>never fell for the "black is beautiful" meme
>if you have to continuously tell yourself something is true, it likely isn't
>want long, soft hair
>have to essentially buzzcut it to keep it manageable
>god damn it all
>want angular features
>have broad, gross nose
>no confidence
>no sense of belonging
>6'2" 24 year old black guy who is shy as a mouse
>not acceptable past the age of 16
just fuck my shit up.
On the bright side, you always have a chance with far left white girls if you can stomach them.
Im sorry that you are black, you have my condolences user
>if you have to continuously tell yourself something is true, it likely isn't
Isn't that basically what white people do by plastering their photoshopped faces on billboards for cosmetics and fashion magazines and shit? The concept of objective beauty is itself a meme. You can find something beautiful whether mainstream culture embraces it as such or not.
Apart from being 6'2, shit sounds like it sucks.
I'm sorry family.
Ay least you can destroy women with your monster cock.
White girls don't like black guys. It's just a meme. And if they do, it's because they see you as some dominant beast or something, which I'm not. Literally everything you hear about black guys on tv is a fucking lie. The far left girls you mention are just virtue signalling liars, who wouldn't give me a second glance. Although it's not really about what others think about me so much as it's about what I think of myself.
At least you're not a nigger user, congratulations
>it's not really about what others think about me so much as it's what I think about myself
Yeah, that's the big one and kind of hard to deal with.
Even if other people tell you otherwise if you already have a negative view of yourself I'm not sure what you can do about that.
Make it your objective to get your goals achievable my bot, you're incredible the way you are.
I like having long soft hair too but I have no idea how women do it
yo is your name AJ?
How has nobody asked this yet? OP- are you blessed with a bitch-breaker cock? have you measured it? how big is it hard? how big is it soft?
is it really that bad? i'm black and grew up in Canada. i didn't experience any overt racism until middle school and even that was pretty mild. i've never felt like my race held me back at all. though it is possible in not aware enough to notice. my family is jamaican and my aunts (god bless them) are super into pan african activism and for as long as i can remember they were the "we wuz kangz" "fight the white man" type. i'm probably one of the darkest people in my family because many of my aunts and uncles are fair skinned and many of my cousins are biracial. anyways, growing up i was never made to feel poorly about my facial features, skin or hair. yeah... i have my own preferences like i prefered getting my hair relaxed, i prefered how my skin looked during winter oppsed to summer. i think it all comes down to how you were raised. alot of black people go through a phase of being insecure about their race but hopefully you grow out of it. i don't tell myself "black is beautiful" everyday. just because you were born black doesn't mean you're ugly. there are plenty of naturally attractive black people. there are also non black people who are born unattractive. people are individuals and how attractive you are comes down to the looks your parents gave you. at some point you have to be comfortable with the fact that you're black (shocker, it's not a crime) and if you still believe you're ugly... well that's a YOU problem that you're unattractive. don't blame it on being black :v
My penis doesn't work anymore because of all the antidepressants I took from the ages of 16-19, and because of the general malaise and fear I've got going on.
Thanks man; god damn if I'm not trying to make anything out of this. Recently started an IT internship and killed it the first day. Built some great rapport with my boss.
You're a goddamn legend man. Truly.
Keep up the good work my robro
How big is it!!? c'mon bro, don't keep me in suspense. Just load up some porn and measure it!
I despise the phenotypical traits that were handed to me. So, I think it's appropriate to blame it on being black. It's not a "YOU" problem because I'm inextricably linked to my appearance and will be forever. That's the way it is. My short hair, broad nose, and sloping forehead are repulsive to me.
Are you lacking in reading comprehension?
What part of "doesn't work anymore" do you not understand?
you're 6'2 and black and still a faggot just kys.
oh fuck off nigger (sorry) come back when you're born in india
I'm sorry you're Hispanic and a mentally ill faggot.
I've tried to. I used partial suspension hanging years back and fainted, but woke up. An user recently informed me that you're supposed to sprawl your legs in front of you, and not crouch like I did. I want to try again, but not halfheartedly
No worries, man.
