Drink coffee

>drink coffee
>get tired

everytime bros. what the fuck?

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>he doesnt add butter to his coffee

Stop drinking coffee then?

Tolerance build up

This is the artificial energy jew getting you

My rule is, no caffine during work because i dont want to have to depend on it. There is a small amount in my pre workout i take 3x a week before my 3 heaviest lifting sessions, but thats after a 12 hour fit workday. Never actually during a shift because I will become dependant

Then i might have some occasionally in social setting, but never more than a cup or two and then I'll nap later

This is unironically due to tolerance. The same thing happened to me (since I go to uni I was drinking 5 cups of coffee a day). Here's how I fixed it:
1. In the first 5 days, swap all coffee with black tea. You can still drink your normal amount of coffee, but in black tea.
2. In the next 3 days, drink only half that amount in cups of tea (ie 4 cups to 2 cups)
3. 3 days later, half it again
4. Now you're at 1 cup of tea a day. Replace this with a non-caffeinated tea and now you're off caffeine
5. Stay off for at least 2 weeks.

Your next cup of coffee will be really strong, so I suggest taking it early in the morning. Also, try to stay off caffeine on the weekends so that your tolerance doest build up as quickly again. Stick to one a day at the beginning.

>I said Jew hehe. I am so edgy haha. Do I fit in? Do I fit in?
Kys memeing bastard.

One cup a day is a good rule. Otherwise your body starts to tolerate it more and more and it loses its effect

It's a mix of tolerance and dehydration. Remember to also drink water, don't drink coffee after 12:00 and don't drink just because you're bored.

kys rabbi

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Kill yourself kike faggot piece of shit

Used to drink 4 cups a day and all I got out of it was anxiety, insomnia, an unhealthy resting heart rate and horrible breath.
Over the course of about 3 weeks I went from 4 cups a day down to 1 cup a day and if I feel like I still want coffee I just make some decaf.
Decaf has some caffeine, maybe like 5 milligrams per cup, but it's a hell of a lot better than 80-150 milligrams that I get out of a normal cup and I can drink decaf at 10:30pm and be in deep sleep at 11:00pm.
Some people can handle coffee better than others - I guess that's genetics.
As weird as it sounds, one cup per day makes my workouts easier than four cups ever did.

of course u get tired, those are plant toxins that force your body to produce stress hormones

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Have sex millenial. Only high test boomers can chuck down black coffee

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listnen to this man, he clearly has an IQ of 700+


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>drink coffee
>need a shit

everytime bros. what the fuck?

pathetic incel losers
you should never have been born and I bet your parents will be glad when you die

Caffeine is a diuretic, it stimulates the muscles in your bowels.

wow thanks user i thought it was the little coffee men pushing the shit lumps towards my anus

You've developed a resistance to caffeine. You probably drank too many cups a day or were drinking energy drinks. Quit cold turkey. The headache is gonna fucking suck and it might effect your gains, but you have to get over that shit. Drink 1 cup in the morning after 2 weeks.
I tried that once out of curiosity. Pretty gross.


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Not OP but I like this

it just rises to the top and when you take a sip you get oil over your mouth and a mouthful of it too.

You're not properly hydrated

>stimulates the muscles in your bowels

You are supposed to use a blender

It means your adrenal glands are burned out. Take a break. Drink green tea or Yerba mate.

stir it before sips? not really a big deal bro and I don't even use butter