Is it better to kill yourself or go columbine?
Is it better to kill yourself or go columbine?
Going columbine will make your pit in hell deeper, don't risk it
Suicide by cops after assassinating some asshat politician.
Neither. It's better to start a cult that ends up in the news because people will find you less dark and more funny.
I respect people who just sudoku and don't take their frustration out on others more.
This is way better than columbining, though.
Go Dylan Roof
Youll only give the gun grabbers more credibility
Go columbine, especially if the reason your life got this miserable is because of the people around you. It might benefit humanity someday to learn from it's mistakes rather than just go on as in its shitty state.
The former, killing innocent people because you hate your life is pathetic.
pull a columbine and take revenge
kys after or let the police shoot you
If you do end up going columbine, at least post here to let us anons/robots know where not to get shot in the fucking head.
You know you faggots could all get arrested for encouraging this, right?
But if he goes through with it and it does have a positive eternal effect on humanity then I can die someday knowing I can take credit for changing the world in a good way. What is better in life than that?
>not discouraging = encouraging
great logic right there
Go Columbine. Make an impact; leave with a bang!
Don't use a firearm if you do. Firearm hobbyists have enough bullshit to deal with.
Neither, you're just adding another step to gun control
At least just suicide, help some bros out, guns got me away from depression, dont make it hell for us
This. Holy fuck.
We dont need more autistic mass shooters making things even harder for us gunbros. If youre going to do it, use an axe or some shit.
I mean, the latter is a lot more interesting. The former, however, is a kind soul's choice.
>originally believing in hell
Go columbine user. You will be remembered forever. Just please make a plan before doing it so you can kill more people. I think you should do what dylan and eric planned to do and set up explosives in cafeteria and wait outside to shoot people that are trying to escape. If you do it corectly you can kill houndreds of people :)
BTW I'm joking user. Don't do it. If you really think about it try to get some help and find someone to talk to irl. If your life is bad to the point where you're ready to end it I think it's better to rub a bank than go columbine. You either fail and die or succed and become rich.
Of course, you'll go unconscious anyways, so why not take some fucking normies with you into death?
How about you do neither of those thingss?
This question is sub 110 IQ.
kys, columb will just give the shit media more fuel against us.
this. I wanna read in the newspaper this week that someone just commited one of these things with like a gardening hoe or some shit, so then the media cant turn it into something to take away our rights and everyone can have a kek.
Mass murderer if you actually pic a decent target and not just a bunch of loosers or a few kids.
Kill the people that bullied you, the girls that tormented you, some asshole that make the world a worse place...
So what? notsooriginally
Going columbine causes unnecessary suffering to people who have not wronged you. Even if their actions have hurt you indirectly, they've had no way of knowing, and as such you can't hold them responsible for your problems.
Go away you spooked zoomer.