I'm a manlet (5'8") and why do manlets always feel like they need to act up? Behave kindly, like a normal person ffs

I'm a manlet (5'8") and why do manlets always feel like they need to act up? Behave kindly, like a normal person ffs.

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idk what you talking about I'm a 5'3 manlet and I'm just quiet and try to be nice to everyone

me too, but i have autistic tendancies

ill just say something trying to contribute and everyone will turn and look like im a lizard.

what kind of acting up do you mean?

5'7. Funny but nice to everyone. This shit is not gettng us anywhere in life, brother

>Behave kindly, like a normal person ffs.
You can't alot of the time you need to overcompensate. Not out of insecurity but short men are at a disadvantage. All the president of the United States have been tall pretty much. If you're short and try to be president people look at you like you're handicapped and you need to compensate

6ft3 ALPHA male here.

Shut the fuck up, youre not a manlet. Try being 5'1 like me, bitch. Then you'd understand why.

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26yo, 5'5 or 5'6, 145lb
I've had sex with 3 girls. I'm not bad about it

5'7'', i have bipolar disorder and very bad hypomania so I am always hyper. Sucks man..

>nice guy

5'4", ~100 lbs 21 year old reporting in; it's so weird how my shoes only add another inch at most yet I'm still taller than at least 80% of the girls at my uni

Manlets act up because they are literally the "runts" of the litter, from a natural selection perspective.

Why don't humans abandon them to die the way dogs do? It would strengthen the pack.

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post country and uni please

US, I go to a uni in Manhattan

5'6.5, also in us
i find that im about the same height or a little shorter than a lot girls around the campus. i'd say about 20% of them have been taller.

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6'1" and I hate when I see someone taller than me or just want to kill myself when it's a girl. I know it's unreasonable but I feel like I got genetically cucked being the littlest boy in the family.
So know that even average men can be insecure about their height and really tall people have even worse problems like finding clothes or entering a car.

They try to act up because acting down isn't a viable option.

Since when is 5'8" a manlet? Nigga I'm 5'8". I fuck bitches all the time. Women over 5'7" aren't even attractive. My family is italian and i grew up in japan. I'm a fucking giant compared to everyone around me. and i lve in nj now, maybe 20 minutes away from you. No one has called me short since junior high.

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It's a trap and You got traped

5'8 is average, not manlet. Chicks don't know height anyway. They think that any guy over 5'6 is 6' tall. It isn't your height fucking you over, user, trust me. I'm 5'7 and have had many girls ask me out. I'm handsome and charming though, so I don't have to rely on some beta-tier immutable characteristic.

>hurrdurr shitskin humanlet here how to getting girl user
>told a girl I barely know that I'd love to lick her toes and now she won't look at me what do

Quit being a fucking idiot and maybe you'll get a girl, dumbfuck.

OP, how tall are you really? 6'3" and a virgin right?

5'8" half virgin

Is that pic a trap????

>"I'm handsome so I get girls"
>"I don't rely on an immutable characteristic"
Pick one, little guy.