>.2% of the world's population
>highest IQs
>control worldwide finance and politics
>extremely wealthy
>keeping alive a 5000+ year heritage
>look like this
Remind me again why whites think they are the master race?
>.2% of the world's population
>highest IQs
>control worldwide finance and politics
>extremely wealthy
>keeping alive a 5000+ year heritage
>look like this
Remind me again why whites think they are the master race?
OP, they look like this.
Because Greeks were white and Greeks laid the foundation for western society which was then adopted by every notable predominately white nation
>highest IQs
Yeah.... No.
Now get lost, you kike.
Your dank epic memes are not real life, friend
>highest IQs
Israel's average IQ is sub 100 though, only the Ashkenazi (heavily Europeanized) are supposed to have super IQ, although it's not actually as high as the supposed 115 they claim as average.
they are a mix with greeks anyway nowadays ez
just check and compare them, some jews have other eastern european admixtures, but pretty much eastern europe = master race, believe it or not
Ashkenazi Jews have had success in a variety of academic fields disproportionate to their small population size, including science, technology, politics, and law.[8] For instance, Ashkenazi Jews have won more than one quarter of Fields Medals, Turing Awards, and Regeneron Science Talent Search awards. People of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are also disproportionately represented among world chess champions (54 percent),[9] National Medal of Science recipients (37 percent), U.S. Nobel Prize winners (29 percent),[10] and Nobel laureates in medicine or physiology (42 percent)
>Jews at the top of Finance, Politics, Law, Medicine, Physics, Math, Hollywood, even Chess in disproportionate amounts
>Believing their average IQ is below 100
reminder that ashkenazi jews are white
Reminder that you should be made into a lampshade, Shlomo. You are not white
>tfw no IDF gf to snuggle with
How have I not killed myself over this yet?
>Hated by every civilization at anytime in history.
>Still Hated by everyone today
Proof that muh IQ isn't everything. You can be the smartest snake of the jungle people will still treat like a snake.
nor are your highly cherrypicked examples of 7/10s
the average jew is neither rich or smart or remotely beautiful, especially not the men
Lol Greeks aren't white
Not now, but they were 2500 years ago.
>eastern europe = master race
Eastern europeans are litteral sub-humans.
Israel accepts all jews. That means sephardic jews and others that can potentially bring the average IQ of Israel to sub 100.
I'm Ashkenazi with pale white skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes. I probably look whiter than you.
the greeks of today are the same as the ancient greeks.
"subhumans" that have made countless contributions to the arts, science, engineering, etc.
>posts israeli flag
Yeah, I'm sure your IQ is MUCH higher than 95, right, Billy-Bob?
>most racist group in the world
>most universally hated
>only flourish as a parasitical minority
>actual holocaust soon to happen
i'm glad i'm not jewish, it's not safe to be
What can explain the phenomena of Jewish genius lmao
>it's not safe to be Jewish
Mate they literally control the world's wealth.
And more importantly, the media.
indeed, they do
but you forgot:
>.2% of the world's population
that's what happens before they get expelled, dude. they control everything. then the 98-99% majority rises up and either exterminates them or tells them to GTFO forevet
>"Over representation in the economic elite of a visible ethnic minority of the degree found in Poland and Hungary was certain to cause trouble regardless of the identity of the group: if Belgians, Bulgarians, or Bolivians had constituted 62 per cent of the highest income-earners of Hungary, rather than Jews, that would certainly engendered resentment against them ... To us [Jews], European antisemitism appears to be a weapon of the strong against the weak, a kind of ideological sadism. To European right-wing nationalists of the post-1870 period, however, antisemitism appeared to be a weapon of the weak against the strong, an attempt (as they saw it) by a downtrodden nation to regain control over its resources from a separate, distinctive minority which appeared to dominate the economy -- an aim not unlike that of anti-colonial movements in the Third World vis-a-vis the Europeans and foreign entrepreneurial minorities (like the Chinese throughout South-East Asia). The Zionist movement understood this perfectly well, however disturbing such a perspective may seem to us viewed with post-Holocaust eyes.
>Moreover, research is most likely to demonstrate a very considerable actual Jewish over-representation in many other social and political areas which figured largely in the litany of continental antisemitism of the post-1870 period, especially Jewish participation in the radical left, the liberal professions, in journalism, and in the media."