>I'm sorry you're Hispanic and a mentally ill faggot.
I am sorry about that too but atleast im not a nigger lol
>is 6'2
>crying on the internet because he's not pretty
I'm black and 5'7 you ungrateful cunt
If it could work I'm assuming it would be bretty big.
Kind of sounds like you're crying because you're not 6'2". Doesn't that seem blatantly hypocritical to you?
Have you ever seen a white person with a pig snout nose?
It's not just being black, white people can look ugly too.
If I were you, I would kill myself, but not before taking other blackoids down with me. It's better if you are not alive.
I've seen it, but it's not often that I do. Regardless, it's never just my nose I see; it's also my hair and weird, sloping brow.
You and me are a lot alike OP, except I have Asian facial features for some reason.
>tfw you'll never have cool white people hair that can have a million different styles and colors
At least your not alone in your situation, there are other people like you.
STOP! Now you're making ME feel bad for being a nog. My stats are a bit worse (6'0) but that helps for blending in.
Everything you said about white girls is true. They aren't attracted to the black guy but the IDEA of a black guy. They want the tall, strong, dominant bad boy who no one will mess with. This idea is constantly reinforced in the media which makes life harder for us black bots.
Start learning to love yourself (I know it sounds gay and retarded) change the things you can and accept the things you can't. I always wanted to have a haircut like big boss in mgs v but can only really get a buzzcut or fade, oh well.
Stop posting anime girls, you arent cute you subhuman ape
>6'3 Jow Forums autistic blackbot
>women hate me for existing
>get cops called on me for no reason
>by chance meet cute small asian girl on dating app
>literally the girl of me dreams
>sperg and spill spaghetti everywhere
>hasn't responded in a week
it's over bros
I mean yeah, but still. Fuck you.
There are 8 billion people on earth. Of course there are people like me.
Yup, pretty much.
>click on thread for black guys
I would never engage in a sexual relationship with a congoid ape..sorry
You literally made an entire thread about how you don't pretty enough.
Imagine being this much of a vagina that you can't use the cards you've been given because you're "ugly".
Being 6'2 on it's own is good enough for most people. You shouldn't complain when you're that tall.
I'm 5'7, while i would like to be taller, I'm okay with my height and i accept it.
I'm not gonna call for the attention of a Malaysian octopus breeding forum because of how aesthetically disadvantaged i am.
good for you lol you faggot
>I'm not gonna call for the attention of a Malaysian octopus breeding forum because of how aesthetically disadvantaged i am.
What's your point? That's your prerogative, I guess. I'm not deflecting; you are indeed a hypocrite. The information about your height was completely unsolicited. You criticized me for something you did yourself with your next breath. I don't know why you're so upset about this. Calm down.
Why are there so many self hating black people on Jow Forums
Its a little sad really
I've been very clear in enumerating the parts of my appearance that I don't like. Maybe try reading over them again. It's not confusing.
> I'm not deflecting; you are indeed a hypocrite.
>You criticized me for something you did yourself with your next breath
read my post again
>What's your point?
my point is that you have something to cover up for your "non-angular features" so you shouldn't be complaining
No you fuck off! At least Indians have good families and a rich history, what do black have (uh huh huh WE WUZ SLAVES where daddy at)
you hate the way you look
have zero (0) self confidence
(and im assuming) poor social skills
sounds self hating to me user
I'll keep doing it fag. I don't have to be cute anyway, that's their job.
You claimed the reasons weren't clear to you. I didn't contest the fact that I hate myself.
just a phase for most of us. usually it happens at like 12 or something but i guess for autists it happens later in life
It could be worse OP you could have been born with a self hating milf mom who hated your guts and worshipped bwc
Self hating blacks are usually higher iq
>Self hating blacks are usually higher iq
Can't say i agree after reading the OP
>self hating blacks are high iq
i hope this is just bait
I meant higher iq than the we wuz kang niggers that blame whitey for everything but obviously they're not as smart as whites or east asians
do black people even use the internet?
