Skinny skeletor here
190 cm tall, 66kg light, 3000kcal a day since April havent moved a single kg
Doing Greyskull 4 times a week
Are there any good supplements i can take to actually start gaining weight?
Skinny skeletor here
I already said i am eating 3000kcal a day
And yes i fucking track every macro and weigh all my food
It's literally not possible to be 66kg and eat 3000calories a day for 2 months and not gain weight
Supplements won’t do shit, if you have a thyroid issue you may need thyroid hormones, get tested for that if you want to. Other than that, eat more, try 3500kcal
Lol I had a friend like that. He was 6'3 and 130 and swore he ate 3500 kcal a day and couldn't put on weight. I'm 6'5 and 215 and eat maybe 3700 and he ate like half as much as me every meal. The fact is your probably overestimating how much you eat. Try and eat "6000" calories and you'll start putting weight on. Honestly the only way I escaped hungry skellington mode was by eating until I felt like throwing up.
Unironically consider GOMAD. Like seriously, GOMAD is made for skeletons that claim they cannot gain weight.
Well, it's not enough. Supplement vitamin b, probiotic yogurt, and eat more food for fuck sake. How difficult could it be? I've been eating 7k calories for 6 years of my life. Easiest shit I've ever done. Just eat calorie dense foods like pencakes, crepes, sugar syrup. Eat loads. 3600cal. Not enough? 4k
Same. 190cm, 67kg currently. Though I gained around 3kg in the past four months, which I assume was mostly muscle.
I'm 6' and maintenance for me at 185 lbs is about 3500 calories for my level of activity
More food
I'm 6'3", 78kg, was lifting 5/week, now 4, one hiit and one liss sessions on rest days. Most calculators were giving me 2700kcal for maintenance. After my last cut, i was increasing calories up to 3600, but the scale doesn't go up consistently - reverse dieting works.
Bump calories 400/day on weekly basis, when you gain too much, go back by 200.
100kcal adjustments are worthless.
Brainlet, you're not eating enough.
Sounds like you need to dirty bulk. Eat more calorie dense foods. Milkshakes, deserts, anything for the extra calories.
Eat more food, im 5'7 and im eating nearly 3000 cal daily, on greyskull aswell.
You need to get this through your head, lanklet:
This. So many people miscalculate and end up under eating.
I am you fucking dense retard
I count everything
Yesterday i had
400g cooked white jasmin rice ~ 400kcal
300g/ 3 whole wheat wraps ~ 570kcal
300g cottage cheese ~ 200kcal
200g oats ~600kcal
800g chicken ~800kcal
3 protein bara 3x200kcal
Then add oil and sauces like ketchup and shit and its over 3000
Eat 4.5k calories a day and do a test blast for 16 weeks. I was 133lbs in January and now I’m 178lbs. I eat a bag of chicken nuggets a day which is 1000 calories, and drink a gallon of milk, which is 2500 calories, and then I add 2 scoops of mass gainer which is 1000 calories.
Pic related is me in January
Me in April
Good work :D
Are you leaving behind food or what lmao there's no way you're a skelle for eating that much
I'm the same height and have to consume 4000 calories daily to see very slow weight gain. Just force yourself to eat more. It hurts but gets easier.
I fucking hate it when faggot ass skellies claim they eat like a truck and don't want to admit they simply don't eat enough
Fuck you, stop finding excuses, do GOMAD
>Skinny skeletor here
Nigger i already went 1000kcal over TDEE
2000+1000 too hard to count?
4k or u gay
is that a challenge?
I've been trying to make my stomach bigger by eating lots of volume and stretching but it doesnt seem to work.
I bloat up hard after eating and go to bed and when i wake up im not hungrier or feel ''empty'' i just feel normal again.
At that point just start taking drugs....
based l00poster
Yeah, same with fat people who cry about not losing weight. I've been both skinny and fat, you really do tell yourself that you're doing more than you truly are until you finally stop being a little bitch and admit to your own faults.
This. Im 196 and want to reach somewhere above 100 for fights and have been eating a little over 3000 for 2 months and alread gained around 2 kilos starting at 94kg
A gain is a gain, truly mirin great job.