Hey Jow Forums,
iam lifting at home for 1,5 Years now and want to go in a Gym now.
Its a cheap gym so i will get a meme routine....
Is there a nice splitt?
Bonus question:
I want that my sister starts lifting (because there is a full nude Sauna there kek) any nice fun routine for a woman?
Hey Jow Forums
Where are you at strength wise right now?
OHP with barbells 40kg 8 times x3
Barbel rows: 17 kg 10 times x3
Push ups: 3x8 with claping
curls 15kg 8 times x3
tricep stuff both hands 25 kg 12 times x3
shrugs 45 kg 15 times x3
florpress 60 kg 9 times x3
hamer curls 30 kg x3
frontpress 30 kg 10 x3
i stoped leg training after 1 years becouse it sucks and i dont have enough wheigts
So what, you want to see your sister naked?
Your strength values are still at novice level, just do a full body routine 3 times a week with some compounds to 5 reps for strength, plus accessories to 8-12 reps for extra hypertrophy. Later on you can start doing a more fully hypertrophy focussed routine, but right how you need to build up some strength, or you’ll end up wasting your time
answer this question OP
I see my sister nude at a daily basis. i want that i have a alibi for going in the sauna. in germany we have a problem with vayeurs (shitskins the most)
SS or waht routine would you sugest?
>I see my sister nude at a daily basis.
Is this normal ? and can I see?
What do you mean an alibi for going in the sauna? why do you want sandniggers to look at your naked sister?
This, it is important to pick a good routine for her or whatever
Please be in London
Wouldn’t do SS, too lazy to post the full body routine I used to use. Something like greyskull LP with more accessory work and some face pulls would be good. Make sure to do weighted chin ups or pull ups (assisted at first if necessary) on all 3 days, those are the bread and butter for aesthetics
Geh einfach in die Sauna du Lappen, mit deiner Schwester wirds nur komischer
waht the fuck is normal?
i alredy go in a regular sauna. if the room is full with sandniggers they are no woman, if they are mixed withes woman go in.
so a 3 day splitt for me?
Sauce? Name?
>inb4 thread blows up with questions asking to see OPs sister but OP consistently replies in broken english
also work on legs
Well its not really a split, since you aren’t splitting up the work outs for different body parts over different days, but yes, 3 days a week full body works well
i see it coming.
how old is your sister user?
damn so this is how wh*te people keep the superior race alive, huh
He clearly wants to see her take arab cock whitoid cuck
Absolute shocking display of dyel advice here, anons.
>Is there a nice splitt?
Learn to spell. But PPL
>any nice fun routine for a woman?
Heavy Squat
High rep low weight Hip thrusts
Cardio: 30 min on stair stepper
Her brapper will be amazing in six months
FKK pilled. Also fuck shitskins that sit on a beach and masturbate to me.
SS or Stronglifts. Add accessory work as desired
>kannst du Deutsch faggott?
Don’t be a retard. Most English speakers can’t spell either.
all 3x8
that will keep you sorted for the next couple of months
Fucc baby pusy so sex got me dingalingling going springalingling shakin my chickenwingalingling till i start to flingalingling my semalinglingen on her titties and her pwusy lips big sexo pwussy lops
Gonna thwomp thwomp mmmmuah baby those buds ?mm baby Im legit sex
Look at porno in bockground baby doin monkey grip with clean but I right now doin clean and jerk
Gunslinger me cumslinger
Going to piss on those SEXY abs abdominalsfeelin her pusy halls killing my children onn her tongue mmmm swimmies i suck her big clit suckit so hard GLARK GLARK GLARK suck thar clit head so nuce till it cumshot my face so gay so sex so legit im too legit to quit
Do what I do babygirl and in time you an I will be ronin TRAINS on your sissy
Day 1
dude, you want to see your sister naked.
you are part of the shitskin problem,
fucking degenerate.
hey, man's gotta get motivation somehow. OP is a faggot that is into incest. let him be.
What's your Bundesland?
Nice, i live in Mainz.
I would recommend you ss like some other anons already said. Good luck with your lifts and sister
white people were a mistake
ideal female physique
This entire thread I thought OP was female. Jesus fuck I'm retarded.