Why do people on here keep pretending Jewish is a race even though it's actually a religion?
Why do people on here keep pretending Jewish is a race even though it's actually a religion?
Semites are a race user.
The noses don't lie.
What a total shocker: You guys can't come up with an actual answer.
> im posting this on r9k because my political knowledge is very limited
Way to dodge the question. Real slick.
Physical characteristics user, same as we differentiate the other races. Downplay it all you like but I literally told you one.
>Jews are a ra-
Jews themselves admit they are a race. eat shit
It's one of those weird things where it actually is a race and a religion. You can think of it as synonymous with Israeli.
Because traditionally, they are both
Jews referred to the judeans which were made of the tribes of isreal along the Mediterranean coast. These peoples were ethnically distinct for other caananites and pre-arab egyptians
>but I literally told you one.
Jews are a race with a culture and a religion
I don't know, ask the Jews.
i dont care if jews are a race or a religion there are number 2 on my most hated humans list
The Jewish religion was never widely adopted by groups outside of its initial region unlike Christianity or Islam, thus there was a distinct group of people (the Israelites) who were Jewish to begin with. This founder group then split into many other Jewish groups (ie. Ashkenazi) starting after the conquering of the initial Jewish states. They then never really interacted genetically with the populations around them. The vast majority of Jews can claim to be descended from the original groups.
Judaism is not a race or a religion, it's an absolute binary. There are no whites, christians, muslims, asians, chinese, etc to a jew. There is simply JEW and GENTILE. That's it.
Lol holy shit it's so annoying when random people think they know how I see the world just because I'm Jewish. I judge everyone I meet purely as individuals. There are people I like and dislike from every background.
>I am a plurality
>Everyone I meet is an individual
You have poor reading comprehension, sorry to break it to you.
Man I don't even know.
Apparently my pappy is jewish and can claim the whole, "abraham was my ancestor" thing, but my mammy converted so she's also Jewish now. If my dad converted to his wife's religion, which I think is supposed to be a Jewish rule, would he still be Jewish?
Nazi Germany supposedly made the cutoff point as, " one who had at least one Jewish parent or grandparent." then later changed it to be more lenient.
I guess it's all pretty ambiguous. I think that might help the narrative that we're boogeymen. Yesterday I made a post about how I was groomed by one of my parents (the converted one) to be a doctor so I could be the Jewish doctor in the family and someone responded with several bullet criticizing Jews while trying to seem level-headed 5 hours after I posted an and then the thread archived before I was awake again. I wish I could have responded because none of them were actually applicable. It's going to haunt me for at least a week and I have a feeling after I go to bed it's going to happen again.
Post this on Jow Forums and share results
Ok, how about this.
>I'm asking people on r9k something that's easier to bing/google/askjeeves
Don't waste your time, you'll never change the mind of someone like that. Trying to criticize the Jewish religion can be reasonable since it's a set of ideas. Trying to criticize the Jewish race is fundamentally pointless, it's always applying sweeping generalizations to a diverse group of people. It's not something intelligent people do.
yeah, this seems like what I needed to hear. Thank you user, now I can rest.
You're right op. They shouldn't be recognized as a race or religion, instead they shouldn't exist at all and should be exterminated
>Why do people on here keep pretending Jewish is a race even though it's actually a religion?
Judaism is the religion
Jewish people are the race
Ashkhenazis are not Semites kek. They larp as though they're the descendants of the mythical sandniggers written about in the Torah/Bible, but 90% of them are basically just Asiatic-European mutts akin to Turks.
>These peoples were ethnically distinct for other caananites
According to the Old Testament, maybe. I'm not sure an anthropologist or population geneticist would agree.
>All the idiots ITT struggling to claim Jew is a race
>I'm right and the world is wrong
Why do normies pretend jews aren't a cult when that's literally what religions are
Judaism is particularly fucked though, insofar as religions are concerned.
In the ancient world, when almost everyone was polytheistic and predominantly accepting of one anothers' religious customs, and criticizing other peoples' beliefs could easily result in you and your people being attacked and killed, Jews routinely went around like a bunch of hostile supremacist retards and openly talked shit about everyone else's gods.
>"It was not sensible," says Jasper Griffin, "nor was it good manners [in the ancient world] to allege that other peoples' gods did not exist. Only a madman makes fun of other peoples' religious practices, says the historian Herodutus in the fifth century BCE ... The response of the Jews [to other religions] was felt to be shocking and uncouth, as well as dangerous for everybody." Jewish rejection of the religions and communities in which they lived "placed an inseparable barrier between them and full acceptance into the classical world; as later on, even more acutely, it did with Christians."
because it is a race, you there is religious Judaism and ethic Judaism. Just like there's a Greek orthodox religion and Greek people. jesus christ your retarded
The zoroastrians did it first though
Semites include arabs and thus most muslims.
Most Ashkenazim aren't descended from Khazars. By 200 CE, Jews were split between Babylonia and Judea. This would account for all Jews (excluding the tribes in Ethiopia who would later claim ancestry through King Solomon and Ethiopian Queen Sheba.) The ones who stayed in Judea later migrated to Spain and became Sepharadim. The ones who migrated from Babylonia to Eastern Europe became known as Ashkenazim. The ones who stayed in Judea (now Israel/Palestine region) became known as Mizrahis. These 3 groups are blurred today, as globalization caused Diaspora Jews to mix, so now most Jews have ancestry from at least 2 of these groups. Most Jews today are not descended from converts, as Jews have never actively tried to convert anyone. The "mass conversion" you speak of in Eastern Europe would have only accounted for less than 1% of all Jews. Significant racial mixing of Jews didn't begin to occur until the 20th century. Before then, those who assimilated and married non-Jews tended to not consider themselves Jews and "left the tribe", so to speak, which is why a lot of Europeans could take a DNA test and find they have 1-4% Jewish ancestry they didn't know about.
I know this meme is fun for you guys to push, but Khazars would only account for a small percentage of Ashkenazim.
You can be an ethnic jew, religious jew or both, ethnic jews from germany is called ashkanazi jew and from spain is called safardi jew
Lol stfu you christcuck retard. None your Bible characters ever even physically existed. The mere fact that your argument is contingent upon the existence of these mythical individuals for which there is literally zero evidence is proof positive as to just how fucked your case is. Genome sequencing indicates that Ashkhenazis have no genetic connection to the so called "Holy Land". Put down your kike fanfiction and pick up a science journal.
look at Baron Rothschild's skull and tell me he's the same ethnicity as me, I dare you
Ancestry sites like 21 and me Literally include jewish as a race
Also ask a kyke, they will 100 pct tell you jew is a race
07 v47
I'm an Ashkenazi Jew and I have a geneaology book going back to a rabbi from what is approximated to be 650 CE. Your delusional ramblings have no bearing on my ancestry. Goodnight.
Zoroastrians were quasi-monotheists but they were insular. They kept to themselves and didn't parasitically invade host countries only to go around and make beef with everyone with whom they interacted.
Sooo close, unf.
my nigga the semites are the original Jews, we call people of that decent Jews because the Jewish religion is hereditary, it is passed down from the mother for some reason.
Jews themselves think that way
Ashkanazi Jews are just inbred Europeans. All the "Jewish" morphological traits like curly hair, big lips, aquiline noses can all be found within European populations aswell, they are just obvious in Jews because they are so inbred.