Americans why are your cities so shit tier?. No beautiful historic architecture, instead you have shit tier modern architecture everywhere. Can't walk anywhere and you gotta have muuh car so exploration is impossible. Shitty grid system that makes the city not feel organic and cozy. Downtown is trash and is either office buildings or a ghetto unlike EU cities which are historic and rich. No fast, reliable and clean public transportation that allows the city not to get traffic jams 24/7 and allows you to go to point A to point B in less than let's say 15 min instead of 1hr in traffic. Fat girls are everywhere in NA cities. Crazy homeless people everywhere you go. Lastly your tallest buildings are shitty company buildings and the companies will probably go bankrupt in less than a century, compare this to EU cities where the buildings usually are comprised of century old and respected institutions such as the church which gives the sense of continuity, culture and stability.
Americans why are your cities so shit tier?. No beautiful historic architecture...
Other urls found in this thread:
well, in our defense, america is only 242 years old, compared to the thousands of years other countries in the world have
>beautiful historic architecture
It's beautiful to us.
Jews, that's why.
Oh and niggers.
Try Australian cities fucking hell
Honestly it's not that beautiful and I'm american. But OP is just showing his ignorance for believing that American cities are devoid of architectural innovation or culture. New York is the quintessential American city.
Times like this is when I really feel good about being an europoor.
referring to the architecture by the way
>well, in our defense, america is only 242 years old, compared to the thousands of years other countries in the world have
This is no excuse to build cities for cars and not people, maybe an excuse to not have good looking buildings but definitely not the car meme. The dumbass US city planners took money from the car lobby and build shit tier city planning instead of thinking of their citizens well being.
>New York is the quintessential American city.
Is New York the ONLY city that Americans bring up when you're talking about cities? Their public transportation is also shit tier still runs on 100 year old technology and their carts are also super loud and ugly compared to EU subways
Australian cities were designed occultists, appointed by British elite. Seriously, you have occult symbolism in all of your major cities
Really, like what for example?
Yes goy, car culture good, consumerism good, looking at brands all day good
America invented the sky scraper, look into Art Deco and the Chrysler building if you're under the impression New York is just dull corporate monoliths. American cities are not all like you describe. As a European don't you think you're sort of talking down to a culture and people, without having intimate knowledge of them? It's like going to taco-bell and saying "Mexican food sucks".
Like we give a fuck what you euro trash think
Is this some sort of psyop? Yesterday, it was the NA vs EU thread circlejerk, now theres this. Is this just a bunch of europoors constantly shitting on America?
What about San-Antonio Texas, Portland, Miami, and let me think, Chicago?
>But OP is just showing his ignorance for believing that American cities are devoid of architectural innovation or culture. New York is the quintessential American city.
Name 5 other cities other than NYC that's architecturally beautiful, is walkable, downtown isn't trash and poor etc.
Okay, to top it off, hmmmm... Boston.
The jews came for us and when they did...they promoted race mixing and allowing refuges to come in the name of peace..slowly are society turned into a degenerate hell hole..women fucking dogs and low life thugs while ghosting proper men thus leading these men into a life of depression and suicide as this continued to progress president trump was elected and many mentally ill folk crawled from the wood work to screech scream and yell calling us racists and white devils with all the sheer chaos work to build up our society and cities has been steadily coming to a crawl
>it'll happen to you
Let's do some searching, oh what a surprise it's shit tier, also I couldn't find any subway system there only the shitty corporate sandwich chain
Is this office park what Americans think of when you mention nice cities?
Lol, really user you're really stretching here, do you really think this junk is a nice city?
Lol I always hear people say Chicago is a shit hole user
Yeah, because the Europeans built it and it wasn't up to the lobbied NA city planners who thought that cars were more important than culture, people, walkability etc
Downtown area doesn't need a subway system, it's entirely walkable. I was there two days ago on a cross country trip. There is a beautiful river-walk to get around downtown and there's a few chains. Was sitting down and having a steak with my family. This was my view.
Kek, place yourself outside of the city core in google maps and it instantly becomes a suburb. Obv it's walkable if you live in the downtown user. You really need to come to Europe and you'll see that our cities are way better than NA cities
Portland has some of the highest ranked public transportation in all of America, I was born there and lived there till I was 5.
Miami has a light rail system that flys through a tropical city, absolutely stunning. It's something you have to experience to understand, and the view from my hotel was amazing. The beach! lol, it's amazing.
