30+ Thread

30+ Thread - Pic related

Something is wrong with the world but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Take delphine for example, her kind have always existed on the internet but never at this level. Usually it'd be a small group of sexless nerds donating to some e-ho, but she's getting huge amounts of donations meaning there are regular people donating to her. Why? Like what happened between then and now that sending money to an e-ho isn't seen as sad?

Or how people walk around decked out in aheago faces on their clothes.

Or how videogame streaming has consumed everyone's attention, where gaming till you piss yourself on a stream isn't detrimental to your streaming career.

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34 year old here, was thinking about steaming some retro games for fun myself

>34 year old here, was thinking about streaming some retro games for fun myself

also 34, I upload videos of Transformice

To make friends. Life is pretty lonely

Finally going to shoot myself wish me luck in the afterlife lads

>some retro games
Which ones, fgt and where are you located?
I want to join the fun.

>To make friends. Life is pretty lonely
Doesn't seem like the greatest strategy to make friends.

Was that some 90s cartoon that only aired in america (and uk cable tv)?

That is the most punchable face I have ever seen. I want to knock her out.

If thirsty beta incels didnt exist that pay 200 dollars each for meme photos she would be on her 4th abortion while trying to pay off her gender studies.
Since theres such a huge demand for garbage open mouth photos, people do it.

NES and Genesis stuff, like Castlevania and Shinobi. I don't have a setup yet so I can't now

Gonna be 30 in July. About to get a studio apartment and live a bachelor lifestyle.

It's a video game /v/ sometimes plays
come play user


>Since theres such a huge demand for garbage open mouth photos, people do it.
But WHY?

If she appeared in the 90s or the 00s (or even the very, very early 10s), she wouldn't have gotten such a huge following. I mean, people seem to be fucking, partying, taking drugs more than ever these days so why is she so successful now among the normal people?

>she would be on her 4th abortion while trying to pay off her gender studies.
I'm not taking a jab at her, I'm just curious.

Uhhh okay sexist.

Delphine is brilliant, you can use her to enrage wagies. Those poor fucks work 40 hours per week and don't make half as much as a thot sticking her tongue out.

Oversaturated market. Find something original and maybe then you'll be able to get some extra cash, faggot.

t. Beta Incel or Woman

So I'm the only person on this thread that thinks the aheago face being "normal" is insane? Like how far are we from inflation porn being normal?

Don't derail or take bait.

I don't honestly believe it's a good avenue for making money lmao. I have no idea what is nowadays

Please no

I don't think there's an afterlife for this universe, God's too embarrassed by it. He's gonna work on his other universes.

sup faggots, life is pretty nice
Still looking for a job though

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If i could make 154k a month by playing dressup and making stupid faces at the camera i'd do it too. My dignity isn't worth THAT much.

>Still looking for a job though
HOw are you surviving?

I don't care what whores or incels or game streamers are doing, fuck them. I'm living my life bro

>If thirsty beta incels didnt exist that pay 200 dollars each for meme photos
This. Men make a market for such things because they are literally pathetic. Instead of spending that money on a date or possible future wife they spend it on e-whores.

33 here, life could be worse I guess. Just bought a new PC and it feels nice to play all the games I have on max detail. Fancying a girl at work lets see how it goes, if things don't work out I'll just play more video games

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>HOw are you surviving?
with my savings that are almost out

37 male. Pretty satisfied with my life. Thinking about going back to school. Maybe some type of engineering or computer science.

39 male
actually quite happy with my life apart from a few minor things that get me down. Not talking to anyone nor really looking as i'm working on improving various aspects of my life.
Also been listening to music alot after years of almost no music. Feels good hearing jams almost 24/7 again.

trying to escape cali
just want a house in the country somewhere i can shoot guns off the back porch

>people seem to be fucking, partying, taking drugs more than ever these days so why is she so successful now among the normal people?

