Boys, this is the perfect cock. There comes a point where big can be too big...

Boys, this is the perfect cock. There comes a point where big can be too big. Average is average for a reason: it fits what is on average suitable for it: my wet pussy.

In addition, the aesthetic factor comes into play. This is perfectly symmetrical, and the shape is gorgeous.

That's all I wanted to say. It's not all about size so don't think that's all we care about.

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>this is the perfect cock.
its not black so no.

idk the head looks a little small
not a fan of how it gets so thin at the base either
plus it looks really dry

Painfully clueless or bait. The cervix recedes when aroused meaning even small women can take huge cocks. The mutilated penis you posted also reminds us that there are still many people here who think having the mark of the jew is ideal. That cock is feminine. You're young so you don't know any better. The cock I've posted is ideal.

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it's mutilated so no

There's nothing wrong with the "jew dick". Just like how you hate natural "roasties" there is nothing attractive about smelly extra skin

It's too white and too small imo.

What do you mean "just like you hate natural roasties" I don't hate roasties. Jow Forums is not one person.

>there is nothing attractive about smelly extra skin

Think for a moment about what you just said. You're saying a normal penis, a penis in it's natural state, has extra skin. That's how mind fucked you are. You think unless a dick has been mutilated it has "extra skin". The foreskin has a function, it keeps the glans sensitive, and keeps the cock head smooth. With foreskin you can also be jerked off comfortably without lube. It only smells if you don't bathe and spoiler, the rest of your body smells if you don't bathe too.

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>there's nothing wrong with abusing a newborn
Alright that's enough out of you.

>here comes a point where big can be too big
Yet a girl with fist herself and moan like never before.

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>he thinks this is perfect

not nearly black enough

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that really is a beautiful wenis

Yes it really is.


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how do I subtly signal to girls that I have a giant cock without coming off as a jackass?

You can't really. You just gotta save it for a surprise.

Is 6x4 big enough?

>4 inches of girth
Lad, don't hurt yourself like this. That's not a question you want answered.

Go commando while wearing sweat pants

I looks just like op's pic though just with less of a curve

What about 5 inches?

Op's pic is probably slightly longer. Look I don't want to make you feel bad, but 4 inches is pretty thin. Definitely below average.

That's probably fine. Average is like 4.8".

>tfw big stick

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Wear a Speedo to a public pool.

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I barely fit into a toilet paper roll though :^(

Then you measured your girth wrong. A toilet paper roll has a circumference of 5.5 inches.

>Just like how you hate natural "roasties" there is nothing attractive about smelly extra skin
Speak for yourself, my friend

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nice i guess. if true that means my pp is thiccer than 5.5 at the thicc parts

>A toilet paper roll has a circumference of 5.5 inches.
Nah. Actually it varies from brand to brand.

OP is a fag with penis obsession. Women don't go online talking about this stuff. They would just pull up tinder, swipe right once, and they've got a cock on their way in under 20 minutes.
Who cares about pleasing other people anyway. Just jerk off, ejaculate, get it over with, move on with your life. If your loose asshole or girlfriend needs more, just get a dildo.

uncut dong vs penciI dickIet

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B-but if I have a small dick...w-what can I do about it?

The rest of me isn't small enough or hairless enough to pass as a femboy or sissy, and I'm too old to be a twink.

Now what?

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>stuttering online
just be gay

I mean, you're right OP, but you can't say those things around here, stupid
also cutting your baby's cock is degenerate and you'll go to hell for even considering it, see ya

kill yourself smallson

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Just want to see what it is.