Fuck you guys

I have been coming on here since I was 14. I still do not belong. Since I am a girl and 22 I am getting too old. I should kill myself before I turn 23. I thought you were my friends. I just have a low IQ. There is nothing left for me in this world. I am nothing. I have no one
not even you. Goodbye.

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c'ya later loser

I'm with you. Remember where we spent your birthday?

nice bait but you can do better

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I hope you find peace user,


>tranny larping as a grill

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killing yourself means the cleansing of weak blood
but I don't think you are weak op
Show me a wonderful world where you rule above the tribal law of man

This is so sad, can we hit communism

Sad bait. Now im gonna be sad all day thinking about this. Thank you.

>and 22 I am getting too old


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nudes please before you go thanks

don't you go to college?
are you studying to become something?
if you work do you see yourself doing that for the rest of your life? are you happy with that?
wtf is it you do with your life besides jerk off faggots op?
what are your dreams?
your aspirations?
are you just waiting for some beta to marry your ass?

Fuck you killyyourself you attention seeking whore cunt. Bitch

Are you the low IQ asian fembot AKA self aware asian fembot AKA as korea tranny?

If you are a young woman (male or female), have you considered posting on /soc/? It seems likely that if you are attractive, you could find a rich person who desires to keep you as a pet (and living sex toy) paying all of your expenses.

>nudes please before you go

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Would you like to talk about it? 22 is never too old for anything, I think. However you'd like to change your life or ways it's possible between now and the end of your natural life. Your IQ is probably not even that bad and can be trained with effort. If you think no one on r9k cares, you'd be wrong, at least I care



she is way past her prime user-kun

Do not be sad I am just stupid
I am ugly and have small boobs
I have a boyfriend who does not kiss me or say he loves me first and I am majoring in computer science but I am retarded and I cannot make friends. I want to leave this gay earth

I am white but not Jewish
I am extremely pale and have brown hair and eyes. I do not know other gentiles like me.

>I am ugly and have small boobs
Everybody is someone's fetish.

motherfucker just do it its not that hard holy fuck

I have never nor will I take pictures of myself and put them online. I
Just want to die. Is that too much to ask

Look op life aint that shitty
First off your mans trash dump him
Second have a better self image it will really make a difference
Third if you dont have one get a job
And if you do strive for a better one
Clean your self up and be happy
Dont kill your self op

shut the fuck up people like you make we wanna gouge out my fucking eyeballs

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>I am white but not Jewish
I am extremely pale and have brown hair and eyes. I do not know other gentiles like me.

I thought you were some girl I knew nevermind

Stop trying to guilt trip me. Its not my fault you're failing. I don't even know you

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youre all horny retards who jump at the opportunity to talk to a girl on Jow Forums
this board is fucking sad

Get a new bf that cares about you

Why stoop to our level if we are so sad? You are posting here right now. Be the bigger person. Pic plz?

Im sorry i cant be there for you user. Would take you from your bf desu.

It's amazing seeing all the constant suicidal stuff here, contrasted to whenever a "celebrity" kills themselves and people come out of the woodwork to virtue signal about "I'm there for you" or linking suicide hotlines as if a suicidal person simply forgot about it lol

Just two days ago one of the total war Warhammer streamers killed himself then on que his "friend" popped up and held a fundraiser for suicide awareness on the total war subreddit as if "awareness" would fucking matter, everyone from elementary school and up is already aware of suicide and when actual suicidal people pointed out that it was disengenous and unhelpful they were downvoted and their comments removed by moderators, then this guy gave his take on the situation and was subsequently also removed, it was just so deliciously ironic that I took a screenshot of it to save for later

Another great comment

>"Normal" people who don't understand suicide just want to spread feel-good messages to comfort themselves instead of the suicidal. It's the kind of shit that drives people closer to suicide, if anything.

The point of this rambling is that the same patterns show up again and again and again, at least OP understands one truth in that: no one actually cares, you are alone, it's entirely up to you to continue or end it, it's pretty certain that she doesn't care about other people's suicide either

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i never said i was higher than any of you

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>Just want to die. Is that too much to ask

If you post pictures of yourself; at least one person will find them attractive

Have you considered posting to /soc/ (or even /d/ if you've given up all hope); I'm sure you can find someone who finds you attractive and wants to keep you as a pet. No worries, just sex; for the rest of your life.