Things are coming to a head, the planet is being destroyed and the weather gets more fucked every year, people have to work harder and harder just to stay afloat, people can tell the end of this civilization is near, people are giving less fucks
Cool car what kind is that? I resent how easy it was for earlier generations to own nice cars, I cant even be a lowlife with a badass car these days we just have to be poor

32, no hs diploa, no ged, virgin, former heroin addict. do i win the biggest total loser award

>Things are coming to a head, the planet is being destroyed
>tfw just staying alive to see how interesting/bad everything gets
I'm betting the nukes fly sometime in the next decade under external pressures

>former heroin addict

Okay bucko, how does one manage to hang out for years in heroin den with massively slutty young hotties literally tripping out and be a virgin

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I'm betting he ordered it off bitcoin.com

because i'm pathetic. there was this one druggie girl that i used to hang around with and we'd get high and nod out while watching movies and tv shows. i liked her but when your on that shit you dont really care about sex too much, it just totally overrides that, i didn't even bother jerking off when i an addict

Opiates make you lose your sex drive, it's not that unheard of

I'm just waiting for her to slip up, post some photo with a black guy or something and see her income go to shitter

>Things are coming to a head, the planet is being destroyed and the weather gets more fucked every year, people have to work harder and harder just to stay afloat, people can tell the end of this civilization is near, people are giving less fucks

At the risk of sounding incredibly fedora, you think the normalfags can tell sonething's *extra* wrong with the world today?

It feels like a Brave New World. A whole society based on just pleasure. But it's "our" juvenile pleasures. It's just so bizarre.

42 year old here. Resisting the urge to go on eBay and buy myself some vintage computers of the sort I used back in the late 80's/early 90's, because honestly they were nicer and less distracting to work on.

>Something is wrong with the world

In no particular order, read the following: "The Collapse of Complex Societies" by Joseph Tainter; "The Ecology and Sociology of the Norway Rat" by James Calhoun (or the shorter article by the same, "Population Density and Social Pathology"); "Limits to Growth" by the Club of Rome; "Political Ponerology" by Andrew Lobaczewski; an amusing little article called "A Beginner's Guide to Devastating an Ecosystem"; and just for fun, "Prometheus Rising" by Robert Anton Wilson. Tl;dr, we're way more fucked than you probably realize, and I'd recommend taking up applied apathy instead of continuing to care.

They guys who would donate $200 to Belle Delphine aren't getting dates, let's be real

Looks like a Pontiac Fiero to me.

Fair enough. It would be easy to find a local whore who will offer sex in return at least. Maybe even a nice gf experience.

39/male. I'm resisting the urge to go buy more ti99/4a parts so I can play parsec and hunt the wumpus again

Good books.. a few are very read worthy.

Been thinking this for several years now. I feel like I'm living at the end of the Roman Empire or something, all the signs are there that any decade now we will really fuck it. But most people roll their eyes or think I'm high when I say it

>Things are coming to a head, the planet is being destroyed and the weather gets more fucked every year
This isn't true tho, global warming is a scam

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Yeah but that's ugly and real, and asking an autistic weirdo in the U.S to try and seek out a whore is a recipe for disaster. Getting something like a gf experience is almost sadder in a way, because it involves paying another person to pretend they enjoy your company
When you donate money to an e-thot, you get some nice photoshopped pictures, and with Belle Delphine in particular she preserves the illusion of purity by never going full nude. It's enough to delude yourself into thinking that you're getting some quasi-personal experience with a girl who's actually attractive

no it's not you moron

I want to do this too. only I and the computers I want are 10 years younger. The first computer I had as my own was a Slot 1 board, that's probably what I'll wind up getting. When I can summon the will to deal with fucking ebay

you'll probably wind up in hell user, which will be worse than this.

Old fuck here. Women like her have always existed. But the structure to be a web whore has not existed til fairly recently.

in the 2000's she'd be doing trashy websites, with some porn on the side

in the 1990s, she'd be working at a Hooters, and doing modeling (the old school kind), and working her ass off at strip clubs.

try getting a job

>implying the only sane explanation isn't that this world actually is hell

>no it's not you moron
yes it is.
For instance you cited "extreme weather", but actually the weather is milder than even just 100y ago.

Do you honestly want sources, info, data or are you a normalfag ?

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31yo wagie here. I became single after a four year old relationship a few months back, dating life is centered around social media, which I think is just a bunch of bullshit. I guess I have to take pictures of good moments and share it with everyone now instead of just enjoying them to show those who are interested that I am a normie with an interesting life.

