Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because they realize just how badly they've fucked up their body and mind...

Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because they realize just how badly they've fucked up their body and mind with HRT/surgery?

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The suicide rate is so high because people just won't leave them alone and talk shit about them at every opportunity.

no they probably kill themselves because they hate there bodies something which girls like oding as well

Absolutely wrong. 2019 society is a tranny hugbox. You're ostracized if you take issue with them.

of course not the literal genital mutilation and fucking up your mental state

no it's because most don't get hrt/surgery, the suicide rate drops after they've undergone such treatments

>2019 society is a tranny hugbox
If you live in California, maybe. Try being a tranny on the internet and you'll see how retarded this is.

>Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because they realize just how badly they've fucked up their body and mind with HRT/surgery?

No they kill themselves because they suffer from body dysmorphic disorder. The HRT and surgery is just the last straw since its inevitable failure proves that they will never be female

because they realize that it is virtually impossible to change their biological sex. that they've been lied to by everyone who supported them.
tl;dr trannies will never pass so they off themselves

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literally the most retarded pic I have seen bailey jays over 30 and is completely fine

>I have seen bailey jays over 30 and is completely fine

She's balding

>Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because nearly everybody attacks them on sight.

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lulw no she isn't faggot you are just a seething cuck she looks better than most woman at her age

I don't mind the incredibly small amount of passable trannies desu

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They claim that it's because they're "oppressed"

Black people in America had absolutely shit lives 100 years ago, however, they didn't have a 50% suicide rate. It's pretty obvious that trannies kill themselves because they have a mental illness that causes them to mutilate
their bodies. Do not listen to he's retarded and has absolutely no argument against me.

Probably the realization that "oh wait... a man dressing like a woman is the polar opposite of what it means to be a woman... It's not beautiful, it's not elegant... It's a literally horrifying monstrosity, far worse than just being a gay man."

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literally has a female brain metal illness stop being a faggot

>look at this one tranny who's doing well

good grief you're pathetic

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so what? the pic represents the average mentally ill tranny, there are some old ones but they look absolute ridiculous and are mocked to oblivion

but we arnt talking about hons here faggot we are talking about passers

Black people had a large community of other black people to support them, they also had family and religion to get through hard times. Trannies don't have any of that, you're retarded if you think the situations are comparable.

Im a 33 year old guy and my hairline looks like this

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I am 19 and my hair looks worse

The transition period makes you feel good because it has small, attainable steps towards a reward, which allows you to ignore the dysphoria because you have something to do. Once the transition is over, the magic falls away.

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Any proof that's the original?

"Oppressed"? Who are you quoting? But its pretty obvious that they are undoubtedly harassed and bullied. Be a tranny 90% of the states in the US, hell be a tranny in ANY non-Western country. Go on Twitter and be openly trans and tell me you won't get shit on. Be a Twitch streamer, do anything on the internet, hell go make a thread on this very board with just the phrase "Hi, I'm a trans person." and tell me you won't get shit.

Yeah the situation isn't comparable because blacks actually suffered real opression. They weren't to blame for their situation. In the other hand trannies think the world owes them the right to proudly show their personality disorder and their insane ideology.

search up source literally one image and nothing else you edited that 100%


lmao sorry you're a blind retard but everyone else with functioning eyes can spot a disgusting tranny a mile off

I like how you didn't address any of the points, faggot. Go kill yourself.

You may or may not get shit on (one can dismiss such criticism as "hate speech" and even report it on most social media platforms), but you'll also get support from progressives and liberals.

>you edited that 100%


I wish I had your magical eyes that I can spot a passer from a mile away

Bailey Jay looks like a washed up hobo compared to the goddess Emma Ellingsen

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doesn't matter anyway faggot receding hairlines wont matter in the future there are treatments already out

In most circumstances you'll just get shit on. Liberals who are super into protecting trannies are a small number. It doesn't matter if there's ways to block people because you can't just exist in those environments. You can block people all day, they'll just keep coming back.

Living a life of lies has its repercussions when they all come down.

Anti-trans people will never admit that trans people have it hard. They think that San Francisco represents the entire world.

All the sources of that super tiny image are from Jow Forums, it's obvious it's an edit.

This except for the last chapter. There is no "cure". You can't "pray it away" or get therapy to make you feel like a man. HRT and surgery are a stopgap but you can't fool yourself forever. One day you'll notice that it's not going any further. You're still a guy in a dress. Only now you're a freak as well.
You can stop trying to look like a woman but you can never stop feeling like you're in the wrong body. You can drown it out with drugs and try to distract yourself from it but there'll always be the little voice in your head going wrongwrongwrong, killing any enjoyment or feelings of self worth.
Is it any wonder that it leads to suicide?

>mutilate yourself
>try to convince everyone else to respect your made up bullshit
I don't deny mentally ill people have it hard, in fact i'm convinced they should be hospitalized or put in a mental ward.

