Is it normal to have a fat belly when I don't flex my abs ? How do I deal with this ?
Pic related but it's not me
Is it normal to have a fat belly when I don't flex my abs ? How do I deal with this ?
Pic related but it's not me
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No one has abs all the time unless you are ridiculously low bf. If abs are not flexed the intestines push em out.
How do I get a flatter stomach without flexing then ?
It's not visible most of the time, so who cares?
Be not fat. You're fat OP
Pull your colon out of your ass so it takes up less room in you.
Come on man where does all that fat go in the left picture. This is as fake as your moms tits
Did you just eat your 1 meal a day after taking the first picture, OP? Are you forcing your belly out in the 2nd pic?
posterior pelvic tilt
You put on a ton of weight OP
You had it... then dropped the ball
wtf, how lol
You can see it through the clothes if I don't flex
This is a common known "tactic" in the "diet" industry to sell supplements and diets etc.
Healthy and in shape folks with take a picture, then eat like a horse for a week or two and take another picture.
The use the before picture as the after and the after picture as the before, and "buy x,y, or z and you can accomplish this too!"
pretty sure both of these are taken moments away from eachother. look at his arms, his phone, his outfit and the room
definitely not, you can see from area around his belly button, you cant suck in the fat around there
the pictures are like 5 seconds apart retard
look at the fucking clothing wrinkles, one might be photoshopped but these are very clearly taken moments away from eachother
are you retarded, look at his ribs and lower abdomen, there is clear fat that is non existent in the ripped pic, you cant suck in fat in those areas, get in front of a mirror and try it for yourself, once you have a fat belly, even if you suck it in, the fatroll remains on the lower abdomen no matter how hard you flex
Same thing with me but i just like beer and i drink a lot. Not only beer but also a lot of drinks with gas which are pumping up my stomach like the nuclear reactor of Chernobyl one second before it's explosion.
Solution might be easy.. just cut the stuff that blows your tummy and make it look like the ass of Kim Kardashian.
are you retarded? do you seriously think he hardened his clothing maintained his bodyhair exactly and has the exact same bodyfat on his arms and hands then didnt change his bathroom at all just to get this fucking picture? whats more likely is that he used photoshop or has some kind of rare disease
Jesus man, I'm OP and I tell you I've got the same shit as this guy. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here that's got to deal with this shit.
shit man, I mean everything is real on the internet right ? you probably believen in those infomercials as well, I mean they are filmed n shit
Im telling you its photoshopped you dense faggot
damage control
Do you drink a lot OP?
Only once a month, that's the thing.
Which exercise would help ? Planks ?
this is pretty extreme, but if you drop all tension in your core your belly is probably going to hang out a bit, as a man anyways, regardless if you're fat or not
I do intermittent fasting and after a post-workout 3000-calorie protein shake, the food baby bloat is real.
be a twink
>How do I get a flatter stomach without flexing then ?
you dont
your abs shouldnt be relaxed by default
keeping a 'low flex' should be an automatic function, like breathing, blinking, and keeping your jaw shut
tie a belt around your stomach to relearn funtional posture
>stomach in, cheast out
Post body. You've obviously never had abs. If your stomach is bloated or your posture is bad, your abs will still show if you're actually lean, they will just be placed over your rounded belly. OP is just fat and sucking in his gut.
God I hate summer Jow Forums
no but your forgetting that abs serve a funtion
naturally abs are supposed to keep your intestines in
the tighter your abs naturally, the smaller the risk of disembowlment
thats why belts were historically, always worn around the stomach and not the waist
you are supposed to 'low flex' your abs by default, relaxing them to the point where you look bloated is just sloppy
all that is physically happening is your intestines are trying to spill out the cavity under your ribs.
again, they taught us this shit as children
>stomach in, chest out
Damn, it really is THIS easy to detect fatties who have never been fit in their entire lives. Nobody has unflexed abs. The stomach naturally bulges out when all tension is taken out of the muscles.
>inb4 some incel says "post body"
Here, I took these photos just for this thread to illustrate my point
Flexed: when I'm taking a picture or in front of people at the beach/pool
Tucked: how I walk around 90% of the time fully clothed, just basic posture
Unflexed: how I am when I'm sitting or lying down
Somehow forgot pic
Also, OP is clearly baiting because he's forcing his stomach out, but the point still stands
Start doing vacuums
it's not photoshopped; you can push your belly out to make it look like a beer gut for the first pic, and then suck it in a flex your abs for the second pic
the OP is clearly photoshopped, this one is real
>Hey, Mom, I'm thirsty mama, i want some milk!
I'd bet money that the OP isn't photoshopped, he's just forcing his stomach out. For him to photoshop it he'd have to have incredible attention to detail with the lighting
All ab exercises performed with your abs pulled in like a vacuum will help.
But id you are bloating because of indigestion you need to figure out why and fix your diet.
Could be lactose, lectins, gluten, etc.
Look at that too, but desu your belly should not be that far out during rest for the bf% you are at.
except that it's no OP
I have APT and when i try to force myself into the good posture, my penis is sticking out as if i had a semi boner. I don't even have a big dick so why is it so noticeable on me? Most guys in my gym don't have the penis impression on their bulge
Everything in the photo including phone position is in the exact same place
Stomach vacuums
this is a consequence of roids
huge amounts of visceral fat
this guy will die within the next 2 years of heart failure
Stop mixing beer with aspirin.
I'm lean, but I've got a bit of fat below my belly button. I guess I'll have to cut 2-3 more kilos for that final little bit to melt away.
Arnold said something similiar about pulling your gut in. So how do I relearn it? Just flex my stomach 24/7?
its normal i had the same problem, it went away with vacume and posture
None of that has to do with whether or not they show. If you actually have abs they show whether or not you're flexing them. Remember that muscles sit *behind* subcutaneous fat so if you're not fat, they show through. Op is sucking in his fat gut.