
Sunday Afternoon Blues Edition

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Timothy James Byrne, is a nice lad, a kind lad, and a very very mental lad as well.

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Off to the gym now, bye

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>with her fucking hands...

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Tim is annoying and his music is shit

4th for Banbury Oxfordshire England

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Looks like she's a, er, big girl.

Don't shit yourself when lifting lid

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Why is she wearing jammie bottoms lad?
Tell that bitch not to leave the house in PJs

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how else do u finish off the hard to cut pieces

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You've gone quiet when asked about how much money you actually have. You're happy to brag about your day rate, but you're quiet about your actual net worth. You live like a pauper so surely it must be a high number?

Is she trying to impress you by eating all that hot spicy food?

>jammie bottoms
it's a dress?

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State of those bingo wings Kat Slater would be proud.

trannies make me sick, you were once a man who was capable of cutting food and now you're neither man nor woman and you're bested by a piece of fucking pastry

imagine being a bird with big knockers that would be mental

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It's a lad, lad

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It's a fucking state lad. Tell that cunt.

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Is this Cola and WeatherAnon out on a date here?

>Don't shit yourself when lifting lid
>got a squat and deadlift PR to hit

>titlod's tranny arc begins

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You've still not answered my question. How do I live like a pauper anyway.

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absolute slaw tier

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Right lads, time to 'christen' the new bog

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Fucking disgusting, Imagine being at nando's with the boys and this fat cunt in a dress walks in.

Good thing me and that lad don't eat at shut shiteholes.

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i'm alone again, i don't have my scottish best friend anymore

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>those porky man paws

>How do I live like a pauper

You live in a shit flat in a shit town and you drive a shit car.

>What do you consider a respectable amount of money?

It doesn't matter what I think lad. But if you show me over 50k I'll be happy to accept that you're telling the truth.

w-w-we w-went to nandos
/britfeel/s favourite restaurant
my stardust mayuri


Been to the gym and morrisons.

I shall be swiftly departing the thread as that normal fuck C*la continues to pollute my computer screen. Ta Ta.


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Who did you inherit your gaff off shippy lad.

Really makes me want KFC

based shipoo

I haven't spoken to my 'besty' in almost 6 months. He said someone told him I said something about him, so I said I did and never messaged the cunt back. I'm not 12 and dealing with he said, she said bullshit.

Fuck mates lad.

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36th for nuking your ass

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wouldnt get out of bed, would just flash my tits on cam 3 days a week and live it up

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why do you keep posting a 200bong watch to show off? if you consider that expensive you're clearly poor

Luckily Weatherfu was on hand to pick up the pieces.

LOL that's a brilliant shit post.

I'm sure he did after Mayuri rekt your ass the little cuckboi

I just like the watch mate, got a new strap for it yesterday. The watch is my daily beater.

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Going to pop to the newsagent soon, going to buy myself a lot of munchies but I hate buying munchies because I take ages so can you lads help me?

Tell me what munch I should buy I have a tenner to waste.

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but it seems like you're trying to show off with it?

also why do you use such an insecure tripcode are you stupid?

wheat crunchies

I *think* I might present as female when starting my new job tomorrow

Hopefully I can stay brave for another 24 hours

State of these fucking threads

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Do you mean the crisps or the cereal?

Nah it aint me and I at least know I would never pass.

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>but it seems like you're trying to show off with it?
I took a photo mate, because I like it, and thought you lads would like it too, so I posted a few pics of it?

>also why do you use such an insecure tripcode are you stupid?
How is it insecure.

why do you consider it brave when the societal standard is tolerance, I mean even if someone hates trannies they can't say it at work, I mean it's not really brave since it has no risk

Whats makes it a state?

Is that Sophie Turner? Very surprising.

>How is it insecure.
if you look at the archives either someone else uses the same tripcode as you which would mean you're a stupid fuck who can't think of a good password or you've been lying about almost everything

At least it will give the other workers something to laugh about together until they get sick of the freak show

1000 posts in a few hours

The crisps lad, havent seen em in years

Trip nonces lad

Fuck the lot of them

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It's getting silly

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yeah mongs seem to think scea is entertaining because he's so quirky and weird xd

just filter it and reply to good posts

whats wrong with saying lad lad?