I don't hate being black, but I would much rather be white. Who the fuck would sign up to be black lmao.
>that shadow
>that shoop
>6'2" 24 year old black guy who is shy as a mouse
>not acceptable past the age of 16
I know that feel, except I'm short and white.
What helped me was getting entirely new circles of acquaintances, because I think I was stuck playing a role as a shy guy. With new people I could reinvent myself to some degree.
>6'2" 24 year old black guy
>I know that feel, except I'm short and white
Everyone on Jow Forums hates some part of themselves
just go to africa and overthrow the local drug lord, ezpz
>White girls don't like black guys. It's just a meme
At least you know that much. Maybe find one of those blackcel girls or something? I mean I dunno much about black women since I'm not black, but surely there must exist at least one who isn't a total cunt right?
Not having a girlfriend really isn't an issue for me. Along with the fact that I'm 24 and have never had a girlfriend comes a pervading feeling of immaturity and inadequacy, but that's no large problem for me so long as I'm making the next step forward in my life. Black girls are honestly kind of cringe anyway. YAAAAS queen and all that dumb shit. It's for the birds, man.
I guess, you can definitely work on shyness though, you really just need to put yourself into those insanely uncomfortable positions over and over until you gain social skill. I did this when I was 17 because I was sick of being a running joke among my classmates, and while I still ended up a friendless virgin I can do public speaking pretty well now and nobody suspects a thing.
It's not going to be pleasant at all but it's not impossible. You're going to make yourself look retarded and autistic, but eventually you'll catch yourself before you do it and that's when you'll function "normally" in a social sense and appear to have confidence.
I'm actually well liked and navigate social situations with ease, mostly. I don't mind the quiet. Everybody feels awkward sometimes. I've never pursued a girl. Although I am very shy when it comes to them. I don't really view the world through a lens that would allow me to have a girlfriend, if that makes sense. It probably doesn't, because it's my lens, lol. I guess I have the trappings of a guy who could date, but even the thought of speaking to women in a flirtatious context makes me feel as if I'm up to my neck in water. Not for me.
Ah, then you're pretty much just like me. I don't really see why you're complaining though, if you're alright with yourself being as you are. but personally for me I'm not so I'm trying to change. Frustration and dissatisfaction is your brain trying to tell you something is wrong, even if it doesn't know what that is yet.
black women are honestly the worst thin to happen to society since jews
As far as I can tell, they were great in my mom's generation but the current generation is just awful.
Because black women back then had to improve themselves to get a husband. Look at the mc's wife in True Detecting s3.
>succesful author
Nowadays black women either go the ho/influencer route of cardi b or the #wokenomics of sjw twitter policing everything
There are next to none just working on being productive individuals that will make good mates for equally accomplished men.
Add to that online dating, tinder, premium snapchats, instagram, etc and they have a live feed of thousands of thirsty fucks willing to literally eat shit out of their assholes for money so they never actually feel motivated to do anything
Then if you do come across the rare as fuck decent black woman that would make a great partner, guess what nigga, she only dates white or asian guys
Life is truly hell for the blackbot
This is definitely the best way to improve your social skills
>haha bro just like go out and get some friends haha
shut the fuck up honkey. if i even approach someone in class they assume im trying to get them to do my work for me or sell them drugs. and the only time they come to me is when they're looking for someone to buy weed off of
Imagine actually wanting to be a mayocel
Fucking lul, faggots
>shut the fuck up honkey
Woah there nigga, chill the fuck out. Whitey might not know how to react to you at first but there's more colors besides that, and whitey will probably be relieved if you tell him you aren't trying to get him to sell drugs or whatever. Having a big scary looking guy in a group of friends is always beneficial.