>I have a boyfriend
you sure he is straight

If you think anyone on this board is your friend then you are hopeless and truly low IQ
This board is home to some of the coldest most selfish fuckers you can find, it's not somewhere you go to meet friends

>I have been coming on here since I was 14. I still do not belong. Since I am a girl and 22 I am getting too old. I should kill myself before I turn 23

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You seem like a nice person with the potential to be higher than us. : )

uhmm want to be useful at least and be my onahole companion, no experience needed just lay there like a fish in the dark while I think of anime girls

Stop calling yourself retarded first of all. Making friends, especially lifelong ones is quite difficult. However there's a place for everyone, but you have to make an effort to get better at socializing. Dale Carnegie's book on Social Skills (canned response for the depressed for a reason) and succeedsocially's web page are good resources for how to get past your insecurities on this issue. I feel for you as I have not been able to overcome my own issues with making friends and getting close to others so far - but I think these can help if you are committed to seeing change in your life. Don't an hero faggot

You don't have to kill yourself.

Post a picture on /soc/; no face, just tits and body; and state that you are willing to accept a 5-year slave contract as a living sex toy if someone helps you get out of your current situation.

Someone will accept, and 5 years from now you will be in a much better place, with many new skills.


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We have online sex-slave recruiters on Jow Forums?

That's pretty fucked up, even for a tard

user, she's a fucking hag..

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this. i'd definitely let her live with me in exchange for sexual favors. also we can cuddle.

describe yourself to me and i might make you my NEET roomate.

Do you want to talk OP? I specialize in helping people in this sort of crisis situation. I may not be able to magicly solve your problems, but I can try ease your pain somewhat.

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What is the quick rundown of this grinch wearing a suit wearing a ski mask and holding guns

post your discord and let me save you user.

refer to gr13 you illiterate cuckold

>I have been coming on here since I was 14. I still do not belong. Since I am a girl and 22
Same except I've been here a bit longer and I'm male. You should just be my gf.

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Try being 33 and crying sporadically about shit that happened 14 years ago. Haha just kidding it gets better. For you. Since you're a girl.

Could I be ur fren? Post ur discord if you have one I''ll add you :)

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Go kill yourself you dumb ugly bitch.

See all the supportive messages you're getting? Pathetic thirsty horny faggots who want to suck the farts out of your ass. They're only nice cause they want to get into your pants. "Lemme be your friend plssszz you're a Goddesss!!!"

I'm telling you straight up you're worthless subhuman garbage, you don't belong here, you don't belong on this earth. Your boyfriend doesn't love you, no one does. How could anyone? Look at yourself you vile bitch. Are you even a woman? You obviously did not get enough estrogen as a child, with that little boy body. The only guys you attract are pederasts who want to fuck 10 year old boys but are too scared to go for the real thing. You retarded whore. Kill yourself.

yeah gtfo stupid fake loner whore. typical behaviour of a "fembot" baiting stupid beta bots to message you on discord

>message you on discord

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are you legit stupid? why would you reply to me with your discord after I roasted you

ill talk to you if you want, as long as you're nice to me

everyone keeps saying it's adopt a neet but it's actually sons of saturn thats moving females/males. but good luck getting into the inner circles of that stuff

wait is this legit OP's discord?

>chad beats them
>their pussies go on fire
seems logical to me

yeah it's crazy. let's see how many "chads" will message her tho lol

Nice try buckaroo, everyone knows nobody's friends here

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you got that right user
what the fuck is being friends anyway really.

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Couldn't tell ya, user. Couldn't tell ya.

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Turns out you're not THAT stupid, good 4 you, user

>5 hours into "fembot btw" obvious larp thread and no timestamped proof pic

lmao every fucking time

Now how this thread would've went if OP wasn't a roast
>0 replies
>Thread is archived.

I detest all you shitskins fagging up my board with roastbeef orbiting

BYEBYE (((Girl))) LOW IQ People have nothing left for them in this world.

Would you look at that, it's the tripfag. You still here? Anonymity is literally what this website is known for, you fucking faggot.

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Goddammit I wish I could be there to hold you and cuddle with you, and kiss softly and tell you how amazing and beautiful you are

Give me a baby then die.

>sons of saturn
It's a what user?

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what in the god damn..i ain't tryna fig

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