>women use their bodies instead of natural talent or intelligence to gain fame because they are incapable of the former.
Women use their bodies instead of natural talent or intelligence to gain fame because they are incapable of the former
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Don’t understand what she’s trying to prove but she’s built like a female softball player.
>Brave Woman Poses Nude Again
Full fascism now
she's got rounded shoulders
I can see the soft indeed
>inspiration for girls
Inspire them to do what? Play a sport that men are barred from? I've never been able to get behind the double-think that is women's sports.
I think inspiring them to be comfortable with their bodies by showing them an advanced female athlete with a bit of flab.
Keep in mind that "Inspire" means different things to different kind of people. For you and me it means "Inspiration to do things and improve themselves", for other it means "Confirmation that it's ok to be a lazy piece of lard"
>One of the best FEMALE softball players in the world.
More than half the men in my local fastpitch beer league would destroy her in a hit, pitch, and run challenge.
>Play a sport that men are barred from?
i see about as many men playing softball as women playing baseball
>>Brave Woman Poses Nude Again
That’s the keks honest truth. Remember that video of the worlds strongest female losing to arm wrestled with random, untrained average dudes?
>feeling the need to announce this
beta cuck
> coal burner
> fading looks
> only talent is hitting a ball with a stick
> inspiring
How is this fitness related?
Like the 15 years old soccer team who beat Australia national women team 7-2
for what purpose did you need to point this out
>downplaying women's achievements
unironically great body
Oh look she's a coal burner. How brave. A true inspiration.
Men's baseball isn't even a real sport, and this is women's softball. What achievements?
oh yeah it really shows
Sorry some sideboob made you clutch your pearls, grandma. Just use your oxygen tank to catch your breath until the orderly brings your tapioca.
You get mad about everything, you homos
Did you earn one Partner Point for this post? How many more before you’re allowed to join your wife and her bf in bed?
Tbqh those are some great milkers
>I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for the kids
>still need hair, make up, and photoshop to make yourself less hideous
seems legit
>unironicalling women who date blacks coalburners and mudsharks
You realize this is only going to cause this to happen MORE right?
It's not even baseball, it's softball lmao
>be in "pro" league where a fatty like her can actually compete
>make 30 grand a year
>get naked for attention
Oh man
Not sure about American sports, is softball just retard baseball?
Its baseball for fat girls. Underhand pitch with a much larger, softer, and heavier ball because women can't hit a regular baseball. Its underhand pitched because they cant even hit a grapefruit sized ball if its moving "too fast" lmao
Women's inflated inflated egos + rabbi's need to make the world ugly
have sex
I dont udnerstand why she needs to be nakes to deliver her message. She could have just liften her shirt up and shown her belly not being perfectly flat. To show young girls they dont need a flat belly.
Why she gotta be totally naked?
Thanks, figures.
Lel you're misunderstanding his post. It's not outrage at nude women it's sarcasm about how trite it has become
Of course males are going to beat females. You run faster and kick harder than us. Because larger muscles, bigger lungs, etc. Why us this somehow amazing to you.
Because leftists pretend that it's not true
I'm on the far left and I don't pretend it's true. You're just a fucking retard.
Good for you faggot
Hurr nice anecdote princess.
Ok, but how does her bush look like?
Do you have any data saying leftists aren't more likely to believe women are as physically strong as men. If not, then you're just relying on anecdotes as well. I've never met a person on the left that believes women are as physically strong as men. I had a feminist philosophy professor say that women are not as physically strong as men. It's clearly not a common belief among leftists that women are as physically strong as men. A good deal of ideas relating to women's rights is based around the idea that women are physically weaker than men.
I forgot to check your dubs in my post
>posing nude in a magazine
>not pornographic
It baffles me how thots behave, knowing they're engaging in thottery, and still insist on making disclaimers like this to deflect criticism before it happens.
This but unironicly
No they aren't.
There's literally nothing to look at when she's nude.
What a disappointment.
does she have to be naked to make that point?
No thanks, just sex
Post your routine for today.
>Zottoman Bicep curls (30 lbs) 3x10
>Lateral Raise (15lbs) 3x10
>Shrugs (160lbs) 4x15
>Incline bench (155lbs) 4x8
>Dips 3x10
>Face pulls (40lbs) 3x10
>T-Row (80lbs) 3x10
>Tricep wire pulldown (30lbs) 3x12
>Ez bar curl (50lbs) 3x8
this one is a bs story iirc, they played against some irrelevant reserve players only
What a waste.
I forgot her name by the time I finished reading that. Looks meh.
i have 3 children thanks
>And for no reason people elected Hitler
or that nobody male who thrashed serena williams in tennis
Women are shit
Anyone have source or videos for this?