>You need to put yourself on the level where your body doesn't want to keep going and when you reach that point you keep going and what you will see is basically your body will be put into overdrive and thats how gains are made.
Robert Lopez
Owen Taylor
i've been lifting for 5 years and look better than zyzz
Jack James
>i've been lifting for 5 years and look better than zyzz
He said, without not posting his body.
Jace Thompson
Congrats on making it brah, did you stay Natty? If so even more props to you.
Connor Barnes
post it
Hudson Richardson
God damm, no one comes close to Zyzz's aesthetics. He was the perfect genetic specimen.
Andrew Stewart
roids are genetic, bro
Carson Brooks
this sandnigger took roids def not a natty
Easton Rogers
>how to get overtrained and injured
Landon Russell
post body