>science still doesn't know how and why muscles grow
Nerd retards and their "muh science" just read the bible and lift faggots
OP are you retarded? This has been figured out, it's muscle confusion that makes your muscles grow.
Scientists are a bunch of dyels. that's why
>lift heavy weight
>muscle grow
>lift heavier weight
What's not to understand?
based af
Thanks user, this one made me grin.
Mostly hormones, there's a reason why untrained people taking roids grow more muscle than nattys who actually lift
you forgot the most important part
What about myostatine inhibitors and shit?
whats to understand?
>Bicep: "hey body, I'm taking a fucking beating here, please come and repair me
>body: oh shit, hang on lets patch you up, we'll add some extra bicep so you can take some more beating before you give out
how does the body add more bicep to the bicep?
This is why i don't believe in the humanmade climate change or gas chambers and all that hocus pocus shit. Scientists don't know shit.
Do you get hypertrophy by doing strength training routine like SS?
Yes, you also get a gut and a t-rex silhouette though
They dont even know why a bicycle doesnt fall over dude
You can assume why but not exactly how. No one understands the phenomenon of pain or any kind of treatment for the body, just like we can't explain our consciousness at its core. It's without our scope of understanding. Try to specialize and you'll find even more divisions.
There is no doubt that incomprehensible forces shape and control us. You can only humble yourself and pray that they treat you well.
>dude calories in calories out
black holes are also fake and gay. yet another Jewish hoax.
By make more tiny bicep cell
Disruption of homeostasis through productive stress in the form of progressive overload.
If appropriate recovery is allowed supercompensation occurs.
Same reason you tan when in the sun.
They do it’s just overshadowed by thousands of faggot trainers and IG fitness retards that everyone thinks something different. I fucking swear if I have to step around one more shitty fitness couple taking up half the racks to record some shitty video I’m going to snap
This one still gets me
Look bitch nigga nutrition and health ”science” is all just anecdotal stories and experiences
Nobody actually know what is optimal
Lift weights, eat food and pray to god it works
Don't be antisemitic user
this but unironically just in case it wasn't serious
But they do though, muscles grow when the body senses increased pressure and stress on the body, and grows to become more resistant agianst it. Lifting weights is basically tricking your body into thinking its gonna die unless it gets stronger
Non American here, I don't get the joke, send helb
not american but arm muscles are also called guns.
oh I get it now
thx fren
My guy
youre a fag
back to plebbit with you
The only reason there's any confusion is because of all the frauds and their garbage anecdotes muddying the waters.
To grow muscle you have to work the muscle hard enough so it will have to compensate for the next workout and for that you also have to eat enough. Test affects how much muscle you put on after every workout, how quickly it happens and will also increase your maximum potential.
Haha i trolled you xD
>2011+8th year of the GNU/Lord
>science still doesn't know how gravity creates weight
pic gets me every time