A-Am I a real woman yet?

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I addressed your points retard. Trannies don't deserve any kind of support that encourages them to continue in the error of their ways. The only support they need is the one that they deny. People that actually want to help them to see through the lies of liberals and idiots like you.

At least you've stopped pretending you're not an asshole.


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no tranny has a female brain, except for the reverse traps

But Jazz Jennings clearly said "I have a girl brain in a boy's body". That SETTLES it!

and i could say you have a dog brain in a humans body, but that doesnt mean its true

>Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because they realize just how badly they've fucked up their body and mind with HRT/surgery?
One can only hope...I can hear the vaginas popping in despair...

>Is the rate of transgender suicide so high because they realize just how badly they've fucked up their body and mind with HRT/surgery?

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fpwp kill yourself

>and the brutal, cold, reality slowly descends...

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If you cant accept basic shit like the sex you were born into it will drive you mad and lead to you offing yourself

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Same in 2019 most people are fine with being a home but they realize that after they chopped off their dick and need to keep their franken vagina from healing itself

it looks like a normal pussy after ive gotten a hold of it!

Jesus fucking Christ reality is dark.

Someone has the video mentioned here?

But is the suicide rate higher for MTF trannies or FTM trannies? FTM trannies are usually either sane and okay or tumblr freaks in my experiences.

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>love knows no limits
Those are very dangerous words.

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Dating life for a tranner is absolute hell and the reason I didn't go past hrt, here is your potential dating pool:

>People who fap to trap porn/hentai and will flake irl
>Experimenters who are only looking to pump and dump
>Closet gay men who are using you as a stepping stone before moving on to normal men
>"Straight" men who will actually date you and treat you like a normal girl until it comes time for a serious commitment
>Creepy AGP transbians

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do you have any researches for the actual rate instead of the rate of attempts

trannies solved it long ago, they either date a girl or another tranny

fp red pilled post

trannys get shit on 24/7 just not as openly as before

you really don't get that gender dysphoria is an actual mental illness right faggot?

>not liking loli
3dpd is kinda nasty but it's better than nothing

except very few girls would actually want trannies

Post op tranny with 3 failed suicide attempts here. The reason I've tried to kill myself is because my vagina is really disgusting and I can't cope with that. Its an ugly vagina.

BUT that doesn't mean that being a tranny makes me mentally ill. Thousands of women kill themselves because of body image issues, around 50% of whom try it because they have an ugly vagina. For example my sister - a BIOLOGICAL woman - attempted to hang herself because a sexual accident with her boyfriend caused her vagina to become more outspilling and she couldn't cope with it. so she tried to kill herself. and my vagina looks 10 times worse than hers. It sickens me. I think if I described it, it looks like a knight with a copper suit of armour had a cannonball shot through his chest, then he died, and the coppery bloody fleshy chest hole then got maggots growing in it an the maggots ate so much flesh they turned red then the red maggots exploded then a vulture came and pecked at the flesh for a while. it fucking disgusts me but the fact is that MANY women have vaginas just like this and its NOT because I am transgender. Its because I have a common problem. Men DON'T have this issue because there are no ugly penises. Ugly vaginas are a public health crisis. I have tried to have my doctor punished and his license revoked for the poor job he did on me and may win my case but i feel bad for women who are biological and cannot sue their parents for creating an ugly vagina.

So thats the answer. We aren't unstable. I'm very very stable but my vagina is fucking hideous, so why should I exist? I transitioned so that i could be a vagina for men. I wanted to make men happy with my tight and very pleasant vagina, but its not tight or pleasant, its disgusting. I HAVE shown it to a man and he fucking laughed in my face and said 'i don't want to eat that I'm watching my carb intake and that looks like white rice cooked in tomato'. if men weren't mean about vaginas we'd have less suicide than biowomen.

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No, I know it's a mental illness. I just think it's disgusting and abusive that society coddles this specific mental illness.

based and vomit pilled

Timestamped mangina or you're bullshitting

Try being a black person on the internet lol.
What is your point? We're not killing ourselves

have you missed it's ten days post op i.e. ten days after a major invasive surgery. swelling and redness are completely normal but it looks like some seams were torn or something

kek reminds that my pussy through the four college years pic indeed

>caused her vagina to become more outspilling
What do you mean by this exactly? I'm imagining it prolapsed somehow.

that depends... non-op twinkhons probably wouldn't have much problems to attract one

>I transitioned so that i could be a vagina for men. I wanted to make men happy with my tight and very pleasant vagina
user pls it's a very poor larp

satanic trips of madlad cunny dilator

>Liberals would argue that trans children should be able to have this done to them

That was his can't just say you have a girl brain and have it be true.

