Your nerdy black weeb gf is pregnant

>your nerdy black weeb gf is pregnant
What do you do?

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can you just like

I probably, like, could, but why would I?

looks like her belly is about to burst up

>What do you do?
turn her on her side, and gently rub her pregnant tummy, while trying to find my way into her pussy with my cock.

>your nerdy black weeb gf is pregnant

(bruh sound effect #2)

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Grab the baby oil

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Today is abortion day.
Let's kick her down the stairs.

Damn i unironically love her fat lips and nose

I need non ghetto black girls in my life so bad

"Traditionally" black features are very cute on women imo

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That girl is literally a 11/10 in those pics.

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Ewwww Normie meme

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Same man. Don't you wish she was having your baby?

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I really wonder if she was bleached.

Good bet, she looks like she fucks white boys ;^)

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I hate how much I love these stupid fucking threads

I kinda wish she'd just stay stay like that and I could put my hands on the belly. Shame that pregnancy lasts so little.

Her belly looks really tight and sensitive, she'd probably love you giving it a nice rubdown massage.
No more of her unfortunately but here's another pregnant ebony.

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Niggers are not human true

Sadly this isn't nearly as divine looking as the one posted before.

One day anons, one day we'll find the qt nigress of our dreams.

>"No fair~ Of course you won again! Let's see how well you concentrate with a baby constantly kicking you!"

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Would be better if her belly was becase she was just a fat ass with a chubby buried little black snatch.

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I had sex with a black girl in a car once. I came inside her without a condom and it felt awesome.
She did things to me , rather than my having to do anything, and she dropped me off home and then she got into a car accident and she wasn't wearing panties.
Police arrested her or something. I don't quite know what happened to her after that.

I know, she really is a one-of-a-kind qtpie

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Absolutely not. Pregnant belly is 100 times better looking than fat belly.

>socially autistic robot father and self-hating mother who wants to give her kids "good hair"
How would you feel if these people raised you?

This 110%. This is coming from a fat chick lover.

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>there is a qt black christian girl, willing to be a stay at home mother, full of trad values while also being a naughty little slut who likes to get called a nigger when you fuck her in the ass, waiting for you out there

I believe anons

She looks like a sassyboone

Am I the only guy that finds pregnant women disgusting? They look so fucking bloated and gross.

>naughty little slut who likes to get called a nigger when you fuck her in the ass
not sure about that one buddy. why can't you just fuck her?

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She'll be sweet to you user

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>Am I the only guy that finds pregnant women disgusting?
Yes. They look like fertility goddesses.

>a naughty little slut who likes to get called a nigger when you fuck her in the ass, waiting for you out there

Thats like, unironically so fucking hot

>Am I the only guy that finds pregnant women disgusting?
No user, alot of men have shit taste

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Idk about qt but ebony is pretty close to that

What do you mean? Do you recognize yourself in the description?

why can't she just stay pregnant forever
its not fair

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i take care of our baby and my waifu

Because then you wouldn't be able to knock her up over and over and over again

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Find a judge and get married!

There was a femanon who used to poet here who is pretty close to that description, so they exist

Take responsibility whyte boy, you know you want to

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Well I'm white, so I'd marry her first of all.

Black fembots are meant to be married and impregnated

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Hopefully she doesn't try to give it some dumb weeby name

wake up from the nightmare and be thankful im a virgin

yikes, those tits are fucking disgusting

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Get her to vore me.

Problem solved.

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Yes, good, keep your skinny pasty child nippled cac women.

Cry moar black boy, all your sisters, cousins and aunties are getting COLONIZED by BWC and there's nothing you can do about it!

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This achieves the same end to all the brainlets who don't get it by now.

Can I have a husband that likes LSD and Nurse With Wound list music then? Thanks.

thank you for reminding me why I hate white men

Jealousy is inevitable.
After all, knee-grows LUST after the BWC as much as negresses!

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>>your nerdy black weeb gf is pregnant
Wtf? How?

We do want white men. Black men and men with dark skin are pretty much the only group of men I find filthy

Nobody can stop you from being gay, but you should appropriately take your complaints to

How many nigglets does she keep inside her belly?

Put about 5 more babies in her after this and get that sweet, sweet gubmint money

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But white dudes who like black women are usually turbo dorks who know they aren't masculine/desirable/accomplished/etc so their only way of feeling powerful is by giving a woman from an inferior race his """superior""" white genes.

