>Energy levels.
>Social interest and investment.
These are, initially, mostly aspects of nutrition.
>Energy levels.
>Social interest and investment.
These are, initially, mostly aspects of nutrition.
PS: For fundamental starting points, realizing that vitamin C supplementation in amounts near 15g is plausibly where a lot of health is. Even small animals are producing 10+ / day. It's also very important in cellular energy and stability.
(Doxycycline is an antiobiotic … with a natural analog: Carvacrol, derived from oregano, etc.)
A Bit out of my expertise when it comes to quantitative molecular biology but I'll debate the OP. To this day I'm not convinced that a huge impact on the brain-endocrinological system and balance is this prone to dietary influences. Or to keep it simple - nutrition doesn't seem to cure hereditary depression.
>supplete 15 grams of vit C
>piss out 14
Based on …
Because A). human efficacy at sperm+egg to adult, even with minimalistic diets – and scholarly articles' rarely controlling for full nutrition – suggests so much potential; B). substrates of neurochemicals (5-HTP for melatonin and serotonin; L-DOPA for epinephrine and dopamine) are "very quick and effective". [Image.] Furthermore, "the rate-limiting step [of steroid hormones' biosynthesis] is the transport of free cholesterol from the cytoplasm into mitochondria", suggesting the benefits of dietary cholesterol (else, production of which is actually really expensive). … Metabolites producing fresh cells is the dietary definition of youth.
>lots of protein (Examine.com suggests 1 - 1.5 g/lb.)
>all vitamins and minerals (*)
>omega 3s (evidenced benefiting telomere lengths, asserting their utility as building blocks – especially important because of rarity in foods)
>powerful antioxidants (E.g., ORAC: Cinnamon has 131,420; cocoa powder has 55,653; coffee, the top contributor to America's antioxidant intakes, has only 2,780. Yet astaxanthin has 2,822,200; and Croton lechleri has 2,897,110)
>substrates of Acetyl-CoA (cysteine and glycine), NAD (B3s) …
>choline (especially beneficial for acetylcholine – and potentially even preventative of effects from botulinum toxin, plausibly correlated with sizes of bodily features … )
It's ~ 4g x 4.
At some juncture(s), it becomes hydrogen peroxide, which is assisted by various safety metrics also.
are you trying to promote parkinson medication?
levodopa is a shit, one, long term use causes problems that are worse than the disease it treats
Doesnt vitamin C require a transporter to get through the gut fully? So unless injected you only benefit from so much?
Also for antioxidants, Curcumin+resveratrol+EGCG injections making me feel great
L-DOPA is a natural product of the amino acid L-tyrosine. It's also available as extracts from some flora, in some potencies as much as 99%.
Taken properly, it's really safe and beneficial.
Protip: Antioxidants are neurotransmitter protective.