I'm a femanon with way too much empathy for the people on this site. Whenever someone posts about how lonely they are...

I'm a femanon with way too much empathy for the people on this site. Whenever someone posts about how lonely they are, or how much they want a girlfriend, I want to be there for them. But at the same time I know no man on here has any shred of kindness for any women, and it's painfully evident based on how you talk about them like they're objects. It disturbs me that the love I want to give won't be treated like love.

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You have to accept that you can't help them and you can't force them to fix themselves.

hey femanon, I wanna chat a bit about love, but on this site only because I really don't want to grow attached
Why do you think your love would be beneficial to these kind of people that won't get love any other way? you might just be giving them a false hope via the internet of a sensation that they can't achieve in their own medium irk
sometimes kindness can be selfish

How the fuck would anyone know you're a girl? Just don't type like this: "uwu user u r totally gr8!!1

I don't think I was really clear. It's completely hypothetical, IRL kind of setting. Like, I'd actually hug them and stuff!

what about a left-leaning robot who is a robot because he's ugly and not because he hates women or mistreats them?

>Whenever someone posts about how lonely they are, or how much they want a girlfriend, I want to be there for them
pick a loser and stick with him.
who knows he might blossom in to something one day.

>way too much empathy for people on this site
>generalizes all men on here into one category
i don't hate women but i do hate dumb cunts like you

Its okay. Its not your fault I'm miserable

You can date Chad in peace.

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oh , then I guess that's fine. you gotta take care of yourself first, so try to not interact so much with them even if they are sad
They don't have any kindness for women for a reason, and no matter what you do it is probable you won't fix that.
I'm not a robot, and I have dated before, but I find it hard to be as kind to women as I used to be, and I'm pretty sure I cannot fall in love anymore. Do you think such a person can ever be truly happy?

>the love I want to give
Youre mistaking that need to give other people love with your need to feel important in anothers life to give your own meaning by being the center of someone elses which you will eventually grow tired and bored of once they become too familiar and dependent on you at which point youll abandon them and seek out that same thrill with someone new. Youre all the same.

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Would you let is gangbang you?

you seem kind femanon, but honestly you should leave this shitty place as these kind of robots will not change no matter how pure your intentions are

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I know this is bait, but honestly the woman hate can get pretty extreme here sometimes.
I'm fine with jokingly hating women, but sometimes it seems a bit genuine.

post discord and let me prove you wrong?

That's honestly very fair. I should stop browsing these forums so much cause I end up thinking about this every time, but, ergh, I guess that's just how it is. I don't know if you can be truly happy, user, but I hope you do! Best of luck!!

It's more of a desire to stop other people's suffering.

Ha thirsty betas bbbeeeeeeeeeetttaaaaaaaaaaaa hahhahahahahah. Fucking cucks

I'm a guy but have dated a robot. Don't really want to air my dirty laundry here because he usually lurks around this time but if you post some kind of contact I can tell you how it went.

The reality is basically exactly what you would expect.

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You forgot the
>*tips fedora*
Part but you should honestly just kill yourself you reek of desperation you pathetic white knight

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imagine having a fedora like you lmao retard

did you ever fuck his tight lil bussy


It at some point stops being a joke, completely.

you think you're the only faggot who's dated another faggot on here? might as well just say it. doubt he would know it was you anyway since your story is probably going to be similar to everyone else's

i shit on women out of frustration for being a total failure. they dont want me and dont even want to look at me. the last time i had a five minute conversation with a girl that wasnt in my family was a year and a half ago, the last conversation before that was probably another year. they dont even want to talk to me. so yea i so have some hate in me, i dont see how its possible not to.

>I have empathy for people
>so much empathy, I assume they're all the same evil hateful CNN meme
yes very pathetic
I mean empathetic

>(you)d every post without even reading them

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No, he raped mine. Not meme "rape", I actually got raped.
Definitely not, but the details would make it pretty obvious and I'd rather not piss him off now that I've gotten him out of my life.

>no u
How underage are you?

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oh give me a break, you know exactly what youre doing by making this kind of thread. no one creates a threads with such obvious bait for pity and orbiters like advertising the self status of being a femanon combined with the semblance of a chance that someone could "win" you over. i mean, after all, the thread itself poses the idea that men here dont have any kindness, which is something you know people want to jump on to prove otherwise.

honestly, why the fuck do it? why make these kinds of threads? do you get off on some sort of pathetic self satisfaction in the attention you accumulate from thirst warriors? well, here's a secret, "femanon." there are plenty of girls on here, and they dont act like attention whores like you. they just post. that's it.

follow their example.

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The fuck is meme rape?

how brain dead are you to constantly be assmad like this?

>he raped me
Thats what you get for dating Chad ya slut

This kind of logic confuses me. Do you not claim to have standards as well?? I mean, most of you wouldn't give an ugly girl the time of day. Does your hatred only direct outward and with a sense of obligation for women to give you what you deserve to have? It's nice that you're being honest, but jeez!

I am curious, user, but I'm nervous about posting any sort of contact info. Hope you're doing better now

How pathetic do you have to be to beg for a fembots attention on r9k? Your mom wishes she would have aborted you

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Hey can I add you on discord? That is if you really want to help or just chit chat

says the faggot thats probably on r9k more then me haha retard im sure your life is a whole lot more pathetic then mine

Im just surprised the mods havent sniffed out your prebusence yet theyre really slacking

i bet im more of a man then your beta ass could ever dream of stay mad beta cuck while i get all these r9k bitches and you stay alone in your room masturbating to your 2d waifus

I mean "hot" rape that you're joking about or like in hentai. It wasn't fun, it wasn't hot, it wasn't something to joke about, it was the traumatic.
Not sure where people get the idea that losers are automatically good people, most are total pieces of shit who just haven't ever had the opportunity to be a total piece of shit.
It's alright I'm the same way now, just be careful meeting anyone off this board. People aren't always the way that they present themselves online and "nerdy" guys especially can definitely lure you into a false sense of security.

Were you that user that offered to hold me in that one thread I made?

I genuinely didn't mean for this to be a baity thread. This has been something on my mind for the longest time scrolling these boards. But you're right in that parading a femanon status is attention seeky in nature. I didn't know how else to get it out.

my only standard is dont be fat because im not fat. and no i dont have that retarded narcisistic view about women owing me anything. its mostly just projection about not being the type of guy they want.

No, sorry. (Originaler comment here)

Only a virgin begs for attention from r9k whores how many socks have you impregnated so far?

Don't worry user, not everyone here is bitter. I'm sure most of the people here only act bitter on here, and don't actually feel the way they do, kinda like how people pretend wrestling is real, even though it's ultra fake. We need more people like you in the world, OP.

Hey man just because thats what you doesnt mean thats what everyone else does!

get raped, nigger jew

alright see you fembot

Ok. They didn't specify their gender, so it was probably a tranny or a mistaken male that offered.

The same person makes three lame bait threads and they all have 20+ replies?

How fucking dumb are you anonymous?

OP is a retard and needs to bang their head against a wall. Also OP has a penis.

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