-- W. D. Rubinstein, Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 42, nos. 1 and 2, 2000, p. 18-19
>Poll: Most Americans believe Holocaust could happen again
>Most Americans (58 percent) believe the Holocaust could happen again and half think it could happen in the United States, a survey released on Holocaust Remembrance Day showed.
>Almost half of Israelis say another Holocaust is possible
cool it with the antisemitism guys
As a Lutheran who spent all of his formative years in a dominantly Jewish community and a dominantly Jewish school system, Jews are the ideal "whites". They are not racist and are far more beautiful, cultured and intelligent than your Walmart ass could ever hope to be.
It helps to actually know people instead of adhering to some invisible boogyman the internet told you about that you need to blame all your problems on.
Yes, and? That just means they believe it could happen again, not that they would support or even allow it. A lot of people thought that Trumpy was going to start a genocide, and everyone that actually believed that also strongly opposed it.
>That just means they believe it could happen again, not that they would support or even allow it
obviously they wouldn't support it! they would be getting slaughtered. history repeats itself, dude
they've been kicked out of hundreds of places, it's simply a matter of time
>A lot of people thought that Trumpy was going to start a genocide
not really though, nobody actually thought that unless their IQ was, like 12. in other words: you
>and everyone that actually believed that also strongly opposed it.
the one person that believed it (you) opposed it. wow, you really stopped trump from murdering all jews! congrats bro, your greatest accomplishment in life
>They are not racist
the religion of judaism is, at its roots, a racial supremacist religion. there are several underlying themes to the behavior and attitudes of religious jews. the most fundamental theme is that the jews have been chosen by their tribal god, yahweh, or jehovah, depending on how you want to pronounce it, to own and rule the earth. one can see a quite explicit statement of this theme in the book of the jewish "prophet" isaiah. in the 60th and 61st chapters of isaiah, the "prophet" raves that eventually all the wealth of the gentiles shall be delivered to the jews, that the jews shall -- "suck the milk of the gentiles" and -- "eat the wealth of the gentiles," while the gentiles all become servants of the jews -- or to use isaiah's quaint mode of expression, the gentiles shall -- "stand and feed your flocks" and -- "be your plowmen and your vinedressers."
also, "not racist" isn't necessarily ideal
my university had the most jews of any university in the state. i had 4 jewish roomates.
it helps to actually know history instead of adhering to some stupid propaganda made by jews solely for the purpose of improving their vision of one another among the gentiles
>my university had the most jews of any university in the state.
i meant in the country, by the way
>by their tribal god, yahweh, or jehovah,
That's the christian god too. And the muslim one too ffs.
>obviously they wouldn't support it! they would be getting slaughtered
Do you even understand what I wrote? Is 58% of America Jews?
>the rest of that post
Yeah, you really don't have any reading comprehension.
indeed, that does not refute anything i said though
>Do you even understand what I wrote? Is 58% of America Jews?
gentiles thinking a holocaust will happen is worse. jews are known to be more likely to have schizophrenia, because of genes
>Yeah, you really don't have any reading comprehension.
please explain exactly what i said that was wrong: be specific!
>posts real pic of ascended god race master race
>"heh no they look like this meem from r/pol ebin style xD"
>according to Jow Forums jews pull all the strings on literally every faucet of power world wide in the most vast and powerful conspiracy ever
>according to Jow Forums jews have controlled whites through religion for thousands of years
Jow Forums is right. Jews have been shaping and controlling humanity for thousands of years. They control everything. There won't be a race war, the Jews have already won. They are the master race. Jews control everything. Might is right. Simple as.
Jews > Asians > Whites
>gentiles thinking a holocaust will happen is worse
How exactly? Like I said, they don't necessarily see it as something good or desirable, just something that might happen. If you asked people if they think WWIII might happen, I imagine most would say they do think it could happen sooner or later, that doesn't mean they actually want it to happen. Just that they think it could happen.
>please explain exactly what i said that was wrong
>obviously they wouldn't support it! they would be getting slaughtered
The "they" I was clearly referring to, and therefore the "they" you are referring to is the 58% that believe another holocaust could happen again. So no, "they" would not be getting slaughtered in another holocaust against jews.
>not really though
yes really. Where do you think the "right wing death squads" meme came about? Pro tip: it was in REACTION to what people actually thought.
and the last part is just you continuing to not understand the previous point so I don't need to explain that one.
In conclusion, you need to work on your reading comprehension.
I for one, accept my jew overlords
thank u joos for making tendies and animay waifs