Robots have you tried getting a disabled gf...

Robots have you tried getting a disabled gf? I think it could be a good way to get a gf plus you would get free money from the government from her being disabled.

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wtf is wrong with her? does she not know how to use her arms?

cerebral palsy i think

I would under certain circumstances but I want to reproduce and have healthy children

Looks motor neuron or some shit

>"Bwaaanon blwu wuu blink I'm buuutaflibil?"

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Unironically more fit than 90% of Jow Forums

You make it sound like disabled girls still don't hold out for chad

My wife is missing two limbs so yeah.

fucking hell she's going to burn herself holy shit I can't look

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Is it fucked up to say I wanted a gf who is is in a wheelchair mostly because I want to take care of her and support her. Fuck the check I got a decent job.

Tried with a blind girl it was really wholesome i had an interest for disabled girls because i played that VN and while i actually started liking her i realized i was just taking advantage of her so i decided to end things with her she deserves something better and i can't drag her down with me i know she can do better than me.

You guys wouldn't even be able to handle a mildly autistic gf

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It depends what she has. I would date a blind girl or a cripple but not a downy.

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don't lick knives that's bad karma

I saw a cute wheelchair girl yesterday and said hello to her.

Highway to the danger zone!

But yeah I agree. Definitely no downies. A coworker has cerebral palsy and can't walk fluidly. Other than that, she is really cute and has a good personality. Would love to date her but I overthink everything so being seen with her and introducing her to friends/family would be a mental disaster.

you don't know that. don't think yourself into a corner of imaginatory situations that will never happen. well not in the exact way you think they are.

>tfw no qt blind gf who will love me for who I am on the inside

Same, the problem is how do you actually get a blind/cripple GF? I genuinely just want to take care of someone but it seems like it would be hard to pursue them without coming off as a creep and I'm sure they would have their guard up even more than a regular girl.

This. This 1000%. I'm the guy that mentioned the cerebral palsy coworker and there was also a deaf chick that was cute as well. It got me thinking about how do deaf people even date? Wouldn't they almost have to date another deaf person? There's not a ton of guys that know sign language for no reason.

>palsey girl has a boyfriend
>also has a bunch of betas orbiting her youtube and buying her disney stuff

I have cerebral palsy and epilepsy (i have meds tho)...shit sucks. Just a neet playing games all day

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I hit on a blind girl in college a few times. I found a different girl to date before anything went anywhere. I'd date a disabled woman, but I wouldn't seek one out. The blind girl was cute and I often saw her around campus so we talked a few times. It was more organic than going on some disabled girl dating site. If those exist.