Do women ever feel guilty or cruel about how they treat us? No contact, ghosting, cheating. Like do they stop and realize how horrible and evil they are and that it might have consequences on their immortal soul.
Do women ever feel guilty or cruel about how they treat us? No contact, ghosting, cheating...
>expecting women to take accountability for their actions
lol no, if you're not their ideal male then you're considered a lower lifeform to them
I'm only mean to people who are mean to me, otherwise I mostly keep it contained to shitposting. I'm older though and don't spend time on dating sites, I can only imagine how horrible the 7/10 beckys you guys try to talk to on tinder can be.
girls just want to have fun. they dont really care what else is going on.
They don't care idiot.
They get more clout from their other whore friends actually.
Does a spider pity a fly?
you want your mind blown,
the same ones who hurt you ask the exact same question about the chads who hurt them.
unironically this. Women don't actually care about your feelings or your sentiments but they'll pretend to as long as they want something from you.
Of course if you have nothing to offer them generally because you're an unemployed, uninteresting loser then this won't apply to you and they'll resent you for even attempting to occupy their time and space.
Hahaha, no. Think of it like this. All females have BPD but to varying degrees. One of the main traits of the disorder is rationalizing your shitty behavior by distorting reality.
Look around and find posts from girls who have cheated looking for advice. Most of them put the blame on their partner in some way or another. "He was fighting with me a lot" but they leave out the part where she instigated it.
Females are fucked in the head. All of them.
user. 99% of those posts are bait. I guarantee you haven't been in a real one.
So what's the fucking point.
I hate women and the blue pilled wk cucks who run this country.
>we do the same
Doesn't realize that humans as a whole are just shitty beings that should die off
It is just so bizarre , how can there be an entire group of people like, this billions of them, with no accountability, logic, or honor. Humanity is so very fucked and deserves to be wiped out
Men do this all more than women.
itt: people who have spent very little time talking to girls
Nope, being more "empathetic" just makes them more biased against those who don't spark good feelings in them. If anything, they rationalize their actions and think you're at fault and deserved it.
Most of the stuff I've read has been on Jow Forumsrelationships/relationshipadvice/etc. These posts are absolutely not bait.
Be warned though, if you do this, you will be blackpilled and theres no going back.
And they're doing it right now. Treating a good man like shit. While getting attention from other men who treat her like shit. But it's life right. That what being a modern 21st century woman is.
A walking hole.
I know right? Although both of us could be talking about different groups entirely, the one *I* belong to must be the right one cause muh feels.
>bait never gets posted on reddit
Although you're more likely to find authentic posts there, but why would you browse Jow Forumsrelationshipadvice? Do you want to lose brain cells?
itt gay men justifying theyr pussy envy
They're missing the brain circuitry to have any of those emotions
Because they are men, so what. They probably spent money on the bitch, they worked on themselves enough to turn women down. Women literally have to do nothing for some random faggot to support them.
I ghosted a guy once and I do feel bad for it. It's not an excuse, but I am very asocial and can go weeks without really acknowledging that I haven't talked to anyone.
>inb4 everyone calling me an evil thot
Yeah I'll take that as a punishment then
Maybe the 1% of Chads do
the moderation on reddit is pretty strict in popular subs. Bait/trolls being posted on certain subs is promptly dealt with. And for something to be bait it has to be obvious anyways.
Go on, have a look for yourself. Use proper search terms and prepare for the ultimate black pill.
>I'll take that as a punishment then
That's not punishment. Punishment would be getting two black eyes or strangled.
Cheating is by far a male thing. It's super fun!
you are like the ones who go on about the wage gap even though it's disproven a thousand times.
I don't go on about the wage gap, it's too complicated to gather statistics on shit like that. It's not impossible for a woman to not need a man to pay for all her shit if she's not stupid, simple as.
Also, it can't be proven any more than it can be disproven.
No. I don't like advice.
I've ghosted girls but these were really bad situation type girls who, I was clearly out of their league and they want me to commit in some way but you can't because I'm not happy with them.
I don't care if some bitch does that to me. The girl I loved and was in a relationship for 2 years did that to me, in the worst way. It hurt me a lot but also taught me that there's more to life and there are better people out there. It's hard to find that perfect person, so you gotta cut off some people in the process. If not, you'd be fucked.