>tfw you will never commit massive welfare fraud with your black breeding sow gf
>ywn spend the rest of your lives raising your qt mixed children and never having to work again

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Why do all the best black women get bleached?

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So? Even the worst white guy is better than a black guy, and actually I have experienced a fair number of really handsome white guys being into me because of a fetish

speak for yourself, ebony.

If you are dumb enough to still go after black guys then enjoy that I guess. More and more black girls such as my friends are learning it is better to date out

you should kill yourself like you promised

>black men well-earned a reputation for being thugs, beating their lovers, knocking them up and running, never having a job, never seeing their kids and going out of their way to shit on their own women
>not a word
>some white dudes on Jow Forums have a fetish for breeding black women
>UUGGGHHH fuck white men, god I hate those fucking oppresors!
You're a bit of a retard huh?

You're not a woman cuck, stop larping

>blacks treat women like garbage
>not going extinct
>whites treat women nicely
>going extinct
Just got redpilled boys

You're taking the wrong redpill from that. It wouldn't be that way without the government's interference and the proliferation of welfare

>teala dunn
>best black women


>"Put your hand right here user, you can really feel her kicks there!"

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I ask wheres her brother and quench white bussy tighter than Stacy ever could for him

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>"Ready for the beach user? I know we are!"

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This version of Ebony Breeding seems to fit Jow Forums.

Agent - the eyes of the harems, gathering intel.
Scout - first-contact women, do the recruitment (usually)
Operative - do the "processing" of the Cows, preparing them for breeding
Staff - the women who take care of the Cows once they're in the facilities
Ace - the operation planners/admins
Shade - sterile black women who harvest black sperm when needed
Syren - black women who recruit white bulls
Bull & Cow - self-explanatory
Steer - a white bull whose sperm is deemed valuable, but for whatever reason cannot mate with black women direct (usually either gay or impotent). They are turned into the next definition if possible.
Milk-Bull: a white Steer milked of his sperm by machine, usually by a Syren or Staff.
Envy-Cow: Non-black chick, often white, who wants to join the harems as Breeding Cow
C-Sister: Fully assimilated non-black Breeding Cow, considered one of the herd.
Courier: a white chick who works for the harems, recruiting white bulls inside heavily white areas the harems have trouble getting into
Asset - a light-skinned black Syren who can get white bulls inside the heavily-white areas
Cuckqueen: self-explanatory. Usually either white or Asian.
Queencow - an amazing productive black cow when it comes to milking. Also used to describe veteran cows of great size.

(Why did I come up with all this BTW? Because I was bored and horny for a full month, lol)

Calf - a scrawny ebony cow prospect not yet at breeding weight.
Rustler - auxiliary white chicks who assist in the pleasuring of Cows by Operatives
Blade - strong muscular black woman employed as security
Alpha - Any white Bull who successfully impregnates a Queencow without artificial insemination
Forward - Surrogate female impregnator who does last requests of a Bull, via artificial insemination
Local - White bulls born inside the harems themselves
Empress - Highest ranking Queencow of a harem, liason between cows and personnel
Avenger - Elite Blades, specialize in rescuing women from hellish environments. Stealth extractors.
Succubus - Reward harem members with intense, prolonged pleasure.
Tease - Walking Fetish Fuel. They hook white bulls on black women well in advance of any matings.

black people can't be weebs. they're too busy stealing and performing half naked mating dances on one another

Pleb taste, the real goal is to become the cow

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thank god for late term abortions and thank god the apes are industry leaders when it comes to abortion

Such nice bellies, but gross fucking faces and hair.

Why do I feel like its a black girl making these posts

Oh yeah cause black girls are fucking insane and jealous

No its a white college user thats literally failing his classes because he spams this shit so much. You must be new.

The bored horny musings of a guy working long hours at a repetitive job. You do anything to keep your mind occupied.

Here's a Scout leading a Calf prospect to an Ebony Breeding Cow facility.

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Breed the cow, milk the cow.

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Milk trucc has arrive

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Breeding is best.

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Ebony qts need white seed

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I see you guys are spreading from /b/ to Jow Forums

The Ebony Breeding Fetish shall claim the internet one day. But one realm at a time.

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Pregnant fat chicks are the best.

>your nerdy black weeb gf is pregnant
LMAO I got someone pregnant that kid is gonna be fucked

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Fuck her brains out and pump another one into her as soon as the kid is born. Also source?

What's this from?
What's that from?