Chicago is actually very safe downtown, the self proclaimed chi-raq savages don't go around there due to the large police prescience. The dance music scene there is world redound.
I've never actually been to Boston, but there's amazing schools there. Some of the best in the world.
>Downtown area doesn't need a subway system, it's entirely walkable.
What if you live outside of the downtown area, wouldn't you need a car then? A city is much more than its downtown area user
Just google Canberra occult symbolism. It's all there
I plan on going to Paris, or somewhere in Ireland. I was actually in New Orleans this week and seeing the European style architecture really made me want to see more from the french. But are you guys superior? No.
What could they have as historical architecture? Indian tents?
I like some of modern buildings tho
>Portland has some of the highest ranked public transportation in all of America, I was born there and lived there till I was 5.
Isn't it easy to become highly ranked in public transportation in America because so few cites have it and the ones that do are shitty?
>Miami has a light rail system that flys through a tropical city, absolutely stunning. It's something you have to experience to understand, and the view from my hotel was amazing. The beach! lol, it's amazing.
Eh, my friend that was there says it was crime infested and trashy with no nice architecture so I'm not gonna trust you on that. Also you lived in a resort think about actually living there and you'll realize it's not that nice
>Chicago is actually very safe downtown, the self proclaimed chi-raq savages don't go around there due to the large police prescience. The dance music scene there is world redound.
The tall buildings cuck the sunlight though and makes you feel small, it doesn't give you that cozy vibe that only European cities can offer
>I've never actually been to Boston, but there's amazing schools there. Some of the best in the world.
Yup, i'd say that Boston is probably one of the few good cities in the US
America is a car country, outside of New York. And car focused cities are going to be increasingly desirable as autonomous cars are adopted by the consumer market. Yes. I've got by without a car for the last 4 years, but it's not ideal. C'est la vie.
In many cities they destroyed the old buildings and replaced them with modern blocks user
What's disgusting about Americans is that some of the only historical buildings they had were still bulldozed and replaced with modernist garbage. See: Pennsylvania Station
>Isn't it shitty? Shit shit shit shit shitty shit shit
No, not really.
>My friend says it sucks outside the rich area
Your friend is less than affluent, if you're not willing to spend a few bucks don't go to Miami.
>The tall buildings cuck the sunlight
Not if you go to the top of the Willis Tower, try that one on for size, cuck.
>Boston is one of the few good cities
If European architecture is so great, wouldn't New Orleans be the best American city? It was owned by the french before we got it.
>No, not really.
New York which gets praised by Americans for its amazing public transportation is terrible from a European perspective, so I really don't trust an American when it comes to ranking of public transportation.
>Your friend is less than affluent, if you're not willing to spend a few bucks don't go to Miami.
Kek, I've looked at it's downtown from google maps and the architecture there is trash user. Maybe the beach is nice and if you are on vacation there it's nice, however living there seems like living in yet another soulless American city.
>If European architecture is so great, wouldn't New Orleans be the best American city? It was owned by the french before we got it.
I've seen so many Americans circle jerk over its architecture and praise it 24/7 so it seems to be the case that Americans actually like European architecture. Also i've never heard a European praise a average American building, but I hear Americans praise the avg European building in our cities all the time
euro cities look old like theyre stuck in the middle ages, looking at that picture you wouldnt think it was a modern city with electricity at all. rather a rotting old ruin.
even american cities are starting to look old. most american skyscrapers are from the 1970s, they arent building anything new. their infrastructure is crumbling. it's a joke. I feel embarassed to be western at this point.
"""new""" york looks old and ugly as hell compared to shanghai or seoul
i wish i was part of the glorious east asian masterrace where people still value progress, futurism and modernity
I've never been to America so I don't have knowledge in these stuff. I like abstract buildings like pic related so all I know is they have some stuff like this. Anyway places posted in
looks fucking horrible. My soul would be crushed living there.
>Not if you go to the top of the Willis Tower, try that one on for size, cuck.
No shit there's sunlight from a tall building. Cities shouldn't be designed from the view of a tall building though it should be designed to be nice from the street. If you have to go to the top of a tall building to get sunlight you really live in a cucked city
It's okay if you're a woman maybe.
Sorry, still #1.
>looks fucking horrible. My soul would be crushed living there.