There's so many creepy guys no wonder you fucks all get ghosted. But some of them are bitches and ghost for superficial reasons. I do too. Maybe she's fat or doesn't like the same music as you. Who cares. I'm not worth their time or they aren't my time if that's such a big deal.
It's worth it to find that someone. Because I know I'm still looking. And sometimes it really hard but it's the process. You move on.
We aren't talking about the wage gap.
Or... is it? How many people die without ever having a relationship in first place? I'd say about 20% of them. So it's not a really male thing.
Verbal attacks do work as well.
You are like one of those retards who makes food analogies.
>if she's not stupid
If she receives welfare, you mean
You're a net receiver of benefits. If the state ever collapses the first thing you'll resort to is prostitution, because you can't really make anything else of value.
You think women get extra neetbux just because they're women? How dumb are you?
They really don't
But if you get your head bashed against a table you start regretting every decision you made that got you in that situation
>"I knew we should have gone to Applebees..."
As a group, women receive more than they pay in taxes. They'd need to work 2 or 3 times more just to make the situation more... equal
most of them don't feel that bad about it. most men do not feel that bad about doing the exact same things. most people are heartless and cruel and if i have learned one thing from being on Jow Forums it's that being the victim of cruelty does not make men more sympathetic and kind, they become even more vicious and hatefeul and cruel. if half the things men say on this board are even remotely how they actually feel then you are probably a million times more vicious and mean than any of the women that ghost you.
Nope, any sort of critical thinking/self-reflection requires a level of intelligence they don't possess.
>As a group, women receive more than they pay in taxes
Are you including child support? Because that tax money goes toward children who were abandoned by their fathers.
Typical Chad behaviour
>Are you including child support?
nope it is basic lock/key women have a million opportunities men have 2-3 so when theyre ghosted it hurts a lot more
Sure I believe you when you say you don't read meninist clickbait.
Not even slightly, not even in the slightest smallest degree.
You're subhuman to a lot of them and many of them would wipe all of us off the face of the earth if they could do so and not face any stigma for it.
The women who would feel guilty about doing any of these things obviously don't do them or don't do them very often, and I'd imagine they're a minority.
gr8 b8 faggot I r8 you're a faggot/8
isnt self reflection and guilt a universal emotion though?
Guilt is for dummies
its like asking if a sociopath ever feels remorse. Women do not give a fuck they will literally abort their babies because it might inconvenience them. Imagine the level of derangement that requires
>Imagine the level of derangement that requires
Mice do it if you miss one feeding.
Nope, men only. You're probably thinking of "shame", which isn't quite the same thing.
self absorbed narcissist detected.
>women have a moral system less developed than that of vermin
I can settle for that
>if half the things men say on this board are even remotely how they actually feel then you are probably a million times more vicious and mean than any of the women that ghost you.
Eh, not really. I make jokes about women, but I don't really hate them. It's more that I can't understand them. The only women I really talk to are my mom and my sisters, and my mom is my least favorite person, because she used to hit me as a kid, and is just childish and immature in general. Even then, I'm smart enough to realize that people should be judged on an individual basis, and I'm pretty confident that most, or at least many, people on this board feel the same.
Pretty sure this is just bait though.
>men still thinking they're not animals, denying their mortality
Retard spotted
Let me be straight with you for once, user.
Nobody is sorry for abusing anybody. Women, men, rich, poor, white, black, mixed, gay, straight, Chad, incels-NOBODY who abuses another person is ever sorry or ever feels guilty.
They may say "I'm sorry" when you've got them on the ropes, but they're not really. A more truthful statement would be, "I regret my decision now that it's painful/inconvenient for me." If they had made the same benefit from their actions, but hadn't been met with suffering as a consequence, they never would have even FEIGNED feeling guilt. Maybe they mean, "I want this to be over now, and you're clearly willing to escalate things further than I am, so I'm going to say the words I think will placate you," but they don't mean "I'm sorry." Nobody is.
Pick your battles. Stacy isn't ever gonna feel bad for how she treated you, and it's a fantasy to believe that she'll get hers eventually. She'll probably live happily ever after. You have to be okay with that and let that which isn't worth escalating over go.