I think so.
Just imagine,
>you start off by maybe putting on a dress or something. You don't have a girlfriend, so maybe you can make yourself look like the kind of gf you want?
>People find out about your newfound crossdressing fetish, and everyone is super positive and encouraging!
>"You go, user! You totally can be a real girl if you want to!"
>Mom helps you out and puts you on hormones. She's so proud of her new daughter!
>Hormones make you feel weird, but you want to make mommy proud. And everything will be better when you're finally a real girl, right?
>You've been on hormones for a while now. Your penis doesn't work like it used to, you get moodswings and you have manboobs - but when dressed like a girl and in makeup, you kinda look the part, right?
>The day is finally here, you're getting a vagina! Your journey is done, no more hormones, no more weird floppy penis-thing! Anonette, a real girl!
>You wake up from surgery, your crotch feels weird.
>"Do you want to see your new vagina, anonette?"
>Doc brings a mirror and holds it so you can see

I'd fucking kill myself too.

>telling people your a mental degenerate on the internet

kill yourself tranny fuck

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This is an absolute lie. Do not listen to this poster. More than 70% of people that transition suffer worse gender dysphoria symptoms post-transition. The post-transition suicide attempt rate is much higher than the non-transitioned suicide rate.

Males nowadays are usually pretty effeminate, but no real female ever tries acting masculine.

>insane rant about his 'vagina' and how he tried to off himself
>"We aren't unstable. I'm very very stable but my vagina is fucking hideous, so why should I exist?"

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I imagine they sometimes stop wanting to be the opposite gender and one day wake up just to suddenly realize that "OH FUCK, I WANNA GO BACK" but there's no going back.

The answer is yes but people are afraid to say it.

that's outright bullshit, user

Black people were slaves. Trannies get called names that hurt their feelie weelies. You're retarded if you think the situations are comparable.

In the most trans-friendly countries the suicide rate is still extremely high. Also, other minorities, like blacks, Hispanics, lesbians/gays/bisexuals and religious minorities don't have a 40% suicide rate and never have. Blacks didn't even have a 40% suicide rate during slavery and segregation.

the entire thread is evidence of this

there's a difference between physical barriers and emotional/social barriers

if you cannot tell suicide rate from self-reported suicide attempt rate you could kindly stop posting already

alienation, problems with finding a work, problems with finding a partner, sorry but trannies have it worse than nigger slaves

>Become a freak
>Why won't anybody hire/fuck me!!?!?1!
Someone didn't think something through here

Its high because it has been scientifically proven that trannies have serious mental problems!

it is unlikely to happen on hrt albeit possible (women get androgenic alopecia too, albeit for them it usually looks as diffuse thinning, there other causes too). bailey as a porn actor likely went from hrt for a while, it could cause problems but desu it is probably edited if you can't trace it further than Jow Forums

Probably going to get flack for this, but I'm a feminist and this shit pisses me off.

I tried being open minded about this and spoke to a transgender friend about this, but instead of actually engaging with me they linked me to this Contrapoints Youtuber. Immediately I found several things wrong:
>he actually talks about how hormones altered his personality and sex drive to be more like a woman's
Which prompts me to ask - if you weren't eternally already like a woman, then why the fuck are you transitioning?
>promotes sexist lies such as how men "need" to cum every single day and how women don't
Tell that to men who are voluntarily celibate and do not masturbate. Tell that to me, a woman who masturbates about everyday, sometimed multiple times a day.
>says that women love romance and bullshit whereas men can just fuck anywhere and anything anytime
And yet he still admits to having regular, constant affairs from Tinder? And completely ignores social factors which may discourage women from riding the cock carousel with impunity? Or why men might not want random casual sex and may require romance?
>says that feminine penis is real because it's soft and can't cum
So he associates being soft, weak, and unhealthy with being a woman. And the modern left applauds.
>makes a video about BDSM where a feminist who doesn't like people masturbating to women being hurt is shown to secretly love it
And everyone appluads because he's a woman. If Lauren Southern said that, she's be crucified. It's shocking how even self proclaimed "woke" women show men greater solidarity and kindness than our actual sisters. And people tell me male privilege is a meme.

This is literally the male conception of the female reproductive sustem - a fuck hole that needs to be fucked by a phallus or it ceases to be.

I'm tired of this world.

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a slightly better larp than the previous one in the thread

If you're comitted enough to go through with HRT and surgery it's more likely "i'm still not a real girl and i never will be".
It's the reason i never even tried transitioning myself despite knowing i'm trans for near two decades now (read: before the whole internet hype about it).
If i can't be a woman i can at least pass as a man, have a reasonable social life and not get shit on by society on top of feeling terrible about myself.

you should pair up hrt with cosmetic surgery if you want to pass. most people can't afford plastic surgeries however so that's why we don't see many passing trans people.

do you think you might rob yourself on your shot on happiness? it was two decades

In 10,000 years if archeologists stumble over something like modern day Death Pits of Ur, and it was filled, ostensibly, with today's toxic stew of 67 genders, do you know what DNA and bone fragments would tell them about genders? It would tell them the mass grave was filled with the bodies of men and women. Period.

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