Or just stay single. That sounds good too.

I've always been intrigued by the huge rise in popularity of cam-whores on twitch. How did they gain so many followers/donators/subscribers? Let's be real here, they aren't popular due to their content.

I don't think it's a case of the streamer being hot or physically attractive. Nor do I think men frequent these streams for the sole purpose of a sexual release. I mean, you have porn for that.

I think that these cam-whores prey upon lonely men who are, most of all, simply desperate for "interaction" with a real, live female. Most of their streams consist of them reading chat and donations, and showing just enough fake appreciation to keep these men on the hook. They even act like they are friendly or care about the donator. They are literally prostitutes but they aren't selling their bodies. Instead, they are selling human contact. The urge for some sort of female contact/interaction is stronger in our modern society, and it's something that fewer men can get irl so they turn to the whores on twitch for their fix.

The worst of these men, though, even have fantasies of meeting these whores in real life and falling in love. It's akin to the abstract concept of a waifu, but involves a real whore.

its easier than going to strip clubs

29 here, going to Uni in September for engineering. How are you preparing and whats your motivation?

what's your steam account? i can play with you.

Yeah, it certainly is. But I'm thinking that the two are separate forms of human contact. The strip club is a form in the literal sense. Cam whoring is something else entirely. It emulates a very real and desired form of intimacy that exists between two people, and which these lonely mean strongly desire even if they know it's fake.

Paying for sex I can understand, but paying for a cheap imitation of a real relationship is on a whole other level.

Even as a friendless loser the last thing I'm going to do is pay some streamer to acknowledge my existence, I honestly don't know what people get from the feigned friendliness. I can only assume it's kids and stupid people who are easier to emotionally manipulate and be duped into thinking the relationship is reciprocated. It's just the same as idiot fans who think they know an actor because they've watched all their films and build a false image of the person in their head.

Well said user. I do wonder if they even realize how fake it all is. Perhaps they do and are simply so desperate for the attention.

The growth of the internet has been absolutely explosive. Nothing can even touch it really in terms of the speed.

Gangnam style came out in 2012, less than 7 years. It got a billion views which was seen as astonishing at the time. Now music videos get a billion easy.

PewDiePie has like 60,000,000 subscribers. I think Ray William Johnson had like 8 million and that was a massive, unthinkably large amount at the time.

The internet has just grown so very much. And because of that certain ideas just stick around MUCH longer.

Minecraft is STILL a massively popular game. Not as like a series, the same game. Certain specific things have become just massively popular and the growth cannot be compared to any other time in history for the internet.

I mean, Kim Kardashian is essentially Delphine for the TV really, look at how much she makes for essentially being kinda attractive. We are just now seeing the internet becoming as profitable to be a star on as TV or Hollywood.

Some might but still might not see it as a problem. Personally I see it as rather unhealthy to start treating fake Internet personalities as real friends with your best interests in mind because more often than not it's the opposite, sometimes even with malicious intent. Once money comes into the equation then things change as opportunities arise to make bank from suckers, examples being that CSGO scamming fiasco or Belle Delphine emotionally manipulating thirsty men. Maybe they deserve it for being so weak willed, I don't know. Kids should be protected from it but once you're an adult it's fair game. Some people just don't learn and were born to be suckered out of their cash and you could say it's apart of the natural equilibrium.

Yeah, then she will only have a few millions instead of many.

All other things being equal, a lot of kids don't seem to realize that youthful attractiveness has a pretty damn short shelf-life. It's like being a professional athlete: for the most part, you make a shitton of money, but not for a very large percentage of your expected lifespan. If you're smart, you put most of it aside and have a plan for a second career of some sort. If you're not too bright, you spend it on bling and are totally fucked when your youth expires.

Punchable munchabke

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>. If you're smart, you put most of it aside and have a plan for a second career of some sort.

i dont now, but when i was young i knew a ton of stripper types who were making near 6 figures. And, i would always tell them, well shit, save every penny you make, 401K it, buy a house, you are retired in about 5 years. They'd roll their eyes at me and tell me, Whatever Nerd! I dont know about the cam whores, but the strippers i knew 20 years ago, all the money was going into drugs and weird lifestyle shit

Kek. Dumb bitches don't even like thinking about the future

>Whatever Nerd!
Funny thing, the only single ladies in my own age-range I see on dating sites are obviously crazy, fat and gross, or single parents. I would say something like, karma's a bitch, but seeing as we're both on the site, I'd say the truth is more like "everybody loses."

