Will i get fit with a 100% vegan diet?
Will i get fit with a 100% vegan diet?
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You will slim down, just like all malnourished people.
post before : "I wish I was that ball gneu gneu gneu"
fuck that board
What if that ball could fit in her bum imagine haha
>hungry white boi? i've got something for you to eat.
How can white woman even compete? Serious question.
post bunda
Sorry I'm not into beastiality.
jesus fuck please yes
Fuck black pussy is the best. It feels so much warmer, tighter, and wet.
if you're not a halfbrain and eat like a fucking rabbit munching on $20 salads like the stereotypical pagan, definitely.
Just watch your macros like any other diet. Oreos are often considered vegan -- you will NOT get fit just because you choose a vegan diet. You can eat shit as a vegan just as you can as a non-vegan.
When people find they often start getting fitter / lose weight when they're vegan, it's not because vegan diet is inherently better, it's because it forces them to re-examine their dietary choices, they watch what they eat closer, and they cut out huge parts of junk they ate previously.
fit black girls just have no competition. They have literal iron grip pussies
I'd like to squeeze my balls into her butt if you know what I mean
This is one f the reasons why I lift. I hope to have a threesome with two black chicks some day, although one black chick and a Latina would be pretty cool
>How can white woman even compete?
by not giving birth to sub 80 IQ mongrels
>fit black girls just have no competition. They have literal iron grip pussies
Pic related is a hot little dime i scored last week. Pussy was TIGHT and WET, shit was caaaaash.
t. incel
>t. Incel Who got teased by black girls throughout highschool for being lower test than them and forever harbors a hate towards them that only keeps growing the more he ignores that it’s actually a hate for himself
Love yourself bro, fuck a black girl
yes you can get fit on a vegan diet, and then you'll stagnate and die.
have sex
>>t. Incel Who got teased by black girls throughout highschool for being lower test than them and forever harbors a hate towards them that only keeps growing the more he ignores that it’s actually a hate for himself
nice projection but nigger girls actually loved me in school, idk why.
>have sex
Can you give me any tips?
pic related is a hot little piece ive had my eye on for some time, just not sure how to pull the trigger.
Because they love submitting to white men. I have my theories on where it comes from (one being that it’s possibly due to most black men being shitty fathers and giving them all daddy issues of some sort) but ultimately I just decided to enjoy that I can take advantage of it
have sex, samefag incel
Lmao based
But I really wish I was that ball
True dat
Dude I can relate. There was a pack of 6'+ tall loud af sheboons that just loved me for some reason.
Black girls with white facial features give me the big penis
I miss doing this with my ex. Fuck bros, if you find a good black one hold on for dear life and don't leave her because you fall for the trap/tranny meme. Just learn from my mistakes, OK?
No, you can be a fat piece of shit and vegan
>fucking monkeys turns into fucking self-mutilating mentally ill people
I genuinely don't know if you upgraded or downgraded, but in either case you should seriously just end it
>you should seriously just end it
Two failed attempts and counting, bro!
jesus christ. if people really hate meat that much just be pescatarian. It's much healthier than just eating grass.
what's wrong with you people..
where did this vegan shit even come from.
sauce on this bros
>good black one
I’m sure they exist but most black girls are just for good sex man. I couldn’t see myself trying to have a serious relationship with one again
Help me bros. When I see a thiggg black girl my mind goes to this primal, very old and dark place. Theres this immense pressure to just fuck like an animal and impregnate, no regard to birth control or any of the reasonable race arguments.
Yeah I get it too man. Ngl, if I had a time machine I’d rape all of the African bitches
I just loose all control man, feels like my IQ drops 100 points and Im just full grug mode.
>Will never know this feel
>Growing up in Brazil family constantly told me if I brought home a black girl they'd cut my dick off
It's like 1960s america on steroids down here
*looks at soccer ball*
God I wish that were me
They can compete by being white. Nigs aren't attractive to me, at least enough to want to fuck any of em. I can however understand why you guys think the way you do.
nice vegan thread bros. fucking thyme.
Not on vegan diet, but a girl only diet is best for muscle gain and losing fat.