If he hates broad noses he's probably gonna have a tough time finding a unmixed black girl he's attracted to
>>shut the fuck up honkey
>Woah there nigga, chill the fuck out
i was joking lol
>Having a big scary looking guy in a group of friends is always beneficial
I'm not some fucking ornament to parade around like
>haha we have this huge nigger here who will fuck you up if you mess with us btw im not racist i have black friends
>i dont even know his name we just call him to hang out so we look inclusive af
>Maybe find one of those blackcel girls
yeah right after i find a pegasus my nigga
you are an example of what happens when a black person doesnt grow up around their people. look at what these sick cave mutants have done to us baka
Yeah brotha I got a dream, I gots a dream. Yeah we know.
not my fault. my family is african and we only hung around other africans. african americans in my neighborhood were all junkies and criminals so i was forbidden to be friends with them
Think positive, user. At least you're not a ni-
Oh, wait.
You act like you're the only black guy who's shy uwu to exist, meanwhile all black girls are cringe kweens. Get over yourself and grow up.
>i'm the only black guy who was raised like this
I know tons of Africans raised in America who didn't fall for the victim complex and made something of themselves, unlike you pathetic fuck.
Patently not the case. None of that's true. In fact, I explicitly acknowledged that I'm not unique in my shyness. Maybe cut it out with your canned responses and interpretations because it makes you look like an illiterate prick. Or don't, it doesn't matter
>didn't fall for the victim complex and made something of themselves, unlike you pathetic fuck.
When did I say I had a victim complex lol? I do just fine with my career and finances. I just have no meaningful personal relationships. Nice job trying to insult me tho lol
I mean, I'm ITT commiserating with a bunch of other black guys who feel the same way. You're a retard.
Well it's no wonder your race is a failure.
I agree with you. But it's not because of me.
Yes it is, your exact mentality is why. Have you ever tried to communicate with your people? There's no way only you feel the same way, it sounds like you blow them all off like they're all beneath you. It's not like Whites are never gonna accept you.
Nobody looks like the image they idealize, you should try to improve your appearance by dressing and getting the hair you think fits you the best.
You should be the best person that you can be, while keeping the best person you'd like to be as a platonic goal to strive to. Ultimately we all are who we are, and we have to make the best of it.
I literally not two posts ago reiterated that I know I'm not the only one who feels the way I do. Yeah, the ones who live in South East DC, for example, are beneath me. I'm not afraid to admit that.
>african americans in my neighborhood were all junkies and criminals
>in my neighborhood
>All these gross generalizations
In my neighborhood when I was a fucking kid. I moved decades ago and I live in a white suburb now. Only a fucking retard stays in the hood when they can get out
I hate blacks. But that's utterly irrelevant.
OP, haven't you noticed? Haven't you ALL noticed? Something is terribly wrong with everything. All underlying structures are falling apart. No race, society or culture has been spared from this all consuming rot that has emerged in everyone and everything. I have no reason to complain personally - I'm just your average guywith a comfy life and no inherent problems, and even I feel it, a kind of surging darkness permanating everything and everyone. Threads such as these are just personal reflections of the same.
Become a girl instead user, I believe in you
Oh look, it's the mentally ill tranny, that's tsun for black cock ITT. What a surprise.
Your description is pretty relatable, but I'm six years younger than you and only 5'6". Don't beat yourself up over things you can't change, that won't get you anywhere.
>It's a little sad really
More like it's annoying to watch them beg for acceptance on a Singaporean boat making forum (not necessarily this thread, but it's the same vein) with posts like
>'I'm black, but look at how much I'm not a NIGGER, you guys! I'm so special and my character traits are so rare for black people, because all other black people are walking caricatures and stereotypes except for me!'
>I don't hate being black
>I would rather be white
>I don't hate being black though
Yeah, sure.
>More like it's annoying to watch them beg for acceptance
OP here, I mentioned nothing about my personality. So that's just nonsense.
Not him but u have a low IQ fucking lol
U can not hate being something while wanting to be something else
Hey, how about you use that energy to stop the far Left and their racists agendas? I tried doing that but I'm not dark enough and I'm "passing white"
What energy? I don't resent them for being virtue signalling liars. That's just the way it is.