what's your thoughts on elliot rodger
What's your thoughts on elliot rodger
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There are no thots on Elliot rodger
He was a beautiful yet tortured soul.
Elliot should have just gotten a sex doll.
But May 23 is Elliot Rodger Day???
i guess the increased elliot posting is because it was just valentines day
that video was beautiful.
entitled crybaby
I agree brother, it's a rare Elliot that YouTube tried to silence but... I managed to salvage it from the original creator. I do not credit or acknowledge him as from his last email he appeared not to want the credit.
But this tribute is a work of art, absolute perfection and a fitting work for the Supreme Gentleman.
He was truly the supremest of gentlemen.
downloaded for posting on May 23 in case JewTube deletes it.
Thanks dood, I also have local backups and have shared this with other anons from here on Discord. But yeah the more copies out there, the better.
came to this
He's a fucking moron for wasting all that money and access he had. Plus even if he manage to have sex he still wouldn't have been satisfied.
he was a stupid dumb fuck who was under some serious MK ultra brainwash from his dad and the hollyjews
Wew, so many Elliot threads. I wonder if that's because it's been Valentine's Day or because the fifth anniversary is coming so that various people want to know if someone's up to something.
Hehe, for me, my long term plan to annihilate all animal abusers is still on. It's just a big question when and how will I get to execute it. Doing that bit by bit in secrecy will take a long time. But if it would be something bigger, it could be done at once. Only in that case I should wait for several decades as I want to have a full life before getting killed in the process.
Yeah I already decided that I should keep away from this board led by non-humans, but I suddenly felt as if Elliot is shouting from the boards that I should come and check what's new. He does not want to be forgotten.
Absolute fucking faggot. Spent his entire life sucking his own cock and got mad when no-one did it for him.
Pic fucking related. Fuck this guy.
Fucking name nigger, btfo
Bummer I can't download anymore as KeepVid does not exist anymore and I can't have YouTube downloader. Can someone upload this into archive.org in downloadable mode?
He was a privileged narcisistic entitled cry baby
All of these hate comments make me love him more and more. I guess it is because I can relate to him more him being hated as I am being hated myself by so many.
> it's been Valentine's Day or because the fifth anniversary
It feels so much longer. It feels like it was a decade ago.
A soulless moron who never managed to see past his primal instincts
How he had a shit family life and his mom had to beg his dad for money just so he could afford gas
That looks suspicious. I need to open it the last day before I return my loaned computer. Then if it gets affected by shouting Elliot images I can tell I was being scammed.
Not to me for some reason. May and June 2014 seem to me be closer than last summer.
that's the tool I used to download it.
I wish if he knew how different things could be. Except all that Incel bs, desu I don't think it was his fault that he was born that way. Like seeing everyone being loved and you being ignored kinda hurts. Feels bad man.
Thanks, I will study that option more later with my own computer.
I respect every guy that murders people.
Everything that pisses normies off is generally good.
He wasnt a cold blooded killer tho. If you watch his vlogs hes just a sad and lonely person who couldn't take it anymore
While I can empathize he was a dumb failed normie with autism and an interesting character study into how oblivious and unconsciousness a person can be. If robots ever want to figure out where they've gone wrong look no further than Eliot. He was a waste of a human being with zero redeeming qualities beyond 'my daddys money' and 'im a nice guy!'
That is to be criticized, yes.
I show more sympathy for killers with moral intentions and philosophies that back up their actions.
But anyways, he killed people, thats why I like him.
What if he killed your mom or people you care about? Still love them?
Of course not.
Anybody but none of my family members.
Yes, I know this is stupid, but this is just how it is.
Yeah I can't say I like him killing people. But what he did was... impressive I guess. He realized girls would never like him, so instead of crying about it he got revenge
How very impressive, he killed a couple of randoms in a burst of rage.
And somehow this counts as revenge towards women as a whole? Fuck me dead.
Are you the Ted guy?
>In the Spring, something horrible happened that will haunt me forever. We met up with the Bubenheims at the Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas, and a friend of Pollina's was there with them, named Nicole, a girl around my age. She sat next to Leo the whole time, and by the end of the dinner, the two of them were making out. Twelve-year-old Leo was making out with a girl who was almost my age. Not only does Leo have a better social life, but now he was making out with girls, AT AGE TWELVE! They made out for a long time, and I could see them tongue kiss. They knew I was watching with envy, and they still did it. I bet that lucky bastard took great satisfaction from my envy. There I was, watching a boy four years younger than me experience everything I've longed for.
>On that day, I developed a vicious hatred for Leo that will never go away.
Imagine seething at a 12 year old for kissing a girl and deciding he is now a lifelong enemy becasue he did so. Elliot was a fuckin goon.
He killed 3 innocent asian manlet robots at his house by stabbing them around 100 times each one, before going on the rampage. That makes him a robot killer, therefore a motherfucker. Instead of praising this incel retard, that has obvious signs of the 'tism, we should praise smarter guys and learn from them, such as General Cho, Pekka Eric, and if you're blackpilled enough, Adam fucking Lanza.
Our problem isn't women. Our problem is humanity as a whole
Also, just for a fun fact, Elliot was (at least somehow) inspired by Cho, as he did leave comments at videos related to the Virginia Tech shooting, emphathizing with him, and used the word "hedonistic" a lot on his vlogs, probably inspired by Cho's manifesto.
He reminds me of patrick bateman in how pitty he is to the point of absurd hilarity
Like the buisniss card scene, it's so dead serious for him but from a sane outside perception it's fuckin hilarious
>Be mad that girls don't like you
>Kill a few guys
Wow, what a badass...
virgin pekka eric vs chad eric harris
Virgin Columbine mutts vs chad Vladislav Roslaykov
Actually Pekka killed more people than Eric, lol. AND using a shitty 22lr pistol.
*locks a regular door*
>Pekka Eric,
Check this great documentary of Pekka. It has English subtitles.
Here's another program, with no subtitles:
crybaby normalfag who decided to be a little bitch. typical incel material imo
He was the one who really liked Pentti Linkola, right?
I have already seen the first one, not the second one tho. It has really good quality, thanks
A living proof that looks come second to personality in males.
>a living
He's a lolcow even from beyond the grave
Yep, that is what he did.
Bad that Google does not translate entire web pages anymore.
An envying bitch. A crying little faggot. Spoiled brat. And a coward.
It's a problem with no society not just women. 80 20 rule is real most men are lonely and shit on constantly just like him
heh too bad i don't have sensiblechuckle.bmp on this computer or i'd post it for sure
Some Elliot-wave for this thread:
Supreme, brilliant, A R T I S T I C , and A E S T H E T I C .
I think he would have transitioned to a girl if he hadn't killed himself. I honestly can't see any other alternatives.
Uuh, yeah.