Black girl barp only
Im racist and I like black girls
Yea im hungry black gurlll!!! Get me some some food Sistaaaaah. Go MLK and Malcolm !!!
imagine haha
Same. I mean I don't HATE blacks, I'm justs a race realist and like my own kind and think we're better off seperate. Like, in general. But SOME WMBF race-mixing is OK, r-right...?
Lot's of lentils. Also TVP is good
>inb4 phytoestrogens
Prove it, fags.
>and then, the ball disappear to never be seen again...
Fuck that wig!
there is literally nothing wrong with black girls you pathetic little virgin racist. And spare us of your ebin Jow Forums graphs.
>the smell
Truth be told, black dudes have it made.
>monopoly on black chicks because no other race like black girls
>white chicks, latina chicks, and asian chicks all have mandingo fantasies of being railed by a 6'6 black dude with a 10 inch cock
It's fucking over. There is nothing in this world I'd rather be than a high status black.
oh god please, PLEASE i need her on my face right now oh FUCK
>this triggers the nigs
Based and whitepilled
Disingenuous fuckery, as is to be expected with vegans.
How is it in disingenuous? I compared with raw vs raw.
You're supposed to weigh your food before cooking it, you DYEL faggot. You know nothing of dieting and tracking macros.
Those things only happen if you're muscular, have a big dick, and act ghetto. I actually used to be one of those skinny nerdy black kids with glasses and started lifting just so i could fit into the alpha black guy stereotype. I try to act like an alpha nig, but i really can't hide the way i am deep down and end up sounding dumb. Life would be 10x better if i were white
>mfw my dick is too small for black chicks
i wish i was her shoes instead
Does someone there actually date or was dating a black woman? Is this even worth trying? Are they good wives, or just 1 night stand material?
$0.05 has been deposited into you account, please keep posting to reach the next tier
It seems like white women are doing this more than ever tho, plenty of mixed couples out there.
If you find the rare intelligent black or latina woman, they are 100% waifu material and like white guys. You gotta look for the educated, professional ones, not ghetto whores.
A 100% vegan diet can be healthy, but remember that shot like Doritos are vegan so being a vegan isn’t necessarily good.
Not all people of one demographic are the same lol
Even the more "primitive" ones are aggressively loyal so they have that going for them.
If they have brothers you will get jumped if you fuck around
Tell me someone has sauce on this webm, she's 100% flawless
>implying I wouldnt shoot her nigger brothers on sight
>get angry when I read about immigration, shrinking white majority, acceptance of interracial marriage, etc
>biggest turnon for me is impregnating a black girl
>specifically thinking about how I'm gonna ejaculate inside and make her pregnant gives me a God-tier orgasm
>doesn't exist for girls of other races, sometimes I even have to fake orgasm because it's just not happening
What gives? Obviously I agree that white girls are aesthetically pleasing, I should have white children, et cetera. But my dick doesn't give a shit about any of that, it just wants me to date black.
whispers in the dark corners of the internet speak of melanin receptors on the skin of white penis
Yes, if you're not a retard/lazy
>Will i get fit with a 100% vegan diet?
No. Now stop posting troll threads outside of
I can smell the virgin in this post faggot.
>(2.67 MB, 3965x2729)
>If they have brothers you will get jumped if you fuck around
They'll also jump people FOR you. I got into a small fight once and it was all fine, but my ex's brother legit asked if I wanted him to shoot the other guy.
Because the true white instinct is to COLONIZE the pussys and wombs of all women. If we were about 'sticking to our own kind' we would not have conquered the world.
They're not even that rare. They usually have some good ambition to them as well.
Those are hip implants, right?
What a world. The white man has officially cücked the black man.
>black guys get the worst white women, the fatties and whores
>we get the best black women
It's a white man's world, everyone else just lives in it.
Glute goals
imagine the smell. picking up a soccer ball, what's that smell? you smell the ball. OOF some sweaty nigger had this up their ass!
The girl that cuts my hair is a slightly more thicc version of her, I wish I wasn't such a sperg cause I think she's into me.
>wanting your kids to be sub-IQ
I'm good.
No iam a vegatarian and still a fat ass
No, just get an omnivore diet you dumb shit. Eat less meat if you have to, and more vegetables. Dont entirely sacrifice meat, there are 14 essential nutrients only found in meat
Extremely based