Indeed, by happy you're European. I love how the American bragged about those cities like I was supposed to be impressed by them, just imagine how the avg American city looks like if that's the best examples he could think of
>It's okay if you're a woman maybe.
>Sorry, still #1.
>No sunlight
>trash on streets
>people dress like hobos everywhere, I was shocked when I was there and everyone had sweatpants on (lived in upper west side so don't give me the muuuh poor part of the city excuse)
>outdated public transportation
>grid system
Is this the best example you can think of? Is New York really the only good American city?
He didn't post exactly the most flattering photos of those cities. Pic related, Waikiki Hawaii. More beautiful in person even.
Why does it look like no one lives there and that it's an office park?
No, San Francisco used to be nice and still is if you're mega-rich. LA is nice if you're into that type of thing, Seattle is really nice honestly just a bad homeless problem. Also ATL has a awesome rap concert, multiple ones, literally everyday.
I posted pics of the downtown from above user, you post super angled pics of the beach. I don't think that the beach is a good representation of how the CITY looks, rather the beach is how the nature looks. Learn the difference between city and nature.
#1 at what exactly?
Tallest building? Nope.
Fastest train? Nope.
Clean infrastructure? Nope.
Safest city? Nope.
Largest bridge? Nope.
Nothing in New York is impressive anymore, there's bigger, better, larger things everywhere else in the world. Maybe impressive for the number of homeless people and number of rats in the subway.
it's a joke
i feel embarassed to be western at this point.
You dumb ass why don't you learn about a country as vast as the USA before you talk shit about it. It's a beachfront city. You can leave your high-rise hotel downtown and literally go right on and swim in some of the best beaches in the world.
>LA is nice if you're into that type of thing,
Not the downtown though, some rich suburbs yes, but the downtown has fucking skid row user. Also LA is notorious for its horrid traffic
>You can leave your high-rise hotel downtown and literally go right on and swim in some of the best beaches in the world.
High-rise hotel kek. So the beach and a high-rise hotel shows that a city is of a high caliber? European cities are nice to live in and visit whereas some parts near the beach American cities are nice to visit
god i miss assassins creed 2
The nature is nice user, but the buildings and architecture is trash man
>European cities are nice to live in and visit
That's changing rapidly
Richest. It's the richest. We have a higher GDP than anywhere else in the world. By far.
Hawaii kicks ass.... Sort of feels like you've come to a conclusion that the USA is a shithole for some reason, but it's not. I live here. Sure, European cities are nice, but there's a reason everyone in the world clamors to live in NYC and LA, not fucking whatever city you posted in your OP.
because america is only a couple hundred years old.
>That's changing rapidly
Not really, the muslims live in the concrete suburbs in most European cities. But sadly yes things are changing rapidly here, but at least we won't become a minority like whites in the US currently are
Let it never change. And let it never change us
I'm two different tribes of Native American, Greek, English, some African, and whatever else. America is a melting pot and we're stronger for having multiple cultures. What are you, German?
>Richest. It's the richest
Just because it has a lot of ultra wealthy people doesn't mean that it's the richest
>We have a higher GDP than anywhere else in the world. By far.
No you don't, Tokyo has the highest total GDP, and per capita NYC is pretty poorfag compared to other western cities.
>Hawaii kicks ass.... Sort of feels like you've come to a conclusion that the USA is a shithole for some reason, but it's not. I live here. Sure, European cities are nice, but there's a reason everyone in the world clamors to live in NYC and LA, not fucking whatever city you posted in your OP.
I've been to Hawaii and it's very nice. The nature is amazing but the cities aren't. America isn't a shithole I never claimed it to be, just that your cities are shit tier compared to European ones
>I'm two different tribes of Native American, Greek, English, some African, and whatever else. America is a melting pot and we're stronger for having multiple cultures.
I Americans seriously believe in this shit?
They are more or less ghettoised but that just feels like a cheap rationalisation to me. European cities are nice if you are upper-class, it is bad for the middle-classes and absolute hell for the working-class.
>European cities are nice if you are upper-class, it is bad for the middle-classes and absolute hell for the working-class.
Middle class can afford to live in decent areas in most European cities, but yes the poorfag class that have to live in the same neighborhoods as the muslims life in the city isn't that nice. Our public housing is still way better than the projects though
I always assumed the beauty of America was in it's vast nature and not in its cities, never been there though.