You have to do that because you only have so much social capital to spend. Save it for when somebody REALLY pisses you off and IS worth escalating over. Then be the guy willing to escalate a thousand times further than the craziest, pettiest person you'll ever meet.
It doesn't matter if they don't act positively on that guilt
>implying I have made any such claim
I only care about the people I know/friends/family
I can just read all of this but insert "males" and it works perfectly. As you were.
>men caring about women having a job
lmao roastie, go back to crystal cafe
I asked a girl I hooked up with once about ghosting, I was venting how it feels in general
they said no matter how nicely they tried to let people down, they always had a fit and were salty about it, and you know how it is, they can talk with so many people...... it's not worth it to let everyone down nicely for the majority of them to get spiteful over it......
I see, I'm just disposable to you...
Never expect any better from Der Roastie
Try growing a personality and some hobbies, you'll actually find a man then. I mean I know you won't do it and you'll continue to blame men for your failures, but I thought I might as well try.
Is this supposed to be some kind of bait
I'm happier alone. So is it that woman have infinite easy mode or that I now need a personality and hobbies. Don't worry, males are incapable of being rational.
Women have basic needs on infinite easy mode, lifetime fulfillment on hard mode. Nobody can give you the feeling of self-actualization, but since you get so much else for free it's hard for you to get it.
I see. And are you self actualized?
Nope, not at all. Further along than you though, I can guarantee it.
Oh. Any tips? What makes it harder for my gender to achieve this?
Dont care about my immortal soul. Dont care about how depressed you are that I dont want your dick pic you guys are painfully socially awkward too so even if I did put in the effort to talk to you every second of it would be physically painful.
I know you're just trying to do ye olde "give the guy enough rope to hang himself with" but just google it. It's harder for modern women because part of the core of self-actualization is struggle, a thing which you don't have to do a lot of due to legions of thirsty betas, social media, and a generous welfare system. Since there's no real pressure to change yourself for the better, you never change.
I thought it was just fulfilling certain needs until you become free thinking and moral, or something like that.
No, it's becoming the best version of yourself you can be. Fully exercising and mastering oneself and one's talents. In order to do this you need to struggle, because it's not really in anybody's base nature to become better than they need to be to survive. For men, we're usually used to the idea of self-improvement. Women, however, are babied to the extreme in our society and have little pressure put on them to actually improve themselves, instead the only pressure given is usually extremely negative and leads to wanting to hide or change yourself instead of improve, if anything at all.
Not that user, but once you take the black pill there is no pressure for anything. Clearly you haven't taken it yet or you wouldn't be comparing yourself to girl scouts. Go home, little league.
I'm pretty sure being altruistic is part of self actualization. I'm only really familiar with the Maslow version though. Unless the "best version" of yourself is a flaming pile of dogshit, then as you were.
>muh black pill
Retarded bullshit. If you really "took the black pill" you'd have killed yourself already. Instead you're just wallowing in self-pity like it makes you better than others, trying to drag other people down. Crab in a bucket mentality to a T.
I mean you can just wiki it. It's pretty simple.
>trying to drag other people down
t. faggot who can't handle the undertow when it's ankle deep. dumb normie, how easy it is to pop your bubble.
It says you can achieve self actualization via painting, so if you put some finger paints on an Amazon wishlist I'll hook you up user.
Geeze dude this is dark. Are you a female?
Normie? Is that what you think I am? Because I'm not pathetic like you? Get over yourself, or kill yourself. Either way you'll be better off.
actualization is how to grow the soul as well and advance to the next stage
>womens lives are a mulligan
>all the rest of us will be rewarded for our suffering
Of course not. Only the worst sort of person would deceive you in this way.
>Get over yourself
Heed your own advice, you arrogant spoiled child, before you dish it out to others.
They'd need the ability for self reflection which they inherently lack.
This thread is about females being cruel. Can you guys keep it together for one thread?
I thought I was doing a good job at being cruel, but fine. This shit gets old fast.
But you're a male so it makes the entire thing look extremely hypocritical.
ITT: women proving OP's point
How can us men survive without larpers?
So you are a female after all?
No, damnit. The thirst is real, go chug some other man's butthole.
I don't see how rich powerful men with rich powerful interests and trophy wives, not interested in the problems of the masses are bluepilled.
*takes a deep sniff*
maybe youre the evil person
*groans* unnh. Enjoy the pinkeye