When all the barriers for sending money to someone online for whatever sex whatever are lowered it means that doing it seems like less of a hassle. The same way that looking at hardcore pornography is less taboo now than it used to be simply because there is easier access to hardcore pornography. This is a symptom of technology. If it wasn't men giving money to e-hoes it would be something else. There are always going to be people who exploit a system and people who are exploited by a system. You decide which side is which. But it's not their fault necessarily and it's not even a fault of technology; it's just a symptom of our society.

Just got all these books, thanks for the suggestions.
I already read about James Calhoun's experiments and the results were pretty disturbing.
I also read Prometheus Rising and I did not understand anything. What did you take from the book?

Scratch that, I can't find "A Beginner's Guide to Devastating an Ecosystem".
Where did you get that from?

Still insane to think that ultra-perverted hentai for otakus is being consumed by normal people.

All these *specifically* loser/nerd/otaku orientated things becoming mainstream and I don't know what to make of it.

Isn't it obvious, our world is spiraling into madness

>our world is spiraling into madness
What's the end result?

It's still hard to grasp, I mean, you(maybe) and me? We know what we are, and why we're drawn to escapist fantasies of this sort, why we're drawn to hentai, to gaming etc. Watching other people do it, people who should have other things going for them is...I don't know how to put it.

I mean, 10-15 years ago, normies would scoff at expansion packs and now micro-transactions and gaming-as-service is completely standard.

I wish I looked like her. Damn

Having a vagina would be a start.

Simple. More and more men aren't having sex because more and more women are just fucking Chad while waiting for prince charming to show up.

There are other threads for you to pollute.

I have a gash, I'm just not tiny and cute

>tfw raised by octogenarian Polish couple
The modern world frightens and confuses me.

>I'm just not tiny and cute
You can work on the tiny part.

Someone mentioned that this may be hell, I think it might be a specifically designed simulation for me and they ran out of material and just started using the memories inside my head before I died or went into a coma or something.

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I am, user. One day I will be beautiful and thin

That feeling when no big insecure gf approximately my age.

Well work at it I guess.

I wonder if this thread will still be up in the morning?

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You're already beautiful to me.

I know, I know, I don't count.

I am going through a heartbreak right now. I feel heartbroken.

I am chubby, not the best sense of teeth or style. I am on the verge of throwing money at a personal trainer and a stylist and getting braces.

I just want to feel not ugly for once in my life. I feel so worthless and ugly and dull and uninteresting.

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>I am on the verge of throwing money at a personal trainer and a stylist and getting braces.
And what exactly is stopping you? I mean, if you got the money?

I have money, just almost content with being lazy and living out my life alone and sad and ugly

>just almost content with being lazy and living out my life alone and sad and ugly
Why? Now that I'm thirty I can't stand being this fucking depressed. If you have the opportunity to improve yourself why not take while you still can?

It's way too late after 30, if you're a guy at least.

It's not a book, it's just an early-internet article that was intended to be part of a semi-serious "Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" themed site. But you're right, it seems there are no more live copies available anymore. Try this:


>almost content

just do it. you're just afraid of losing the fantasy by trying and failing. newsflash: the dream will die anyway when you're too old to change.

t. didn't try and old now

Whatever happened to the uncool people?

I've been just fucking around on VRchat just listening into conversations, and I swear every single person either has something going on their lives or are some sort of tech wizard making models and mods.

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You not worry about being a 40-something male competing against 20-somethings for graduate engineering roles? They're more likely to work longer hours, for shittier pay.

154k per month is nothing compared to how much A list celebrities and athletes make for similarly frivolous careers. Colin Kaepernick just got $80 million for being an SJW.

>Whatever happened to the uncool people?

>Whatever happened to the uncool people?
R 9 K

techno-industrial civilization collapse by 2050 friend
human extinction sometime in the following century if not sooner

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