But we have the most ultra wealthy people. Also,
We're about twice as big as China in GDP, and 4 times Japan. The architecture in Hawaii does have a lot to desire I agree. Maybe European cities are really nice. But we're different. We're built around skyscrapers and high-rises, we've got different styles of building and frankly it's arrogant to say Europe is better. I love the USA and I've lived and traveled through American cities my whole life. Cities are much more than old architecture and public transportation.
There's smaller American cities I haven't even mentioned too, we're a great country. Probably the best in the world. Sorry if that ruffles feathers.
Yes, white people come in and genocide a continent and then claim to be a minority that's being invalided. Funny really.
>But we have the most ultra wealthy people. Also,
Yeah, but you have a lot of class struggle because that wealth doesn't seem to be shared. Isn't this the reason why socialists like Bernie and AOC are coming into power?
>We're about twice as big as China in GDP, and 4 times Japan
Yeah, but your GDP per capita is pretty low compared to a lot of other places
>Maybe European cities are really nice. But we're different. We're built around skyscrapers and high-rises, we've got different styles of building and frankly it's arrogant to say Europe is better. I love the USA and I've lived and traveled through American cities my whole life. Cities are much more than old architecture and public transportation.
Agreed, you should come to Europe though and you'll see that European cities are a lot nice than American ones. I love the states too, but their cities have a lot of room for improvement and you haven't figured out yet how to have a lot of people working and living in the same area while making it homey and cozy. Also with public transportation the main reason is that it saves time which is good for the economy, its people and for future growth.
>There's smaller American cities I haven't even mentioned too, we're a great country. Probably the best in the world. Sorry if that ruffles feathers.
I'd say America is great, but far from the greatest. Don't think a lot of people would chose to live in the states over Switzerland for example after having read a lot about both countries
Sorry user China produced more goods and services than you now
>Richest. It's the richest. We have a higher GDP than anywhere else in the world. By far.
I feel so embarassed to be western when I see pathetic people cling to bad achievements like this instead of owning up to the fact that we have fallen behind and are looking like a medieval society in comparison to east asia
we need to get our act together, I thought trump would care about infrastructure and skyscrapers since he mentioned it but he hasnt done anything yet
it's so sad, just rename new york to old york and be done with becoming a backward medieval nation like europe
>Yeah, but you have a lot of class struggle because that wealth doesn't seem to be shared. Isn't this the reason why socialists like Bernie and AOC are coming into power?
More or less, depends on who you ask and their perspective.
>Yeah, but your GDP per capita is pretty low compared to a lot of other places
True enough
>Agreed, you should come to Europe though and you'll see that European cities are a lot nice than American ones. I love the states too, but their cities have a lot of room for improvement and you haven't figured out yet how to have a lot of people working and living in the same area while making it homey and cozy. Also with public transportation the main reason is that it saves time which is good for the economy, its people and for future growth.
This is very true. I should come to Europe. I would learn a lot.
>I'd say America is great, but far from the greatest. Don't think a lot of people would chose to live in the states over Switzerland for example after having read a lot about both countries
Well, Switzerland is a small country compared to the USA. That's what is really at the heart of America's strength in our opinion. What separates us from the Euros is our size, and what separates us from the Asians is our freedom.
I wouldn't trade my life in the USA for anywhere, because me and my friends get paid a lot more than your average Swiss. I'm a software developer.
That's before taxes, as well. Which there is lots of loopholes to get around in the USA, especially after trump. lol.
He's too fixated on that damn boarder wall, which is important, but they're making a whole fiasco out of it rather than getting much done.
>we need to get our act together, I thought trump would care about infrastructure and skyscrapers since he mentioned it but he hasnt done anything yet
Trump wants America to be in a safe space echo chamber and not be competitive internationally anymore. He's the worst thing in modern history to happen for American progress
>Well, Switzerland is a small country compared to the USA. That's what is really at the heart of America's strength in our opinion. What separates us from the Euros is our size
Sure i'd buy that argument if it wasn't for the fact that if your country is apart of the EU you can move freely between countries and the fact that we are apart of the biggest free trade zone ever
It's been a shitshow...the American government must change or I predict our downfall.
>I wouldn't trade my life in the USA for anywhere, because me and my friends get paid a lot more than your average Swiss. I'm a software developer.
Fair enough, Switzerland doesn't seem to be that good for IT people, it's better for business people.