I honestly think Jow Forums would drastically improve if they got rid of tripcodes and instead in each thread you can toggle if you want and ID or not but once you turn the ID off you can't turn it back on

lad you need the lid pill

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>tfw you take the lodpill

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It's because they think this is a social club where they can be overly familiar. It is weird.

So still nothing about your savings lad?

Starting to think you're 100% a liar now.

Had a good meet
I think I ate more nandos than them both combined
New song on SoundCloud and animal pics when I get back home

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Jealous cos you don't earn a fraction of what I do are we.

And if my TC's insecure - tell me what the password is numbnuts.


>dolled herself up

I bet Mayuri is seething.

lol he's a lodpilled fag I bet you call moni lodass

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Cola doesn't look like a bloke. Doesn't look like a woman either, Cola looks like a tranny.

When I've saved over 100k I'll post it, with proof.

The guy with the jewfro looks disgusted

I met a bean muncher when I was 21
Oh boy, did he take his time to open that ring pull can
The beans were Heinz
Britfeel's favourite brand
As he buttered the roll, I knew he could be the one

Oh, beans heartbreaker
Tell me where you've stashed your cans
Oh, beans heartbreaker
Give me just one buttered roll

I took him to mine and he laughed at me for only having 112 cans in my cupboard
From then on, I always called him my sweet bean munching Shippy
And I'm not sure if either of us had ever been more farty
He was just the sweetest BNP member to have left my rolls munched

Oh, beans heartbreaker
Tell me where you've stashed your cans
Oh, beans heartbreaker
Give me just one buttered roll

They say that the shelf life of beans is eternal
As is true of death
And that you only ever buy your cans in dozens
So my sweet bean munching Shippy, you'll be munching beans until the end.

Parents, they had the good old SCEA foresight to save up every penny then buy a place cash to avoid a mortgage, albeit a lot smaller. Then gave me this when they got the new place

Cola clearly looks like a bloke once you disable the filters, the Yasim snaps prove this.

>Cola looks like a tranny.
Because he's wearing makeup.

How about just posting with proof whatever you have saved now?

Because it's 5 quid?

>I bet Mayuri is seething.
hahahahahahahahaha cope

Christ my bladder has been hurting all day. It gets relieved a bit when I take a piss though.
Had 1 shit this morning that absolutely exploded out my ass but it feels like that was just the tip of the iceberg

tinned benny money user is richer than him

We've heard all about how you told her you loved her and that you were glad your first time was with her. Now she's about to get railed by two lads at once.

State of you lad.

>taking the bait AGAIN

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>They say that the shelf life of beans is eternal

In desperation, but near the use by date they get very dry and awful tasting

>be 100% depressed
>cant find any friends with the same interests

why the fuck is it so hard to find anyone interested in nerd shit? weaboo or westaboo is fine.

This country is probably the most unfriendly fucking place in all of europe for anyone who isnt a football NPCtard I would probably have an easier time befriending the immigrants

Right... washing up time, laundry, quick visit to the store, dinner, finances, bed.

The guy with the cheap leather jacket and wraparound shades looks pure autism.


Counting your change isn't going to take that long lad.

>quick visit to the store
SCEA just outed himself as a Yank.

I watch anime with my friends every other weekend or so. We're currently on DBZ Super and Kai.
I'm sure you could come along.

Mayuri is in the gym making gains for real ladies while his cumdump is on the rebound with her 2nd and 3rd choices.

Hardly any shops are open at this hour
And who calls it a store

I'm a 26 year old neet with a meme degree thinking of taking up a two year gubberment software dev apprenticeship.

It pays a little less than my meme degree jobs, but they guarantee a full time job after.

What do? My biggest concerns are how old I am/will be at the end and how bad I am at maths.

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Exactly. Put that together with the fact we know a Yank with his tripcode regularly posts on Jow Forums.

Baptiste on tonight lads! BBC One

>projecting your fantasies onto cola
state of you lod

>tfw no Les baisers d'Alizee

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Lot of places open to 10-11pm lids

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Can you normie cunts fuck off? Why do you come here and annoy us?