookin 'ate pikeys

Attached: dags.gif (294x348, 866K)

why don't one of you natty fellas show me yourself or anyone else looking as dry and 3D as brad pitt in snatch

looks natty =/= is natty
when will brainlets learn

Before those scenes they stop eating carbs one months before and stop dinking water 2 dayys before
If you are fit and do this you will look like this too

What movie it's that from?

Skinny fat here. I can confirm that fasting has done wonders for me in terms of losing body fat and I can still lift just as heavy, if not heavier, now that I'm lighter. Still have a little body fat to burn, but it honestly shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks or so because I usually do three to four day fasts and incorporate light cardio to stimulate fat burning.

only real answer is genetics. you can do whatever you want but if your genetics r not close to that, you wont achieve this.

fucking beat me to it

>have a relatively clean diet and no drugs
>do low weight lifting/calisthenics
>repeat for about a year if coming from less than 0 muscle
>do drugs
>eat shit
>get some roids
>do some meme weight lifting shit you got from a studio paid trainer
>some more roids
>get goal in 2 months top
I wonder which one would a junkie choose

buy a caravan