You ARE fighting against degeneracy, right robot?

You ARE fighting against degeneracy, right robot?

Attached: k0FeIxt.jpg (602x539, 46K)

i would jerk off to my grandfather if he looked like that

I wouldn't mind if in the future we all looked androgynous and there was no concept of ugliness thanks to gene splicing.

We sure do, user. Except that trap on the right is actually likeable (at least for me) while 89% of them are as ugly as (((those))) people. In my opinion, if all those traps actually behaved all normal, I wouldn't have a problem.

no because very few people will give a crap that i fought against anything and entire cultures have fallen because people dont want to maintain anything

We need to purge degeneracy to preserve the human race

>while 89% of them are as ugly as (((those))) people. In my opinion, if all those traps actually behaved all normal
note, behaving normal means "not being ugly"

Don't forget about (((them))) too user!

Attached: These people.png (640x595, 705K)

i wish my grandpa was the czar of all the Russias

>hey i found a picture of your grandfather
>he's the fucking tsar of russia

This pic is stupid. Nicholas II had no grandchildren

Implying that's gona have any kids

Atlus sure as fuck is

Attached: 1550305056164.png (533x896, 198K)

>implying traps and trannies don't kill themselves at age 30

Awful, awful bait thread.

Attached: 1534179314587.jpg (2132x1672, 740K)

>not wanting a qt boipussy granpa to look up to when ur own boipussy starts ovulating

>fags kill themselves
Am I just autistic or are my posts really construed as the opposite of what they are?

Oh yeh, totally. heh... I hate those degenerates...

Attached: arriving tomorrow.png (895x658, 133K)

climate change will kill us in 30 years. might as well become a tranny

god i want to impregnate a cute trap so badly

Hi user. Pls be in southern us.

Attached: 1393437540270.jpg (1163x1051, 568K)

nope, I'm britbong

He does have a nice mustache desu.

Ok someone pls be in southern us for the love of god I'm gonna die


I'll actually have my own place in central London by Tuesday.

No, I just cammed for two other guys earlier today so I think it's safe to say I'm absolutely doing the opposite, sorry.
Maybe if a girl had wanted me five or ten years ago I wouldn't be doing this now, but it is what it is.

The one on the left is more fuckable.

Attached: 1433646852190.png (255x316, 121K)

Trannies usually never have kids. Even if the guy on the right did, humanity itself won't exist in 2090.

you poor sod, be careful

Kek. Is that Tsar Nicholas II?

protect me daddy uwu

He looks kind of like a shorter hei with red hair to me.

post your discord baby

no, I think people should have freedom and don't believe my moral values are somehow better than other peoples, I live by mine and allow other to live by theirs however I do fucking hate degenerates and hope they're culled

>gay person who's never been in a fight moving to central london
fucking hell carry a knife or start boxing or something

>>gay person who's never been in a fight moving to central london
actually, I'm bisexual and have been in bare-knuckle fights as well as done judo and rugby.

but to carry and knife or not, that is the question.

hehe yeah look at that ugly fag no way I'd stick my dick in him and fill his colon with cum making him orgasm over and over without touching his dick until he's mindbroken just like those doujins
no way no sir

You'd have to renew your knife license

Degeneracy is just a word used by narrow-minded bigots to mean anything they don't like

>Corrupt, vulgar, vicious behavior, especially sexual perversion.
by definition crossdressing is quite literally degeneracy because crossdressing is a sexual view that can be diagnosed it's called Transvestic disorder

a lot of people do use degenerate wrong but in this case it's right but you can use it to describe anything you find immoral

I'm gonna crossdress and I'm not a tranny.

you know how rare actual traps are right?

Kek, eggheads

did you look up the diagnostic criteria?
Transvestic disorder and gender dysphoria are different things

I'm 100% a man. I just want to crossdress and I'm fit and healthy, with the right angles and hiding my manly features I can pass as a woman.

if it's for sexual gratification you hit the criteria for Transvestic disorder it doesn't mean you want to be a woman but according to the dictionary you're quite literally a degenerate

>sexual gratification you hit the criteria for Transvestic disorder
Okay, I'll bite the bait. Give me the medical diagnostic criteria I fit that makes me a tranny.

No it's William Dafoe.

I got a bus to catch bye

it's not bait you just don't know what Transvestic disorder is, it doesn't mean you want to be a woman, it can but it can also just mean you get turned on by wearing girls clothing

>Transvestic disorder is one of several psychiatric sexual disorders characterized as paraphilic disorders. Paraphilic refers to sexual interests, preferences, fantasies, urges, or behaviors outside the norm

>Transvestic behavior is cross-dressing, or dressing in the clothes of the opposite gender, to become sexually aroused. Someone with transvestic disorder suffers anxiety, depression, guilt, or shame because of their urge toward cross-dressing. These feelings are usually a result of partner disapproval or their own concern about negative social or professional ramifications.

There are two key criteria before a psychiatric diagnosis of transvestic fetishism is made

Individuals must be sexually aroused by the act of cross dressing.
Individuals must experience significant distress or impairment socially or occupationally because of their behavior.

Sorry, I don't fit 2 so I'm not a tranny. You're wrong bye.

>Sorry, I don't fit 2 so I'm not a tranny. You're wrong bye.
if you told all your friends you like dressing as a woman it wouldn't lead to a negative impact on your social life?
you're a tranny and a degenerate, the fact you're so defensive about it shows you're ashamed of it

Guys I can't help but wanting to be a girl after posting this woman so much. I keep thinking I can look like her and I'm starting to have gender dysphoria. Help me guys.

Attached: Rianne van Rompaey by Daniel Jackson for Vogue China April 2015 by cool chic style fashion (6).jpg (740x492, 107K)

just look at pictures of MTFs where the male looks like you, MTFs always end up being less attractive if you're a 5 as a guy you're a 3 as a tranny


Hey, I'm all for it if its non-violent. Perhaps even helpful to the individual.

Well... Assuming degeneracy is a slippery slope like some studies have suggested. Otherwise I couldn't give a shit as long as people don't start identifying as lizards en masse.

What are some good, wholesome ways to nerf the degeneracy? I'm guessing no-porn is one.

>What are some good, wholesome ways to nerf the degeneracy?
here are the ways I'd do it
>no porn
>low number of sexual partners is encouraged
>getting drunk is looked down upon
>being overweight is looked down upon
>buying junk food is seen as a negative thing instead of normal
>exercise and reading are encouraged
>social media sites shut down for 1 day per week
>hobbies that don't involve technology are encouraged