Be benching lmao 2plates

> Be benching lmao 2plates
> on gym wifi browsing fit during my 5 minutes rest between sets
> try to start a manlet hate thread
> mfw this ip is banned


> Proceed to finish my third and last 5rep set
> mfw

Attached: 1559405004348.jpg (1280x720, 382K)

switch on airplane mode, wait 10sec, turn off airplane mode, thank me later

Probably one of the manlets from the pit, sorry bro, better luck next time...

Attached: 1558473196921.jpg (1251x1096, 375K)

Tried this. Didnt work. How do they know?

Attached: 1558985209574.jpg (758x569, 86K)

Maybe it's based on data usage. I can't go on Jow Forums from the train wifi because the site uses too much data

Pay for pass

if airplane mode doesn't work try putting it into helicopter mode

>giving money to the yellow jew

Honestly people who would rather do captchas and deal with banned IPs than pay $20 for a service you use every day/week... those are the real Jews

OP BTFO, better start reading the Torah in between sets instead