
>be me
>near 30 wage cuck
>mistake small talk from co-worker19yo 9/10 as interest in me

>let this occupy my headspace for days
>constantly think of messaging her

>finally message her and ask if shes interested in catching up sometime

>no reply

>realise/remember shes pretty much paid to be nice

>she works very closely with my bosses

>have to see her at work tomorrow

scale of 1/10 fucked user?

how am i doing?

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youre letting the lewd part of your brain make you look stupid again, or maybe itll work and youll finally escape this place

Acknowledge the mistake in a humorous way.

I think it's better to be seen as a loser than a creep.

Never ever entertain the idea of getting with your female co-workers, or this shit happens.
Now you're gonna be the creepy guy, because she WILL tell your other co-workers about what happened.

thank you both.

my stomach has been a wreck since i sent it.

i just wanted a friend, she was nice and i feel like this is going so south

i couldnt give a shit about the work
i can find another but i havnt put myself out there for years and the anxiety is killing me.

you guys are the only ones i can talk with honestly.


It's okay user. And don't freak out and just laugh it off. It happens to the best of us.

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i know and i knew it before.

said it a million times

and still fucked up.

>that smile though

if i could still see that then i could care less about the job. the rest are cunts except her.

im looking forward to all 5 bosses looking at me, going silent, looking away and smirking til i leave and here them start laughing as the door closes


i told myself at least i tried

considering hitting a pole on the way in tomorrow desu


self bump

any ideas on how to start on damage control?

sorry user, desu. ./8

just wear it, dont try and do anything more than you already have


thanks all the same.

hearing it straight is helpful

re-affirmation is helpful for acceptance and reality must be accepted

well you didn't raped her, you asked her to see her outside of work, she didn't reply, big deal, forgot that it even happened.
If she mentions something, you say you like hanging out with her and wanted to see her outside of work in non romantic way, play it cool

Thanks for the thread, user. I've been dealing with mildly similar things, so this thread helped me out, I think.

fucking anxiety man. fucking complications. fucking brain. fuck em. I'm going out and having some fun.

Pretend it's about hiring her
Like a head hunting scheme

Then just Damage control from there

youre right, im making mountains out of molehills

i guess i grew accustomed to the idea that i was alone partially by choice.

this never used to be an issue.

how the fuck does one just be a man.. like im a grown ass man.

is 9 years too weird of a difference for a friendship?

is 19 to young?

am i too beta for someone like that to associate with?

i dont know how to talk about any of this. not even to my brother or my closest friends

sorry for whining at you btw

I sort of feel like i got lucky young when it comes to women.

they were stupid enough to be into me

now its the opposite, but even trying to find friends has been impossible.

what the fuck happened?

i put my head down to work and forget lucy

wake up 10 years later and try and be social

fuck up my head again with emily

my male friends only hit me up for buds

what the fuck does one do to meet people who are open to meeting?

again i apologise for the poorly written vent

you are a weapon my friend.
the brain is fucked, too hard to deal with and im sick of feeling insane.

my pleasure, you too for joining.

>whats the plans for fun my bro?

thanks for the advice but shes like my bosses PA more or less my boss by extension

im a senior tech and a minor manager.

I have a (minor money/mostly hobby) side-hustle media production co. (photo/video/Music)

But i cant imagine approaching her as an assistant or worse asking her to model..

This idea was great though

they're both quite high corporate and i, as a lowly floor working bitch, just happen to work in close prox and report to him

>what the fuck does one do to meet people who are open to meeting?
I would like to know that myself :)
I guess going to bars or doing some activity with other people, some sports or hobby

i actually had a drunk fem hit on me last time i was at a bar and just shut down.

she was pretty racist and vulgar but 7/10 and im me pretty much this entire thread but trying keep it light

aka why the fuck am i being picky

>also im moved back in to parents
>saving deposit

how the fuck do you bring a women home to family home at this age??

like fucking what?

i had plans
i worked hard
i strived to be good for the sake of itself

I had money
i had a start
had two degrees before everyone else came back from gap year

good start in promising studios

i slaved for years

and i just cant stop crying

im not a fucking man at all, what happened to me?

Society looks down on big age difference in general, but I had few coworkers of mine with 9-10y younger gfs, and didn't noticed that anyone give them shit for that.
I personally don't care and wouldn't mind having 18yo gf (I'm 28 so i would be 10y difference), thou I don't know how to meet girls in that age group

do you want to connect or to meet in a numbers game?

im of the same opinion, i havnt heard people be given shit about an age gap since school.

i just feel like im and old creep now..

im 28

I think this day and age its perfectly normal to feel inadequate. I know a lot of guys that live with their parents, and usually its out of convenience more than anything. You need to stop worrying about what other people think of you and only worry about yourself, your health, your development, etc. etc.

>she was pretty racist
that's wife material bud, what's wrong with you

>living with parents
yeah, I think this is red flag for women, having girl over at your parents house at that age is a bit of yikes

>and i just cant stop crying
check your testosterone and estrogen levels faggot

>do you want to connect or to meet in a numbers game?
I doubt we live on the same continent

shooting a bow and arrow like a boss and then going to the movies later tonight, possibly. About a guy who filmed bears and then got eaten by a bear. true story.

Yeah, anyway, I have anxiety and people are just gonna have to accept that. It's a shame tho, it's not really my anxiety that is most of the problem, it's that work is when you work and socializing is what I used to think lazy people did. But it's actually pretty important for "survival" at work. It's just a shame that I work most of the time alone away from the people I want to socialize with, making every interaction with them a sort-of zero sum game. Not to mention if it's a girl. Feels bad man.

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no, im alright with casting a wide net to meet people

im just shit with connecting to people

>get some cards printed for a hobby company you run
>start a creative firm
>look for talent

create a vague title, that prompts questioning. or re-phrase what you do if its not interesting enough.

lowkey copy an influence with enough variation to pass as original using digital tools/what ever medium (passion helps) for a portfolio of work.

get the light right for selfies, meet in dim bars
pitch creative ideas to people

be interested in them and mention so. rephrase what they say, say "youre right" instead of "thats true" (as an example)

pretty much wins every time for me.

hey did you have my number already?

here my card in case you want to call for (x)

>im not a fucking man at all, what happened to me?
I've thought of this myself, and sadly, I think it's the "good guy" syndrome. If we take an example, when a law is passed, usually the humans will either stay way way off the line or go over the line slightly. Your brain can't stay within the line without making certain sacrifices and sometimes gimping yourself. It's probably why the shittiest corporations own half the world and are most successful. I've noticed my own sacrifices more and more, such as not going out drinking due to fear of making a fool out of myself or, you know, whatever.

Or it could be something else, I guess... luck is a small factor.

did i think myself into a testosterone imbalance?

i agree. i like the way you phrased this.

Do you intend to address those sacrifices? or do you feel a compulsion to continue with the same behavior?

sounds like a ball. hope you have fun.

yeah for sure, survival in general it seems, i like solitude, i didnt realise i only liked it by choice..

how do you mean zero-sum, as in theyre meaningless because of a limited chance to progress with those people
what do you do?