>That's before taxes, as well. Which there is lots of loopholes to get around in the USA, especially after trump. lol.
Taxes are a big plus for the US, but that might be changing with the current political climate there (might be a short lived trend though who knows). Also some EU countries like Switzerland has ultra low taxes, but yeah EU is pretty trash to work in generally compared to America
That's true. If you count the EU as a whole country GDP wise it's about as large as the USA. After all this is all pointless anyways. We are one world after all.
>It's been a shitshow...the American government must change or I predict our downfall.
Indeed, but why is free trade so unpopular in the states and why do so many ppl there want to build walls?
>That's true. If you count the EU as a whole country GDP wise it's about as large as the USA. After all this is all pointless anyways. We are one world after all.
My dream is that America and EU becomes a free trade a movement zone, but that will probably never happen sadly. Europe has superior cities and public life imo and America is superior when it comes to innovating in new industries. We can both learn much from each other and admitting that the other part is better at something is the first step to get positive synergy effects or what ever you wanna call it
To answer your question directly and concisely. Xenophobia.
I've never really even left the USA cause the only reason I've traveled is family or business really. I would say the same might be true for our president lol. Not to say he doesn't travel. But he doesn't exactly seem like "The vacation in Rome to expand my horizons" kind of guy.
That would kick so much ass. lol. Too good to be true maybe.
>That would kick so much ass. lol. Too good to be true maybe.
Yup, it almost happened with the trade part (TTIP) but people started REEEEing at it and not realizing that trade is a good thing for both parties. Haven't heard any proposals about free movement though, that would be so amazing too i'd love to live in America and work there for some year but the immigration process seems to be super annoying right now imo
It's pretty grating being in the thick of it but viewed from afar like this it has a special quality to it. Looks kind of like a fighting game background or something
It's pissing me off how the "Americans" (probably the europoors samefagging) decided to just use the most populated cities. Try going for the smaller cities.
Frankfort, KY
Chattanooga, TN
Harpers Ferry, WV (not a city by any means but still)
Fairhope, AL
Huntsville, AL
Singapore has built an amazing walkable city with nice architecture that isn't car reliant in a few decades so that defense isn't fair other than the historic building part
>no historic buildings
You mention this a couple of times but it's a stupid complaint. European cities are full of rich history because guess what, they're TEN TIMES AS OLD AS AMERICA
>too much traffic
That's just because there's so many cars in america. Literally everyone drives here, living without a license is not feasible.
Sort of boring to echo what you're saying but I feel the same way about Europe. I would love to live there and other things, I've even looked into dual citizenship. Doesn't seem feasible though. Come to think of it, it's the shame UK is leaving the EU.
I just traveled the southern boarder and it's a scary dangerous place. But here's the thing. Gallup polls show that the USA is more pro immigration than it has been in decades. That's what's actually happening here, trump and the Republicans is fighting for increased boarder security, and Nansy Pelosci and the Democrats are fighting for increased legal immigration. Allowing currently existing undocumented illegals a path to citizenship, taking in people in crisis, etc.
It's small victories, but sometimes things do head in a slight positive direction.
As far as infrastructure. I just moved to Phoenix Arizona and don't have a car. Caught with my pants down, in a way. I won't be able to leave the house practically, except to ride a bike through the suburbs with no social interaction. But jobs are decent enough here and taxes are low. Imagining a truly collaborative city between the USA and the EU seems like paradise compared to this place.
>Imagining a truly collaborative city between the USA and the EU seems like paradise compared to this place.
Holy shit yes, that would be amazing
I'm actually a really big fan of Huntsville. That's where I'd like to live next.
where is this place?
looks amazing
Canberra was designed by a canadian you idiot
Honolulu, I think. I only ever visited once.
rural retard flyover shitholes. do not go to any of these places.
Matter of fact dont go anywhere if it is not:
Cities are horrible, why would anyone want to go there? I live in america but hardly go to a city unless I have to.
facts the west is a shit hole and asia is taking over actually getting shit done while we argue over politics.
poor strip mall peasant
>I live in america but hardly go to a city unless I have to.
You need to visit a city in Europe especially a southern European one like Florence and you'll change your mind about city living
I've been to europe a fuckton of times (aunt lives in belgium) and I've visited probably 5 or 6 cities all across europe. I still think they're gross and cramped
Arguably, the east is not as developed as western nations and that's why it's growing so fast.